Oakhurst School Plans “Dental Health Blitz Week” Rv .QlHnai; Ma/v«a With hpollh f)anaptmnnl k.. O . . nf (ha n «1— 11 ■ I > . ft.l jnr. halnina mil nt.lk lkl« 4 (I I Post Staff Writer Tooth decay and gum di sease will not ruin the mouths of students at Oakhurst Ele mentary School if James Ro bert White has his way. White, appointed this school year as an elementary school, guidance counselor, has esta blished April 3-6, as “Dental Health Blitz Week”. His theme for the week in “Happi ness Is A Healthy Mouth”. The ideas was concieved after White held meetings UIIVIII Will cials, area dentists, education and civic leaders, local, state and national dental associa tions, and parents. His goal is “to encourage Oakhurst pupils to take better care of their teeth.” Other objectives named in an interview of the week-long effort are to; 1) gain support of the teachers and parents for blitz week; 2) have teachers emphasize dental health by carrying out suggested activi ties; 3) increase parent a wai CIIOO Uy MHiUlIlg UltJIIl messages, inviting them to school and encouraging “Stu dents to discuss the week's activities with parents; 4) increase the number of ac tions taken on dental referals; 5) reduce the fear of going to the dentist and 6) provide toothbrushes for all Oakhurst students. The manufacturer of Crest toothpaste annually sponsors the giving of dental health kits to third graders. With the help of the PTA, White has expan ded this practice to Include all “iV vAaiiieUCiy 4/U SlU dents at Oakhurst, kindergar ten through sixth grade. He wants to have the kits as a reward for taking part in “Dental Health Blitz Week ” Kits contain a toothbrush, discoloring tablets, informa tion pamphlets and mirror stickers. Dentists who have promised to participate in the "blitz” are Hohn Murphy, Dennis Kroll and John R. Dunn. James C. Hull and P. C. Hull Jr., dentist orthodontist, are uvipillg WUl WiUI LI Uj CliUI 1. Health department officials involved with the “blitz” are Lisa Archer, Betsy Hardin, both dental hygenist; and James Williams, a public hea lth educator. White also credits Ruth Clark nutrition specialist; Kit ty Parrish, school nurse; Mrs Christine Price, school secre tary and Bill Pangle. princi Dal. _ Others receiving credit for being helpful are Mrs.Clara Jordan, PTA president, Mrs. ncicii .vioser, careteria mana ger; Mrs Mary Traywick, third grade teacher, Shirley Ann Johnson, community re lations specialist and Mrs Ann Brandt, public informa tion spaecialist. Information and assistance was also provided by the American Dental Association of Chicago Before going to Oakhurst, White served as a counselor for Tryon Hill Elementary, McClintock Junior High and Myers Park High Schools He nas also worked as an admis sions counselor and public re lations assistant at Living stone College, Salisbury, where he completed his under graduate work. White earned a masters de gree and principal s certifi cate at UNCC. The 28-year-old educator holds memhershm in several civic and professional orga nizations. He is a “young steward” at Little Rock AME Zion Church, where his bro ther the Rev William M. W’hite is pastor James R White ...Guidance Counselor ssr THE CHARLOTTE POST "Ghariotte s r astest Growing Community Weekly” black consumers Manpower To Help Local Youths The Mecklenburg County ' Office of Manpower Services has established a program aimed at helping economical ly disadvantaged 16 to 21-year olds get a better shake in the job market. The County's Youth Em ployment and Training Pro gram is basically a referral program, funded through Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) Title III. To be eligible for the pro gram , you must be 16 to 21; not in school (you may be either a drop-out or a gradu ate); a resident of Mecklen burg County, outside the City o«harlotte; unemployed and orunderemployed; and your KVfolMl ftnd-or family in . come must be at 80 percent of the lower living standards as desiffniatarf hv nfflpn rJ Management and Budget. If you meet these eligibility requirements, the next step is to visit the Specialized Oppor tunity Services (SOS) Center, which is in the County Office of Manpower Services, 623 East Trade Street. The Center functions as a jpb referral unit and job bank center for eligi bleyouth. Through this center you have a link with other agen cies, both public and private; institutions; and companies in the private sector. Youth enrolled in the Youth Employment and Training Program receive, in addition to referral services, other forms of assistance, such as counseling, assessment, edu cational and follow-up ser vices. For more information about the program, contact James R. Pa ton, Youth Program Co ordinator, 374-3248, or visit the SOS Center. Drive Set For Precinct 22 A Voter Registration drive will be held for Precinct 22 on Sunday, April 2 from 1p.m., to 4p.m., at the YWCA Third Ward Citisen’s Center, 1445 South Church Street. Regist ration commissioners from the Mecklenburg County Bo ard of Elections will be pre sent to register people. The boundaries of Precinct 22 are: 1-77, Clanton Road, South Blvd., and Independ ence Blvd. If you live within these areas, please register to vote. PRETTY BARBARA BROWN Bi°i°8y instructor Miss Barbara Brown Is Beauty Of Week oy jci 11 narvey Post Staff Writer Barbara Brown, a Barber Scotia College Biology instruc tor, is The Post Beauty of the Week. Ms. Brown comes to us from Tarboro in eastern North Carolina by way of Niarobi, Kenya in East Africa. And, according to her, Charlotte will be “home” from now on. “1 joined the Peace Corps as part of my master’s work”, she explained, “but termina ted my enlistment after six months and came back home. I decided if I wanted to do volunteer work there was plenty to be done here in the states. I went to Africa pretty naive about the people and the culture and I found that while, on the surface, people w?re friendly, many of them were on the lookout for people they could ‘use.’ They have the misguided notion that all A mericans, even blacks, are rich and they look for someone to subsidize their education.” Barbara went on to say that there was often overt hostility and resentment toward Ame ricans. The natives seemed to be saying, "You’re not doing us any favors coming over here, we're doing you a favor by letting you come over L_•• Upon returning to he United states, Barbara decided to come to Charlotte to be near her only sister, Mrs. Evange lone Hillard, a counselor with the Youth Services Bureau. She applied for, and received, the position at Barber-Scotia two years ago and says it is really a pleasure to be a member of the faculty. A graduate of North Caroli na Wesleyan in Rocky Mount, Barbara taught high school in Pamlico County before going to graduate school at the Uni versity of Southern Florida where she earned a masters degree in Science Education. After growing up in a small town, Barbara enjoys the big city flavor of Charlotte and the availability of recreation and plenty of shopping centers. "1 spend much of my time rea ding, biking, and learning to play tennis", she said, "but it's nice to have a large selection of entertainment to choose from when I do want to go out.” Barbara is currently doing her apartment over to "ex press" herself and said she wants to create a mini-botani cal garden atmosphere with many, many plants, highligh ted with her astrological sign, Aquarius. She has very nearly comple ted a modeling course at the Barbizon School and its done wonders for her. Public Meeting To I)i*eu88 Old Monroe Road North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) officials will hold a public meeting Tuesday, April 11, to discuss the proposed widening of Old Monroe Road (Second ary Road 1009), from just east of Lake Drive To Sardis Road North in Charlotte. This high way improvement project in cludes the replacement of a bridge over McAlpine Creek and improvements to the Sea board Coastline Railroad un derpass. Sunday Afternoon JCSU To Observe Founder’s Day The One Hundred Eleventh anniversary of the founding of Johnson C. Smith University wll be observed on Sunday, April 2. At 2 p m., the Mary Irwin Belk Early Childhood Center will be dedicated. The facility, whose two-fold function is to provide day care for children and to offer on-campus stud ent teaching for early child hood education majors, is a wing of the university's ndw education building. The bulk of the money came from the Belk Foundation, a philant hropic foundation established by the family of Charlotte's former mayor John M. Belk, his brothers and sisters The center was named for their late mother. At 3 p.nt. in the University Church, former JCSU Presi dent Dr. Rufus Patterson Perry will be guest speaker for the annual observance of Founders Day. As part of this service, the new Science Hall will be dedicated and named in honor of Dr. Perry. A native 61 Brunswick, Ga., Dr. Perry is a 1919 graduate of Johnson C. Smith where he served as President from 1957 99. He is also a graduate of the University Of Iowa where he [•ceived the M S and Ph d Dr. Perry hps served as vice-president and professor of chemistry at I^angston Uni versity, director ot Ine aivis ion of arts and sciences at Prairie View A4M College, and professor of chemistry and chairman of the natural science departments at Prai rie View From 19*59-70, he served as professor of chemistry at Washington Technical Insti tute, and is presently a private consultant Johnson C. Smith is an independent, private college of liberal arts that was found ed in 18*57 under the auspices of the Committee on Freed men of the Presbyterian Chu rch, USA National Funeral Directors To Discuss Unfair Treatment CA Enters Insurance Controversy Carolina Action, a statewide consumer oriented group, has taken up the fight against controvert intwance l®*w lation passed by the North Carolina General Assembly last year. The consumer group held meetings across the state this week (March 20 -26), vowing to call for reversal of that legislation. The group meeting in Durham asked North Caro lina Insurance Commissioner John Ingram to endorse their fight. Ingram, who has oppo sed what he has labelled “bad legislation," called the gro up’s action “a step forward for the people of North Carolina." He said, “Your cause is right.” Ingram told the group that the injustice done by House Bill 658 could be correc ted by their efforts ' i 't,AAA * — At 1 T * yw,vw uiv,icflOt uiai ui gram rejected recently goes