f=-1 <PHP PIT AU HTTP Dhw I-1 ADVERTISING MEDIA f ftT^ r i.U fM W% ’ # * # # ^ « I BLACK NEWSPAPERS IN THE LUCRATIVE I 1 ■ If 1 I I 1 fl 1 1 ftl f ft ft 1 I EFFECTIVELY REACH BLACK MARKET ^ VAAJIAAR A A A AP A V/ JL | BY FAR. MORE . .J^Hl392 1306 “Charlotte's Fastest Growing Community W eekly" j black consumers ^ VOL.4NO.36 CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA-28208-Thursday. March 16. lt»78 Price 25c LOVELY BONITA STANTON ~~JCSU domitory director Friendly Bonita Stanton Is “Beauty Of The Week” by Jeri Harvey Post Staff Writer It’s taken a while, but The Post Beauty of the Week, Bonita Stanton, has finally got used to the friendly ways of people in Charlotte. “It was so funny to meet people on the street who smiled and spoke to me even though thev’d never £ seen me before,” she said. ” “And the way the bus drivers know thejr risers and chat with them was really a new thing to me. People where I come from don't act that way,” the pretty former Bos tonian added. Bonita moved here last fall after first visiting briefly to check out what Charlotte had to offer. She said she'd drea med of moving south one day to settle permanently and so far thinks Charlotte is the place to be. A graduate of Boston State College with a degree in Afro American Studies, Bonita said one of the things she's found less than ideal here is the job situation. Employed now as a dormitory director at Johnson University, she's searching for something whi ch will make better use of her training and skills. “In Bos ton,” she explained there are more jods and more programs to help the individual assess their capabilities and direct them to the proper avenues”. As a member of a close-knit family, with parents who mo tivated the children to a chieve, Bonita uses the same thinking when dealing with her own two daughters, Shavi, 7, and Akida, 4. “My parents weren’t college educated but my father had a skill so I guess you could consider us middle-class", she said. “We were encouraged tc get as much education as we could but they didn't really know how to help us in the selection of courses and the people at school who were supposed to be counselors weren’t much help at all. “Ac q pocnlt 1 huH I a Ha 3 lot of trail and error and wasted a lot of time and energy I d like to be sure 1 can give my daughters the kind of cousel ing that will be beneficial to them. If they decide not to go to college I want them to know the other options open to them so they can be prepared tc live, full rewarding lives doing whatever they choose.” Bonita has found a degree ir Afro-American Studies hare to market and is thinking o taking courses to prepare her self for the business world, ai area which is becoming in creasingly attractive to man; young blacks. We advised he too contact Woman Reach a Central Piedmont which i doing a tremendous job help ing women determine caree directions. Getting settled in a ne\ environment and caring fc Shavi and Akida doesn’t leav Bonita much time for anj thing else but she hopes t soon become involved in cu tural, political and civic act vities the way she was i Boston. Things are a littl rocky now but she’s confidei that “with the help of th warm, friendly people I'v met here and my own stror determination, things wi work out .” Howell, Adams Are Beauty Contest Winners Cheryl Howell and Bertha Adams were the respective winners in the second and third week of The Charlotte Post Beauty of the Year Con test. They both will receive extra points and an expense paid evening on the town with a companion for leading in the weekly tallies. Ms. Adams wins this week for the second time. The next four places are occupied by Alice Bannon, Charlotte Gordon, Cheryl Ho well and Pamela Allison The contest is at the half way mark now and if you've been meaning to help your favorite contestant, you’d bet ter get a move on because time is slipping away. If you plan to renew your own subscription or wish to give a gift to someone away from home now is the time to do it and help some young lady win cash and prizes. But don’t hesitate! Use the handy blank in the Post, or contact one of the contestants before it’s too late. ^Carolina Action To Meet On Car Insurance Rate The Carolina Action la spon soring a General Meeting on the Car Insurance Rate in- ( crease on Thursday, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the Down town Public Library on 310 N. ' Try on St. According to Mac Mc Reight, organizer for Carolina Action, the topic for this gene ral meeting is to "center on the general insurance in crease that has been passed by legislature and is to be come effective on April 1.” He goes on to comment that "many persons do not under stand the various unethical rate increases proposed by the different insurance industries on classified high risk drivers Thus, the purpose of the mee ting is to inform and educate the public.” He goes on to point out tha all Charlotte drivers will have to pay a 10 per cent increase and those being classied ai high risk drivers will have t« pay a 21 per cent increase And of the estimated 48,00< drivers in Charlotte, an ap proximate 5,000 will be classi fied as high risk. Conforming to this, Dav Gardener, member of the Ac tion Executive Board, stated "Many persons are place under the classification c high risk and are unknov ledgeabie to the reasons invo ved. They are not aware thi the