Prophet’s Column “The Seeing Eye And Hearing Ear” ByJ.M. Little “The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.’' (PRov. 20:12). Our subject is “The Seeing Eye and Hearing Ear.’’ Now you may ask, doesn’t every body have eyes to see and ears to hear? No, they don’t. The seeing eye and hearing ear spoken of in this Scripture and others we will bring to your attention are created by the Lord in the new birth. Only those bom again have eyes to see and ears to hear in spirit ual matters. The reason the multitudes of you cannot agree with the truth I set forth from week to week in these messages is that you do not have eyes to see these things. Only those bom again can see them. With your natural understanding you ne ver will see them. " I am speaking in the spiritual rea lm, out of the things the Holy Spirit has taught me, and you are a natural man trying to understand spiritual things wfs your natural faculties, you’ll never understand the truth that way. 4 “And He turned Him unto His disciples, and said PRI VATELY, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” <Lk. 10:23, 24). What grace bestow ed upon the children of the Lord. The believer sees through the eyes of the Lord. And unless you too see through the eyes of the Lord you will always find yourself in opposi tion to the things the believer tells you of. When the Lord first creates a seeing eye and hearing ear in one of His elect what is the first thing the elect sinner sees? The elect sinner sees his dead and lost condition (Eph. 2:1, Lk. 19:10). Then as the Holy Spirit opens your eyes more and more you begin to see your sin of unbelief, the judgment you are under, and that you have po righteous ness* that WjB you to hea\*i> (John 16^-n). I When a cmil folic- mn- T no harm in this or that thing I’m doing, I know right off the poor soul has never been given seeing eyes by the Lord. As long as you are in the natural you will always be telling God what you think is sin and what is not. But if the Holy Spirit ever makes you alive to the fact you are lost, and that you are an ungodly sinner, you will shut your mouth and listen to Him. Some of you are not saved because you will not shut your mouth and take your place before God as a guilty sinner. You know too much to get saved! "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." (Matt. 13:9). When I read Scriptures like that many years ago I had no idea what the Lord was talking about, why? I was only in the natural and trying to under stand the Word of God with my natural faculties. When a sin ner is given the Effectual Call by the Holy Spirit (Jn. 5:25), thdvhe can hear what the J. M. Little Lord speaks to him. Until you are called effectually, you cannot hear one word from the Lord. I'll make this state ment; practically one hundred percent of our preachers and religious leaders do not have the seeing eye and hearing ear that the Lord creates in the new birth. That is why you have substituted man made methods of salvation. Brother, if the Lord ever gives you eyes to see yourself as you are before Him, you are going to quake in your boot straps. On the road to Damas cus (Acts 9) Saul of Tarsus was blinded naturally, but made to see spiritually. You thought Saul was only blinded on the Damascus road didn't you? Saul was awakened to the fact he was lost on the Damascus road. A lot of prea chers think Saul was saved on that road but that is what you think because you don’t know the Effectual Call and Holy Spirit conviction. i :__ _ seeing eye you see things you never dreamed of. You see that not only you are lost and under the judgment of a sin avenging God, but the whole world is under judgment. Ha ve you ever seen that? You eee come to see that all your past religious duties and works were just an abomination in the sight of God. You come to Ot tyat if^ttx> saved th< Lord will have to^do’ it all. And you stand there amazed at all the Holy Spirit is showing you about your totally depraved condition. You once thought you had some good ness in you that would get you into the kingdom at last. Now you see you had nothing but filthy rags (Isa. 64:6). You cry out; or wretched man that I am! You see yourself so wick ed you think there is no hope for you, and there isn’t any hope in Christ. If the Lord were going to damn you in Hell He would not be tenderly pleading with you and showing you your lost condition. Don’t resist the drawings and con victions of the Holy Spirit. It's the greatest thing in all this world to know Christ as Lord and Saviour. If you know Him, then you are seeing through His eyes and you are listening to His voice. The Lord said in John 10 that the sheep hear His voice and follow Him. Have you heard the voice of the Lord? If you ^Jiave^hen^oujireMfollowin^ Him instead of the world. All the world, religious and secular is following all this idolatry (Xmas) that came out of the heathen of Bablyon (Jer. 10). If you ever hear thS voice of the Lord you will come out of that heathen tradition! The Lord reigneth from the tree, the Xmas tree. Satan imitates everything the Lord does. Even Judas was hanged from a tree, there you see Satan's man dying on a tree in mockery of the Lord dying on a tree. I pray that the Lord will give you eyes to