cmm t commcnu Let’s Make A Silent Revolution ine three histone events that best characterize the 1960s - the Civil Rights Movement, The Vietnam 'War and The_Nation’s Youth Rebell ion Against the Status Quo and “The Establishment” - were also the seeds that exploded under the found ation of many of the nation’s most cherished values and historic con cepts. Unfortunately, nearly a decade after the upheaveled 60s, we as a nation have not re-built our value orientation base nor reaffirmed our commitments to many of our most cherished beliefs. Instead, we have lived for a decade with a schizo phrenic economy, a fractured family structure, sexual promiscuity, and an abandonment of reason as if adrift in a sea of uncertainty. We "Americans have,” says Charles A. Reich, “lost control of the machinery of (our) society, and only new values and a new culture can restore control.” In order for the restoration of control to occur, America needs a silent revolution, a “revolution (that) is the movement to bring man’s thinking, his society, and his life to terms with the revolution erf technology and science that has already taken place,” says Reich. We have called this a silent ' 1 — — _ revolution because it is a battle to capture man’s mind from the trite and nonsense of television, porno graphy and the after-dinner cocktail by the use of the printed word leading to the restoration of values that have been reshaped and refined for the world of the coming 1980’s. Black poet Nikki Giovanni offered a sense of direction for the silent revolution when she told a group of librarians in Charlotte last week, “You should be happy when a child steals a book from you. You can buy another book. You’re not there to keep order. You’re there to start a revolution. A revolution starts with books.” Ms. Giovanni’s point is that from books we get ideas and from ideas we can build the foundation for a new social order-hopefully one of justice and equality. However, we must hastily add one note of caution, that is, we must be sure that when v/e read, we read with our minds and not with our emotions and our prejudices. To do the latter is to defeat the very reason for reading. When we have developed the courage to read in a quest for ideas as a basis for new or restored values, we will have begun the silent revolution leading to making your America a great America. sppace Endangers System? Opponents of the district repre sentation system have consistently charged that districting has led to “ward politics” and thus the overall needs of the city have been sacri ficed for narrower interests. Evi dence indicates that there is no justification for these allegations. The fact is , local government has been more reponsive to the broader needs of the City under the dis tricting system that it was under the af-iarge system. Ironically, the new danger to district representation arises apparently from some of the same forces that oppose the system. We are referring here to reports that through the Shelter Provides Action Committee Enterprise (SPPACE) the homebuilders, realtors and developers plan to give some City Council district candidates up to i $3,000 for their election campaigns. R omcc uic average cuuncu cam paign cost in the 1977 election was about $4,000, a $3,000 gift from a single source should raise some serious questions among the voters. A political contribution of nearly 100 percent of the cost of the campaign from any single source would imply that the candidate is obligated to vote for and support the interest—of—his-her benefactor. However, what is more important is that the candidate, if elected, would never be above suspicion whenever voting on issues that might be of possible benefit to his-her benefactor Considering these facts and the fact that our local government has been free of corruption would lead us to believe that our candidates should reject such a campaign offer, despite the committee’s assurance that there are “no strings attached” to the contribution. A good motto here would be when in doubt, don’t. ! fciconomic Kacism r ' The five suits brought by the : federal government charging Sears, i Roebuck and Co. with race and sex j discrimination is a hard reminder that racism is still very much a part of the American scene. The suit is particularly important J: because Sears is one of the nation’s s* largest employers, with a work force of over 400,000 in 850 retail stores and nearly 3,000 other selling outlets. As such. Sears is an em ployer-leader in the nation. The suit is also important because it deals with a basic form of the new racism economic racism. This kind of racism can deny to a black American all- I repeat, all- of the gains made over the last 17 years in the quest for justice and equality. Therefore, a win for the government in the Sears suit will represent a victory for black Americans and the cause of justice. WBTV Fails Viewers Again? ay ueraia u jonnson Special to the Post WBTV took it upon itself to" censor a recent television epi sode of “One Day at a Time” because the episode dealt with pre-marital sex among teenagers. WBTV, you remember, is the same station that had a power failure a couple of years back while showing “The Great White Hope” dur ing prime time. It later show ed the movie the following Sunday at 11 p.m., with little or no advertisement on the time change. "Di v is cnariottes CBS affiliate that fails to show NBA Basketball on Sunday evenings because of poor rat ing. Instead it shows 1920 reruns of once-famous cow boys. The ratings must soar with such a great substitution. So, one shouldn’t be too surprised when this great sta tion takes it upon itself to play “Big Brother” to the area viewing audience. After all the mental turpitude of the citi zenry of the Charlotte area is questionable, isn’t it? Well, two years ago I would have been thoroughly UPSET. Two years ago I didn’t have cablevision or HBO. But even though I could care less about what appears on commercial television in this area, I think the principle needs addressing. 