reasons are merely arb trary.” He went on to point ou that many drivers are place as high risks drivers not b< cause of theHrivlng violations they liave accumulated a results of tramc violations accidents, speeding tiling -of this nature “Many wer caterogized,” as Gardene continued, "Because they were Black, or single, or eve divorced Dr, Samuel DuBois Cook: Black Colleges May Well Be Salvation Of Black Youths Voter Registration Drive Set The Plaza Hills-Villa Heights Community Im provement Committee, an af filiate of Carolina Action, is sponsoring a voter registra tion day Sunday, April 2, in order to boost Black registra tion in District 1. “During the primaries last September, we were repeated ly told that District 1 was the poorest district, both in terms of income and in terms of registered voters,” commen ted Plaza Hills sDokesman Jean Williams. “This is de spite the fact that District 1 is the laeest district in terms of population. We did a study of our neighborhood and got a list this thick of people who were not registered. That's one of the reasons we’ve been overlooked by Council. P-VCIC hopes to get people on the books and begin to turn this around. The group, which has been active in fights to eliminate abandoned housing, extend more CD help to the neigh borhood, and get a safe route for children going to Plaza Road School, intends to flyer, doorknock, and make phone calls to get voters registered We re contacting the ministers in the area to get them to devote part of their sermons to voter regi stration," said new co-chair person Carolyn Hamrick. She and JoAnn Delaney were elec ted leaders ot the group at a neighborhood meeting on i March 7. A registrar from the Board ' of Elections will put people's ' names on the voting rolls at t Parkwood C.M.E.' Institutio > nal Church, Parkwood and - N. Allen Sts., between the r hours of 1 and 4 that Sunday. , Independence Plaza r 8 To House o • County Offices n The Mecklenburg County e Council of Aging and the Com it mission on the Status of Worn e en offices will be relocated to e the East Independence Plaza g building. 951 South Indepen II dence Boulevard, effective Monday, March 13. SENATORIAL CANDIDATE IXTHER HODGES _If illi 1111)0 director Tom Staton A bout Meighborhoods Hodges Expresses Concerns by Hoyle H. Martin Sr. Post Executive Editor "Your concern about the quality of life in the neighbor hoods is equally my concern," Luther Hodges, a candidate for the U S. Senate, told about 70 people in attendance at a wine and cheese sip at the Charlottetown Mall's com munity meeting room on Monday evening. "We need someone to fight for North Carolina and the City of Charlotte, not some ideological viewpoint." Hodg es added. This comment was apparently in reference to the conservative ideological views of Republican Senator Jesse Helm Hodges is one of eight Democrat hopefuls who will run in the May 2 Primary seeking the right to oppose .Senator Helms in the Novem ber general election. The meeting was billed as an opportunity for Charlotte's neighborhood leaders to ex press their views on what they think a Senator should do, especially for neighborhoods Admittedly, this did not work because "Neighborhoods, by definition, are geared to local - issues," said Dennis Hash, an < organizer of the party, "and i most believe such issues are ' solved at the local level." In spite of the apparent reasons for a small audience. Hodges said that as a Senator he would encourage busi nessmen to play a larger role in neighborhood renovation ef forts like Fourth Ward. He added that while he's coasid ing solutions to show how federal programs might be helpful to neighborhoods, he said "I would want to do something about over regula tion by government. Hodges began his informal remarks before responding to questions by noting. "I happen to think I'm going to be your next Senator And this excites me in part because Charlotte has not been a very political place in spite of the issues we face as a nation and a state and a city, issues such as inflation and unemployment I want to help North Carolina and to make it understandable that while Charlotte is the 50th largest city in the L' S A it has had no representation in over 0 years." Hodges hopes to hange all of that. He noted hat one step in this direction could be that as a Senator he could open an office in Char otte as a means of improving he city representation in "ongress Li.N OTHER ISSUES HODGES: 11 expressed concern about HEW's pressures and ap proaches to integrating UNC This should be done by im proving the quality of the secondary schools to get more (ollegehound blacks and by strengthening programs at the state's five predominately black colleges; 21 said HEW should stop attacking the tobacco industry at a time when we need so many jobs and encourage more government spending on medical research 3i said. "I want to help end the tragic gulf between the private and public sectors I want to help close this to prove the private sector can do more, and 41 noted that urban crime, black teenage unemployment and traffic congestion had led him to tell "businessmen that it's time we got more involvec in politics " “10" C.runade To Add l‘r«#4iire On Provident (iarter Bases will leave the campus of Johnson C.Smith University at midnight Friday,March 17 and head for Washington, D C carrying supporters of th« Wilmington 10 At