CdMlS cl CUM) So You Think You've Got It Made! by Hoyle H. Martin, Sr. Poet Editorial Writer In 1963, the little known newly elected governor of Alabama seized a share of the national political spot light when he said in his inaugural address, "Segregation now! Segre gation tomorrow! Segregation for - ever! " In demonstrating support for his words six months later, the governor literally stood in the school house door to block two black students from entering the University of Alabama. Now 18 years later, and after an unprecedented three terms as gov ernor and four presidental cam paigns rooted in racist rhetoric, Governor George Wallace says, "I will admit and can understand now that the things that the federal government forced upon us, such as doing away with segregated eating places...has turned out for the best." Before you are lulled into thinking that the Civil Rights, Equal Opport unity and Voting Eights Acts of the past 14 years,* and the change in thinking that George Wallace's words represent, mean that blacks have it made and the struggle for justice and equality is no longer necessary, you are sadly mistaken. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall reminded us that the quest for justice and equality is a continu ing process when he told a Howard University audience recently, "We have not got it made. In fact, while society in general has come a long way from where it used to be, the gaps between blacks and whites have widened." Justice Marshall's words are evi denced in actions taken by the high tribunal on which he sits. We are referring here to the Supreme Court's vague decision in the Allan Bakke alleged "reverse discriminat ion" case and their decision to review a similar case wherein a white man successfully sued his employer for selecting blacks with less seniority for a training pro gram. Vernon E. Jordan too has remind ed us that we don't have it made. He said recently that a "new threat" to Affirmative Action programs comes from a new definition of the term "minority" that substantially deludes the special help blacks have in the past received from the public sector. These observations should be enough to remind us that the quest for justice and equality is an on-go ing process. Thus, the gains blacks have made can be easily lost if we are lulled into a false sense of security in the belief that we've got it made. The struggle for your rights and my rights continues. Join our daily army for equality. The Need To Be Responsible Literally millions of words have been written to describe America's greatest tragedy, the so-called Jones ville mass suicide in which over 900 members of the Peoples [Temple religious cult drank Kool Aid laced with cyanide at the com mand oftheir leader, "Father" Jim Jones. " ironically, wnile the People's Temple leadership was primarily white, much of its philosophical foundation and about 75 percent of its membership is or was black. Jones had studied the theological views and practices oÇ the late Father Divine and other blaclf mini ster-evangelists before founding the Peoples Temple. A confirmed supporter of social ism, and" racial equality, Jones believed that the communal. Jife, which was being practiced and expanded throughout his Temple's establishments was an attempt to carry out the mandates of the New Testament. He relied heavily upon the Book of Acts 2:4*46 to explain his underlying beliefs. Tliese verses read, "And all that believed were together, and had all things com mon; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord ; in the tempTe, and breaking bread from house Jo house, did eat their 'meat with gladness and singleness of heart..." In practice, for one female mem ber in San Francisco, this resulted in giving her $1,000 salary per month as a programmer to the Temple in exchange for a shared room, meals, and a $2 weekly allowance. Further more, if additional clothings were needed or extra lunch money to treat a prospective temple member, such funds had to be requested a week early. In addition, Jones apparently used this passage of scripture to justify public beatjrtgs.'oê Téniple members for the slightest infraction erf rules; the confiscating of all personal property including real estate and social security checks; the required signing of documents such as stating you'd molested your own children to show your loyalty to Jones <(the documents were then used as black mall to birol· the signer the Temple) ; the relinquishing of autho rity over your own children; spying and reporting on others ; and requir ing all members to do anything Jones told them to do, including pm/Ήη» guirirfp HHIIb, the killinfl of others and actual suicide. The Peoples Temple and Germany of the 1930s each represent people who did not want to assume a responsibility for their own actions nor make any decisions for them selves, thus the emergence of para noid leaders, unpredictable conse quences and the loss of personal freedom. I ItVTime The Black Community Did Something About It! Social Security Benefits First Five Months Of Disability People.who apply for social security disability benefits are often surprised and disappoin ted when they .are told there is ' a 5*month^waiting period be fore disability benefits can begin. "It shouldn't take 5 months to tell if I'm disabled," is a typic5T reaction. Inmost cases it doesn't take that long to make the medical vocational determination of disability. Rather, the 5 month waiting period reflects the purpose of the social secu —rity disability program which is to insure workers and their families against the loss of income caused by a long term Deriod of disability. UNDER SOCIAL security, disability means inability to do any -substantial work be cause of a physical or mental impalHf^tfMfcui Xqç at least a year or will result in death. This is different from some other programs, like veterans benefits, that pay for partial disabilities, or from some State-administered pro , grams that provide for tempo rary disabilities. Most people who become ill or suffer disabling conditions —recover m less than 5 months. Others who may take a little longer have a condition that is unlikely to last a year and is therefore not a long-term dis ability. People who suffer short term disabling conditions often rely on personal inoome and resources such as private insurance or savings to tide them over. Such State admini stered programs as workers' compensation