1 could agree with WBTV’s views of censorship if it had' any degree of consistency. But the station uses commercials that stop short of the act of copulation. They also show Gerald O. Johnson such sexual exploiting series as “The Dukes of Hazzard,” and “Dallas.” The soap operas cover every immoral act ever conceived . So, it is inconceivable to me to reason why this episode that didn’t show some “peek-a-cheek” was censored. In fact I was told that the episode maturely and humo rously dealth with a subject that every teenager will face sooner or later. Since WBTV seemingly has no policy or standard to deter mine what we should see and what we shouldn’t see, then they should either show us everything or nothing. This inconsistence by WBTV has caused viewers to lose faith in the station. It is obvious that good viewer rela tions cannot be maintained if the station uses at Ouija board to determine what the viewers will see. The gripe I have is not with CBS. CBS has continuously provided consistently fair pro gramming. However, WBTV, CBS’ local affiliate, has used poor judgement on several occasions. I would strongly suggest that WBTV get a grip on the profile of its audience and address itself accordingly. Because of the rapid growth and changes in the Charlotte area, it is not a safe assumpt ion to believe that the area is too immature or too religious to deal with current issues. In conclusion a television station should reflect the atti tudes of the community and not try to dictate them. catiqn zM sSSMrs .• ieem^to -have' enough time the Charlotte Drug Education Center has a workshop that mav help you. Examining ways to manage time more effectively will be the objective of a workshop held on Thursdays, Nov. 1, 8, and IS from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the center. Call 374-3211 for reservations. Learning to deal positively with loneliness from being unattached, uncommited or a single parent will be the goal of a workshop sponsored by the Charlotte Drug Education Center. This workshop will explore ways to meet others and how to spend time creatively. It will be held on four consecutive Wednesdays beginning Nov. 7 from 7-9 p.m. at the center. Register by calling. 374-3211. f ■ Vpmon E. Jordan, TO BE v — ■ TTi© Urifinished; Business Of Civil Rights There's one thing opponents of civil rights and some supporters of civil rights agree on. Both say there haib been significant progress made by blacks in the past tw<^ decades, and that less emphasis should be placed on the plight of the poorest of the black community. They come at this conclusion from different directions, of course. Traditional opponents of civil rights move ment refuse to accept the need for more action to end poverty and discrimination, just as they opposed earlier efforts. But some in the civil rights movement make an argument that goes roughly like this: "The Great Society programs of the sixties got many people out of poverty. Yea, new programs are needed and old ones need to be strengthened in order to com plete the job. But stressing the terrible plight of the poor est leads to a defeatist attitude. People will say that if so many are still so poor, then government programs don’t work and we shouldn't start new ones." I don’t buy that argument at all. If we concentrate on the real progress some of us have made, we will destroy the possibility of progress for the many more people who did not share in the advances of the sixties. If fact, stressing the positives would just lull public and politicians alike into thinking the problem is pretty well solved and new steps are unnecessary. Worse, they’ll condemn the poor for not being able to climb out of poverty, even with government help. That in fact is what is happening today. I think we must continually remind a forgetting nation that while the Great Society programs did work, they were largely half-hearted, underfunded, and reached only a small portion of the poor. In fact most of today’s federal programs exclude more people who are eligible for participation than they include. We affirm the real success story of the sixties — that black people made greater economic, social and political progress than in any previous period. But the fact remains that the masses of black people did not make significant progress and the recessions of the seventies eroded many of the gains that had been made. Instead of looking backward at the recent past we’ve got to look forward to the measures necessary to complete the movement for civil rights and greater equality. The big ticket items on the shopping list of necessary, measures are familiar — full employment, nation# health, youth development, better schools and housing, and others. ■H £ But thenajf^aleo a need to make moating, civil .rights ' laws more- affective. There’s a difference between passing a law and implementing it. We’ve got a fair housing law on the books, but it has no teeth. Congress is still delaying the necessary passage of amendments that would enforce fair housing law!! Some laws have to be implemented through private action. We’ve got fair hiring laws, but there’s still an enormous job ahead to help employers devise and set up effective affirmative action programs, training programs, and similar actions. Prospective employees have to be counseled and taught work habits, skills and attitutes demanded by the work place. Voting rights are guaranteed. But the incredibly low black voter turnout means a massive job in educating people to utilise their newly-won rights in their own interests, and to participate in the democratic process. I could cite numerous other instances as well. But the point is that the