noon or Saturday,a march on the White House is planned ant organizers hope that thou sands will attend from across the United States The following day, Sunday March 19, CBS 60 Minutes wil air an update of the celebrate* case at 7 p m Tickets for the bus trip ma be purchased for $15 Additional information m be obtained by cqjhng 372-ZT ext 242, before 5 pm ar 392 3321 or 334-2728 after 6 p n Mechanics And Farmers Bank ! i . Promotes Three Employees Here Walter S Tucker, Sandra S. Heartley and Darryl F. Sims i were among employees whose - promotions were announced , when the 89th Annual Stock I holders Meeting of Mechanics f and Farmers Bank was held r. recently The Annual Report I of the President was also il presented at that meeting and - stockholders elected directors t for the ensuing year. 1 Tucker was promoted from h Vice President-Manager of , the Charlotte operations to s Senior Vice President at Char , lotte. He is a 1955 graduate of a Virginia State College in Pe e tersburg, Va. and a 1967 grad r uate of Stonier Graduate Scho ol of Banking at Rutgers Uni n versity. An employee of the bank since 1957, Tucker has served at the Raleigh Office from 1962 until 1968 when he was elected Vice Presi dent-Manager of the bank's Charlotte operations. Mrs Heart ley was promot ed to Vice President-Manager of the Charlotte operations She is a 1964 graduate of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va and has been employed since 1972 in various capaci ties including Assistant Cas hier since 1977 She is a member of the AIB Board of Governors at Charlotte and the Hornets Nest Girl Scout Council. Darryl Sims was promoted from Head Teller to Assistant Cashier of the Charlotte ope rations A 1971 graduate of Harding High, Sims has been m. w an employee of the bank since 1973 and is currently enrolled at Central Piedmont Com munity College. Assets for Mechanics and Farmers Bank at the end of 1977 were $42,447,828 com par ed to $41,404,817 at the end of 1976- an increase of 2.52 per cent Operating Earnings for the year also increased 71 29 per cenf for $169,096 to $289,643 representing Net Income be fore taxes Deposit Growth during the year was $796,000 more than deposits held at the end of 1976. During the year, the Bank opened a new full service branch in Raleigh, N C known as the Rock Quar ry Road Branch bringing to eight the number of offices operated in the Charlotte, Ra Walter Tucker Senior vice president leigh and Durham areas So far this branch has generated See MAF on page 4 Schools Are Vital Part Of Our Life Special to The Post "Black colleges ma\ well be the salvation ot black youth and a master instrument of 'he salvation, fulfillment, and redemption of America." ac cording >o Dr Samuel DuBois Cook, president of Dillard University Speaking to a faculty-stu dent assembly in Lawless Memorial Chapel on the sub ject "Black Colleges for What?." Dr Cook's counter part was "White Colleges for What'.’." and pointed out that "Black colleges are 'black' only in the sense that white colleges are white ' He said. "By the phrase black colleges is meant those institutions of higher learning that have historically served black people and continue primarily to serve black peo ple. By the same token white colleges have historically serv ed white people and continue primarily to serve white pen pie " t .f/l, nil to I if- I 'ru . L- I K<> symbols "black and white" have nothing to do with educational quality, academic substance, oi intellectual con tent and form Dr. Took said "The term "black college" has nothing to do with the great soc al and moral issues of segregation, desegregation, and Integra lion By the term "black col lege," nothing is affirmed or meant about racism, segrega tion. or exclusion of human beings on arbitrary grounds " He continued, "Black col leges have been models of democracy, integration, plu ralism. and equality of oppor tunity in education Black col leges have never been segre gating institutions We have never rejected anyone tor admission, employment, promotion, or anything else because of race, creed, color or nationality According to the Dillard University president. "Black colleges are always called upon to justify themselves but not white colleges But the logic of justification is the same for white institutions of higher learning as it is lor black institutions of higher learning Dr Took then pointed out that it is strange but nothing is ever said almut inferior while colleges, and umversi ties There are numerous white institutions of higher learning that are indeed "a cademic disaster areas" and a radical offense to the haunting and stern idea of academic excellence The vast majority UI UlldtU CUIICU III this country are white, not black " The Morehouse College a lumnus and former professor of political science at Duke University, since assuming the office of president at Dil lard, has been an advocate of academic excellence to the point that it is becoming the password He said "Excellen ce has nothing whatever to do with race, color, or ethnicity Academic excellence is abso * lutely color-blind It is a func lion of ideals, performance y and achievement rather than the accident of race or color " y Dr Cook stressed the ur 0 gency and necessity of pre d serving and strengthening, 1 See SCHOOL on page 6 I WISE LIVING ■ i

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