insurance and unemployment insurance as well as veterans benefits may also be available. WHEN A person's condition is so severe as to extend beyond the protection provid ed by such programs, then social security disability in surance can be most helpful. Most people who receive soc ial security disability benefits continue to do so for the rest of their lives, or until the benefits shift to retirement benefits at age 65. People who do attempt to return to work in spite of their condition are permitted a trial work period up to 9 months to enable them to determine if they can perform substantial gainful work on a ι regular basis. The waiting period is mea sured from the onset of the disability, not from the date of the application, so that in _ many casas à person who applies for benefits after the 5-month waiting period only has to wait the time it takes to jargceee his or her claim. \Jrâ*oactive benefits may be |ώία for up to 12 months preceding the month you apply. . ,·,··<! However, it la important that you file for disability*) benefits as soon as you realize that your disability is expect ed to last 12 months or longer so benefits can start with the 6th full month of disability. MORE THAN 4.9 million workers and their dependents" are currently receiving disabi lity benefits at the rate of $1.1 billion a month. The average disability benefit for a single worker is $285; the average for a disabled worker and family is Κββ. _■ People who don't have enough credit for work under social security to get disability benefits and who have limited income and resources may qualify for benefits under the supplemental security income program, which provides pay ments to the needy, aged, blind and disabled. SSI is also run by the Social Security Admini stration and the medical eligi bility requirements are the same. However, there is no ' 5-mohth Waiting period, since SSI payments are made on the basis of need rather than, credit for work under social security and it is assumed that the payments are needed immediately. Thus, a person ι in need may qualify for, SSI", disability payments while waiting for his or her social security claim to be complet ed. SSI payments cannot be made -before the month of application. If you feel you need more information about social secu rity or SSI disability pay ments, call or stop by the office. The telephone number klMKL Gty Council i \ Meeds Your Help ,'Dtiting the month of Decem (jbier, the Charlotte City Council will be meeting the following postions: Audi tori uni-Coliseuin-Civic Authority-Nominations to fill the unexpired term of Ann Thomas will be made at the fity Cminril moating on Mnn day, December 18. Ms. Thom as resigned after being elected to the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners. The term will expire April 25, 1978. .. Civil Service Board-Nomi Btfc— tu fill 11» unexpired— ' term of Mary Rogers Watts will be made at the City Council meeting on Monday, • January 8, 1979. Ms. Watts resigned due to moving out side the City limits. The term will expire May IS, 1979. Persons and organizations with recommendations for these appointments should contact any member of the Charlotte City Council. : By Vernon Ε. Jordan, Jr. •· TO BE EQUAL *v. tffllft federal Budget A Battleground lf;The Administration is sending strong signals mat the next budget will be an "austerity" budget, φί#ι deep cuts all across the board. Wffi gl' across the board. Military .sporting will go up. Some federal operations win be held to an increase roughly comparable with inflation. ., But the axe is being sharpened to slash federal job and housing programs. When you consider the enormous waste in some federal spending programs-shoveling out huge sums of money to affluent suburbs and mile-wide tax loopholes and tax subsidies that benefit the rich-cutting social programs is outrageous. _ If sacrifices are demanded to restrain inflat ion, they should not be borne by the poorert among us. And that's who would take it on tHf chin if the rumors coming out of Washington are accurate. Poor people depend on federal job creation programs and subsidized housing. They need the health, income maintenance and training programs government provides. And those programs aren't just frills, icing on the cake. No, they have become essential for survival. Cut those programs and you cut the few strands left on the inadequate safety net our society places beneath the poor. Cuts in thoee programs would deliver a fatal blow to many people's lives and hopes. χι me government is serious about trimming federal spending, those programs should be the last to be cut, not the first. Other targets are far more inviting, and would not result in worsening the already desperate situation many people find themselves in. A Brookings Institution study found that the Pentagon's civilian payroll includes an estimat ed billion dollars of waste in unnecessary personnel pnd in inflated salaries. Some analysts suggest military spending could be cut drastically with no loss in defense firepower. Whatever the merits of such analy ses, most people agree that the defense estab lishment could be leaner and still retain its effectiveness. *4 tWèbt signed a bill raising pensions for non-wounded veterans, an act that will add billions to the budget over the next few years. And while the Administration works on cutting social expenditures that aid the cities, it is planning a multi-billion dollar civil defense program. No one suggests such a program would be effective in case of nuclear attack. But by going through the expensive motions of Trinnnmg a givil dtfenni* program wn'rg gypoosed to be convincing the Russians that we're tough. Another bloated budget area can be found in the pork barrel projects favored by the very Congressmen who yell loudest about cutting urban programs. The President acted boldly last summer when he vetoed a rivers and dams bill, but billions are still spent on those non-prtortty projects that benefit relatively few people. Another popular pork barrel federal program is the continuing massive amount spent on highway construction, something that ought to be a state responsibility now that the interstate highway system is in place. Revenue sharing monies are not targeted and are given to every local government whether it needs the aid or not. THE CHARLOTTE POST "THE PEOPLES NEWSPAPER" Established 1918 Published Every Thursday By The Charlotte Poet Publishing Co., Inc. 1524 West Blvd.Charlotte. N.C. 2820β Telephones (704)37(HM96-376-0497 Circulation, 9,915 60 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE BILL JOHNSON...Editor Publisher BERNARD REEVES...General Manager SHIRLEY HARVEY...Advertising Director HENRY ALAKSA... Business Manager Second Class Postage No. 965500 Paid At Charlotte, N.C. under the Act of March 3,1878 Member National Newspaper Publishers Association North Carolina Black Publishers Association t — ' 4. · Deadline for all news copy and photos is 5 p.m. . ι Monday. All photos and copy submitted becomes the property of the POST, and will not be returned. National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. 