see the lost condi tion you are in, and ears to hear what He has to tell you about yourself that you may come to know Him as your’ Lord and Saviour. Let me give you another truth in passing; after the Lord was risen only the elect on the earth saw Him in His bodily resurrection. The un saved did not see Him after He was risen. Did you know that? He appeared to above five hundred at one time. We may go into that at another time. These things I tell you from week to week, I'm not speak ing from what some man taught me, but what the Lord has taught me. I never dre amed of these things years ago. Salvation is a Divine Work of grace wrought in the heart by the Holv_Spirit. Sal inaljgxga gfpfes siotfluid Jdininfptbe church Practically every church member lives in the world, no separation. But, if the Lord ever lays hold of your heart for salvation there will come a great separation. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Actor’s platform 6. Follows secretly 13. Even 14. Cure-all 19. Investigator 17. Groove 18. Aural organs 19. Stop 20. Musical instrument 21. Greek letter 22. Eully Satisfied 24. Nothing 29. Garment 27. Rodent 29. Neon: chem. 30. Top milk 32. Yearns 11 T*1_•_ 35. Acme 45. Epic 52. Hermit 22. Pacific 37. Withered 47. Consumed 54. Napped islands 38. Most: suffix 48. Sicilian 55. Earth 23. Valleys 40. Bitter drugs volcano goddess 28. Cereal grain 42. Drink 40. —Hayworth 55. Savory 28. Rocky hill slowly 50. Horror story 30. shouted __. approval ******* ** >”»1* .. r,31. Breathe |A|lls|Vl BriiU-umoial dowh 33 snuggles xtitin Bill lUUwfdl 1. Dormancy 38. Western dtinn fluTCiifvQ Itul 2 State river WTOll. J STXTyKcioLiel 3- Of***! 37. Prophet -ihCH 1 I I Wei 1 mil 4. Jewels 30.—pole rljrlTWa.ljj 5. Biblical 41. Not the gBglrlrB^ *1 priest same r?M°l 6 Exhausted 43. Unsuitable ■ fVBBA|vlgp|fPt 7. Firmer 44.8ocial W jajx|V|y I t J 8. One gathering 3 liUmBBTilfvlalw* g V 3 0. Rush 48. Identical M V 3 sBdUHn 55 VV S 10 Large sea 48. Girl'* name y 3|-j>1v[N|Vy Be'-i » 7t 15 11. Impairing 51. Follower: e srai/ttLLfeBa iBil 12. Specimens suffix gn qlqlylnPByl?lyH'12J i*. tidy 53. Pronoun I -- _____ MERCHANTS WHO ADVERTISE IN THE CHARLOTTE POST ARE TELLING YOU THEY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! _PATRONIZE THEM!!!!_ TO: ALL LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS IN THE JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA AREA FROM: JOSEPH W. SHORTER, PRO PERTY DISPOSITION BRANCH, 4.4HP SUBJECT: AREA MANAGEMENT CON - TRACT The Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking to award an Area Management Contract for the management and repair of HUD acquired single family dwellings in the Asheville, North Carolina area. The contract commences February 1, 1978, for a three (3) year period and will be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder on the basis of a formal competitive bid. The following criteria, included in the contract, should help you determine your interest in bidding: 1. The broker must have an office in the area that he will manage, adequately staffed to provide manage ment services. 2. The broker must have a harmonious relationship and a demonstrated ability to work with repair contractors and the people indigenous to the area he will manage. 3. The broker must have adequate knowledge of construction techniques which will allow him to fully prepare comprehensive repair specifications and to coordinate and supervise repairs in progress. (To meet these qualifications, the broker could hire an employee with this knowledge). There will be a meeting on January 5, 1978, at the Asheville Housing Authority, 165 S. French Broad Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina, at 1:00 p.m. At this a * '-~U{ne, there wi^Jse open discussion of the duties and responsibilities of the Area Management broker arid the scope, terms, and conditions of the contract. The area under contract is identified and described as: Buncombe, Polk, Haywood, Henderson, McDowell, and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina. Acting Chief Duke Power Company. one of the nation's leading electric utilities, has positions available in the areas listed below . These are permanent openings with excellent opportunity for advancement, excellent benefits, competitive salaries, modem working environment, and'challenging. diversified work ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DESIGN Positions available for designing of instrumentation for remote control electrical control sand instrumentation and indication functions forelectric generating station systems. BSEE required One to three years Responsibilities include related experience helpful. but not development of control logic for required. — . lluid process systems and application DESIGNERS ELECTRICAL POWER AND CONTROL Positions available lodesign cable layout or power plant control and tray and equipment layouts, or control instrumentation or 2-year technical and instrumentation circuitry for school diploma in electrical design major generating stations, including and drafting, electrical technology, nuclear, coal-fired, hydro and electronics or the equivalent Related pumped storage equivalent military experience Applicants must have experience