into effect April i, and Ingram said, “The April Fools gift was bad medicine for the people of North Carolina." Representative Howard Cle ment, who was aDoointed to replace Mickey Michaux (now a federal prosecutor), spoke strongly in support of In gram's fight against the legis lation Clement, who is also black, spoke as the insurance repre sentative for the group. He not only praised Carolina Action's past efforts, but he praised the efforts of Ingram to do what Clement said was fair for the people of North Carolina Clement said Ingram has conducted a "campaign of iaimess in 1872 and 1976," and vowed he would have no problems in the 1878 General Assembly when conducting such a campaign SAM “CHATMAN” WICSHN —.ny Mecklenburg Plumbing Com puny County To Build New Health Center On Beatties Ford Road Mecklenburg County Go vernment has broken ground in two locations for the con struction of Health Centers that will decentralize the County's delivery of health and social services, making these services more accessi ble to the citizens of Mecklen burg The Beatties Ford Road Health Center, located at Bea tties Ford Road, 1-85, and Hoskins Road, and the Ran dolph Road Health Center, lo cated at Randolph Road and Billingsley Road, are due to be completed in eary 1979 the Beatties Ford Road Center by March and the Randolph Road Center by April - and at that time the current Mecklenburg County Public Health Depart ment operations in the Rankin Health Center Building, 1200 Blythe Boulevard, will be re located to the new facilities. Full clinical services, inclu ding the Family Planning Cli nics, Well-Child Clinics, VD Clinics, and immunization ser vices, will be offered at both centers.In addition, limited services of the Department of Social Services and the Area Mental Health Office will be offered at the Beatties Ford Road Center The administrative head quarters for the Health De partment and the Vital Statis tics will lie in the Randolp Center ine Health Depart ment will continue to offer services at Belmont Center and in the Health Department building at Huntersville The construction of the two new buildings in the result of many months of study and consideration by the County. In October, 1976, the Board of County Commissioners called for a space study covering Health Department facilities and several other County operations In response to that request, in February, 1977, Brice Morris Associates, Ar chitects, presented a Space Planning Study to the Board recommending "the concept of decentralized dispensing of public health services" and citing similar recommenda tions in the June, 1975, report of the Special Committee of the Charlotte-Mecklcnburg Hospital Authority on Plan ning for Health Care and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Plan ning Commission's Compre hensive Plan 1995 1 he advantages of decentra lization, said the report, will be: Improved accessibility of ser vices to the citizens of the County; Reduced length of travel for users of health and social services; Relief of over-crowding of present Health Department operations at Rankin Health Center; More efficient layout to im prove productivity, and Decentralized "full-ser vice" facilities to meet public 4-Day Meeting Begins Here Saturday By Sidney A. Moore J r. Post Staff Writer “Unfair Treatment by the Federal Trade Commission" is one of the topics morticians and funeral directors will dis cuss at the Kadisson Plaza Hotel. April 1-4. “Civil Rights" is another ADout 2/3 delegates are ex pected to take part in the 41st Annual Board of Directors of the National Funeral Direc tors and Morticians Associa tion, according to Eugene Gri er, vice-president of the North Carolina association The association represents about 4.000 members in each of the 50 states and abroad “For every 25 members in a state association," said Grier, “there is a slot for a board member." i i u ciut* I UicJb lUlVtf the funeral industry upset, ac cording to published reports A requirement that funeral directors serve as bereave ment counselors is not sup ported by NFD&MA. the re port indicates Robert H Miller, NFD&MA Executive Secretary, said the “FTC does not understand the practical side of our bust ness.” He continued. “We are clos er to the bereaved and know more about his or her pra blems than anyone else He also said, “Certainly the FTC Staff would not know how to counsel, " Of civil rights proposals to be discussed at the conference is one by Mrs Clare Collins Harvey of Jackson, Miss , said the report She wants to place historical markers at sites such 'as the Brown Chapel AME Church in Selma, Ala , where jthe late Dr Martin Cuther King. Jr began an hifilnnr marrh tn Mnnloomp ry Financing of the associa tion's affairs and promotion of a scholarship fund will also be important topics It is anticipated that 25 of these delegates will compete in a gold tournament schedu led for Saturday. April 1 Three trophies will be given to champions in as many flights Pawtucket Golf Course, on I 85 south of Charlotte, will be the site of play\ i.ater that evening a social hour and get acquainted ses sion will be enjoyed by dele gates and their guests, said will Chur for worship meeting sc he — : " * ■ •« Jr * ft * “Of she nd I OF )m