civil rights movement is far from over — not by a long shot. The imperfectly drafted and implemented laws and theneed to help people benefit from federal laws and b3Znc*r * tremendou* burd*n on community rrom LQpftol Hill Black People Are Not Spineless Parasites Alfreds L. Madison Special To The Pott Bayard Rustin in his criticism of black leaders who met with the PLO in an attempt to get them to stop terrorists’ attacks on Israel and to recognize the Jews right to a homeland seems to be following his same course of alignment with black op position forces that he has done some times in the past. The 1968 New York City school strike, which erupted over a black Brownsville principal's dismissal of some substitute teachers, who were dismissed according to the regulations of the school board, the United Federa tion of Teachers which was Jewish controlled, since around 85 percent of the city's entire school personnel was Jewish, was called by the U FT. This being New York City’s largest business, with its inferior school conditions for blacks and Puerto Ricans, was an educational and economic fight. Being a teacher in New York City during that time, I've never seen more ethnic hatred generated. It was proved that more than 5,000 pieces of antisemetic literature, which was attributed to blacks, was actually put out by the UFT. Yet notwithstanding, all of that Bayard Rustin hearti ly supported the anti-black and Puerto Rican movement and issued long written papers supporting Al Shanker and his UFT. TTie minorities were only seeking a chance to have the laws ad ministered justly to them. After the UFT support by Bayard Rustin, he admitted that he had never been so severely criticised in all his life. I' ve heard sharp criticisms of Mr. Rustin *s television praise for the April election in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, while Dr. Maurice Woodard, an observer, call ed the entire election as being unfair to majority rule. So there is no wonder that Bayard wrote this long arti cle, recently, criticising black leaders who met with Yasser Arafat. Perhaps Mr. Rustin doesn't know that many of our country’s leaders, as well as U.N. of ficials are saying that there should be talks with the PLO. He said that Rev. Jackson and SCLC leaders wanted a news media play. What did he want when he Alfred* L. Madison appeared on television In Zimbabwe-Rhodesia prais ing the April election? Mr. Austin stated that the action of these black leaders hurt the civil rights movement. A civil and constitution right is to talk with people of ones own choosing. Surely, Jews did aid in the civil rights movement, when the action was in the aouth, but h has been somewhat of a different story when the movement began taking place in nor thern cities, where there is a large concentration of Jewish people. The entire civil rights movement is for justice and right and one of these rights is the freedom to express ones own views to whomever one pleases. If blacks can only talk with people who meet the approval of another group of people, or if they cannot talk with those whom someone else does not like, then their civil rights fight is in vain. That kind of action would make the purpose of the Jewish alliance one of enslaving blacks rather than one of aiding blacks in gain* eedom. . Rustin stated that link with the PIX) threatens to undermine the liberal coalition, the political alliance of minority groups, trade unions and liberals that is responsible for almost all the advances made in civil rights.” Such a statement, is not only unjust to blacks but it makes them appear to be a weak, parasitic, unintelligent people. Has he forgotten that blacks were the first to strike blows for their own freedom during slavery, that thousands laid their lives on the line in the civil rights movement ir this country? Bayard Rustin, being a union man, certainly should know that the trade unions rio not have an impeccable V track record in blacks’ rights. Surely blacks appreciate Jewish and everyone elae’s aid in their fight for justice. They want this help as recognition of a fight for human right and not as a fatherly fight for his retarded child. If anyone were to accept Bayard Rustin’s article as a truth, it certainly paints the Jews in an unfair light; one in which their help in the civil rights movement was for enslavement of black thoughts and actions, and blacks as spineless, retarded dependents. Neither is the case. Fortunately, for Mr. Rustin, is that scarcely anyone, Jew, black or gentfe swallows the views expressJQ In his recent article. All groups are far too enlighten ed for that. Planning For Retirement When the Job is Over: Planning for Retirement” will be the theme for the Oct. 30 session of “Human Values in the Corporate World." George Abernethy, Ph.D. (Religion) Professor Emeritus Davidson College tnd Thomas Philson, per Snn*l manager, Celanese , Fibers Group in Charlotte will share their views on which values are most im portant for workers when they leave active employ ment. The public is invited to at tend this dialogue, admis sion free, sponsored by the Senior Scholars, Inc. that will explore issues of how does or ought the corpora tion deal with employees prior to retirement regarding questions on human values involved in planning for retirement. This dialogue will be held from 10-11:30 a.m., at Myers Park Baptist Church, Shalom Hall, 1800 Queens Road in Chariot Subscribe to the Charlotte Post. Your support helps! \ TOE CHARLOTTE POST Second Class Postage No. 965500 “THE PEOPLES NEWSPAPER" Established 1918 Published Every Thursday By The Charlotte Post Publishing Co., Inc. 1524 West Blvd.-Charlotte. N.C. 28208 Telephones (704)376-0496-376-0497 Circulation, 9,915 60 YEARS OF C0NTIN0US SERVICE LL JOHNSON...Editor Publisher BERNARD RE EVES... 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