in acceptable cable tray and electrical equipment DRAFTING PERSONNEL FOR ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT AND LAYOUT Design Engineering Department instrumentation s> stems design for openings for electrical drafting major electric generating stations, personnel in equipment and cable Drafting courses or equivalent tray layout, and control and experience desirable CONTACT: Engineers: Jim Hallman (704) 373-8535 Designers: Lou Fuller (704)373-5135 Drafting Personnel: Emplo> ment Office (704) 373-4993 (or write to address shown below to attention of specific contacts) DUKE POWER COMPANY P.O. Box 2178. Charlotte. N.C. 28242 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I , i LADIES We are having a free de monstration and consultation on hair weaving. For appointment call: 704-399-2823 4-6p.m. Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday PIEDMONT FLEA MARKET Bargains Of Ail Types, From Old To Modern Furniture To Clothing. Open Saturday and Sunday 11-6 101 East Kings- " ton. We will be closed Decern- * ber 24 and 25. Open December 31st and January 1st. Information - 334-3618 BEGINNING DRAFTS PERSON Minimum requirements, 2 years high school drafting or equivalent. Full-time opening in Food Facilities Consultant Firm. Call For Appointment FOODESIGN ASSOCIATES 8526 Sunflower Road 537-7020_ r- ■ i • NOTICE TO BROKERS ON HUD ACQUIRED PROPERTIES INSURED SALES 381-088742-203 509 E. Ohio Ave., Bessemer City, N.C. SALES PRICE $22,000 MAXIMUM MORTGAGE AMOUNT $21,300 381-130716-221 1020 Lewiston Dr., Charlotte, N.C. 21,000 20,350 381-128648-203 5226 Queen Anne Rd., Charlotte, N.C. 19,500 18,900 381-099669 235 Rt.4, Box 430 Granite Falls, N.C. 21,000 20,350 The highest offer from a OWN ER OCCUPANT OR INVES TOR meeting or exceeding the minimum advertised price submitted by the close of business December 23. 1977 in a sealed envelope indicating (1) Case No., (2) Property address, (3) Either "OWNER OCCUPANT" or "INVEST OR", (4) Expiration date of offer period, and (5) Return address will be accepted 'DELETION OF HUD ACQUIRED PROPERTIES SOLD 381-133252 203 7412 Cromwell St., Charlotte, N.C. 381-083762 203 506 V. 8 St, Kannapolis, N.C. HUD PROPERTIES MUST BE SOLD WITHOUT RE CARD TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER S RACE. SEX, COLOR. RELIGION. OR NA TIONAL ORIGIN Brokers may obtain listing from Department of Housing and Urban Development 415 N. Edgeworth Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone (919) 378-5892 All classified advertising is payable in ad vance A minimum charge of $3 00 is made for insertions of 25 words or less Charges thereafter are $3 00 per insertion; with a charge of 12 cents per word for each word over the 25 minimum No refunds given. Advertising with the identity of the advertiser or the advertiser's address withheld bear an additional charge of $3 00 per insertion These ads are accepted in strict cotrfidence No information will be given by the Charlotte Post concerning advertiser DEADLINE Deadline* for receipt of copy for classified advertising are at 5 pm. Monday Cancellations must be made before these deadlines OTHER INFORMATION Card of thanks are 15.00 each payable in advance Memorial notices and resolutions of respect and legals are charged at regular classified rates. — ' - — m — 1 — i. — ■ ■ m,mi Service FREE LUCKY NUMBERS Send Self Addressed Envelop TO: Jean Taylor P.O. Box 4139 Winston-Salem. N.C. 27105 »■— ■. ■— . —1 Cash For Retreadable Tire* Precision Retread 1924 Remount Rd. 333-5137 Merry Christmas To The Shoppers Of West Blvd. From James Perry 2608 West Blvd. HAYNES PIANO TUNING & REPAIR SERVICE 19YRS. EXPERIENCE ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN REPAIR & RESTORING KEYS RECOVERED CAUL 394-5541 CHARLOTTE Call U* For The Very Beat In FLORAL DESK MS Givens Florist 2221 Krlar Ave. In bark of the Went Charlotte Drive-in 399-0904 or 523-3648 Subscribe to the Charlotte Post! Your support helps' NUMEROLOGY By Herman 390 324 892 281 408 653 104 948 850 645 471 895 518 548 379 638 STEREO San-Sui AM-FM stereo receiv j er, 32 RMS output with 2 huge I 3 way speakers, BSR turn- | table with Shure magnetic cartridge Reg. price $599.95. Our price now only $389.95 . 2 year guarantee on receiver Terms or cash HEYWOOD SEWING CENTER 3325 Commonwealth 536-1184 THE DIFFERENCE 1-2-3 Bedroom Townhouse & * Garden Apts. Furnished and unfurnished, and furniture by Metro Lease 1318-BTom Hun- • ter Hoad Just off 1-85 and Sugar Creek Hoad. 596 0446 Check ihe ads in the Char- ] lotte Post each week for the j best bargains in town f KIISELAND / APARTMENTS TOTAL ICTRIC Refrigerator A Stove Fur nished \ tayl Florring Private Unlranrev .Yearly Leaiev Conveniently Located Near Schools. Churches A Trans portation For More Information Dial i 523-0440 1210 Pressley Rd 1937 40 Years of Satisfactory Service ,9rr7 CRAWFORDS INC. . Venetian Blinds. Cleaning and Kepair James W Crawford Sr IS07 W Trade SI Phone 333 1996 Charlotte N.C. a** i Open 9 til S Closed Saturday 1 GRIERS FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. 2310 Statesville Avenue Phone: 332-7IO*-< harlotte. N.C. 28208 704 Walkup Avenue Phone: 2*3 8423-Monroe. N.C. 28110 _ _

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