nuim i special latent. Notice now even in oethe of our homes we hanr Mon*, neighbors, owl t*M*V(te criticized for some wrwg *tag. But the movie «tar or thatetevtsioh star is J»evsr put down for practidi« |ho same behavior . '5, Those who road the papers *nd baton to the news know fbo politician of great ability is never punished the saind as a . - Common man for committing 4be anmo crime. The reason for this is (hat we think that ' the person himself Is the sou rce of his ability, so we think . ,>e may be excused. But, whe ther be recognizee It or not, his ; source Is OodT f- V; {C*\: Therefore the men and wo men of greatnaaa are nndar a double obligation to do right. Many of us enjoy being put > upbn a pedestal and worshipp ed. We must be reminded of 'the fickleness of folk. The t 1 " “ , JUUJ i the King” to Christ on one day .^•id, "Crucify him another « daytoPUato.” We find it hard ' ha human beings sometimes to ; &*• God tbs honor and ; #ndaea that he is dus We want to ha noticed and recog - nixed, even if it mew block ing God’s spotlight. Paul end Barnabas would hot receive that which belong ■' *1 to God. They had them to •. fcaow that they wore men too. Men who got tick and men who were tempted. But, they . wero BMB OM* by <3od to call ; ttwm from the empty useless IgSjefpte ttt is only expressed different ly. This mekesthe work of the 7 ',-jfeMging.. Buk Jf jre Will contl r •.■#** ghmiQod ibg'ltonor that b* to due, God will auraly help ue to moot every challenge victorioualy. ta Before Insulation HPWIM pm 11 out.* - - ~ - ?*. Local building-code author! »• i * t***can provide guidance in PJi#»iflg insulating materi **• .P1 $<*4 insulation at least as good as that rMpfM. for new homes s&stissr**” Dedication service* wiftbe held at the Greater Gethee mane A M E Zion Church, SSI Campus St. from June 4 thru June 11. 77 •. On Sunday, June 4f at 7:38 pm, Rev Frank M. Alien be the speaker. - J$MM churches will, be Calker* Meipdrial AMI^»:^ where Rev. J&. Price tod Henry's Chispd; SCi _v On Monday, JatfCMt^nti pm.- Rev. G. will deliver tbs aetntfpM* churches win be WaJ&MeS* ,rialA*E$Sn^wA«ad stesffife. Maitie Huston will be the guest speaker; gueat churches will be China Grove A M E Zion, Grace AM E Zion, and Steele Creek A M E Zion Cbbrch. On Wednesday night, June 7, Or. A. B. Satton will be-tha guest speaker. .Other churches wtUindud. zer Baptist Church, Moor*’* Sancturary *ad Heod Man* rial A M E 2ten4S*etaf7 Jonesviile sad Middle Street will be the guest churches an Thursday, June 8 at 7:SOp.m. Rev. C.L. Wilcox will he the guest speaker. * . un rnaay at 7:» p.m. an June 9, Rev. Morgan Tann will be the guest sneaker. Guest church will be Clinton Chapel A M E; Zion ChurdS. . Services on 8unday, June ll will be held at ll a.m. and 3 pn>. . '5 Bishop William Smith wiB be the speaker at ll a.m. and 3 p m. ' , Dinner will be served from 1 to 3 p.m, Guest churches on June 11 will be Sills Creek A M E Zion Church, St. Mark’s ami O'Conner’s Grove. The last earviceef- the day wiB be held at 8 p.m. ’ Dr. A. C. Honeycutt wiB be the guest speaker. GueeU will be Big Pineville and Green ville Memorial A it K Zion Churches. The public is cordially in vited to attend. The Mixed Choir of Chins Grove A.M.E. Son Church, located at M01 Old Pineville Rd, will have their second concert on Sunday, June ll, at 6 p.m. James A. Wilson is >tha director of the chair. r/The concert will be under the EStSTTf torts* A variety of music wi^ba featured, i.e. Hymns, Gospel, etc. Special entertainment wiB be provided during the' inter mission. ■> i7:~ V| Following the couMECtkafp' wiB be a reception to*:.WL MbmUpk# • " V- "