45 W. 5th Suite 1403 2400 S. Michigan Ave. New York, N Y. 10036 Chicago, 111. 60616 (212) 489-1220 Calumet 5-0200 Our New Day Begun The Choice: Jobs Or Inflation Fights by Beqjamin L. Hook· Special To The Poet As the debate continue· over President Carter's intensified fight to hold inflation to a seven percent rate next y*ar, the question that confronts the nation is not whether there will be a recession In. 1979 but how severe it will be. However slight the economic slump, Η seems certain that national unemployment will be delibe rately pushed up by more than a full percentage from the current 5.8 to β percent range. For blacks, who hold a disproportionate share of marginal and low-income jobs, and whose jobless rate has been twice the national average since World War II, the prospects are for a wors ening economic condition. In pushing for the recent passage of the Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment Bill, civil righto leaders and the Congressional Black Cau cus were hoping te hold the nation to a moral commitment to keep the jobless rate at a level low enough to ensure that minorities would find jobs. The underlying belief wss that the basic cause of inflation is not full employ ment. Indeed, in our jncressingly complex economy and society, Benjamin L Hooks ' NAACP executive director v) many other factor· are involved that full employment should be the last reason that is given. Yet the news media and many national economists reflcxively use the job rate level as their favorite whip ping boy when they begin looking for reasons behind the wage-price spiral. ' Without adoubt, inflation hurt· everyone. But it especi ally hurts the poor, the mld dle-class and those with fixed incomes and pensions Inflation also makes people mean, vicious and selfish. It draws them inward. People worry about, can I eat? Can I buy a second cart Can I send my children to school or coll ege? Inflation, as we have seen in recent months, makes people conservative. They vote down school taxes, even though it hurts their children. They vote for California's Proposition 13 type restriction on state and local budgets because they feel property taxes are rising much too fast and too high. They become selfish and stop worrying about the underpri vileged, especially the black child down the street. As a minority, black people are the draftees of the inflat ion fight. Poor people do not make the decision to put a voluntary ceiling on wages. If they are lucky enough to have a job, inflation will be making it even more difficult for them to survive. Faced with whether or not they should fight inflation or continue the push for jobs, therefore, the choice seems academic. The survival of blacks reste on whether they can find a job, a livelihood that protects them from the humiliation of the unemploy ment line and the peyrholngi cal damage of welfare. Blacks must therefore be alarmed over the prospects of s deliberately created econo mic slump next year. For blacks to benefit, the national growth rate must be above four percent. Yet, national economic leaders are now predicting that the economy will grow no taster Uian be tween two and a half and three percent in 197#. Mr Carter predicts three percent But, we have our doubts about that expressed optimism. Furthermore, there are con certed efforts to cut by more than half the federal budget deficit. This action will further restrict the amount of funds available for federal pro grama. Given these alternatives, it will be up to black voters to decide which is more Ιπιραφ ant-the administration's inflation fight or a healthy, national economic · program that will provide a job for every American who is willing and able to work. JNo Votes, Then No Jobs Watergate bas run out. Wind· of change will brti« a cold winter for Black Ameri cana. Political changea on both coaeta have been damag ing to Black American leader ship. Bigots in the ballot box Mew not only two existing black political leaders from office, Lt Governor Mervyn Dymally in California and U.S. Senator Edward Brooks in Massachusetts, but put cap ital punishment in first place. Governor Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown's margin of victory was the largest num erical gap In the history of contested gubenatorial races in California. The lovable little governor got 1,830,MO votes Capital punishment code name death penalty produced 4.3S2.SM votes a mandate for maiming Black* American male political prisoner· in jail While the first and only Black American Associate Justice of the California State Supreme Court appointed by Governor Brown did not as protocol dictate· campaign, be nevertheless received 75,000 fewer confirmation vote· than the hated and haun ted similarly appelated Chief Justice Ro*e Byrd. Racism and wander ran a closet campaign against even Mayor Chartes Evers in Miss iaeippi. Evers finished trailing third for U.S. Senate seat in a state nearly half black. The Lord helps thoee who help themselves In the 197· election, only two out of five Black Americans of voting age went to the polls. This November was one of the lowest voter turnouts in hist ory, about 37 percent for the nation which was even lower than the 38.5 percent recorded in 1974 in the midst of the Watergate inspired diarrhea. American Enterprise Insti tute, a conservative think tank, Election· Research Can ter, reveal· that the U.8. is second from the bottom of eight western countries when compering the latest nation ejections tun» out of voter*. While this is ironic for white America with Its higher edu cational level than both Black America and most foreign nations, it's tragic for Black Americana.

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