Channel 58 To Take Kntioate -* X.'TT TT • ^ 1 Look At Katherine Dimhhrtr The legendary Katherine Dunham ie one of Ame ric’i most respected en trepreneur* in the field of performing arts and is in ternationally known for re creating anH popularising the so-called primitive forms of dance. Her life and work are profiled in an boor-long special over PBS when DANCE IN AMERICA’S “Divine Drumbeats: Katherine Dunham and Her People,” takes an ««*■>— and in timate look at this dynamic woman on Wednesday, April 1C, M p m. an Chan nel SB’s Great Perform Videotaped in Haiti and revealing performance profile is produced by • WNET-Tbirteen Hew York. Dance in American is from Exxon, The Nattamd Endowment for the Arts and The Corporation for Piddle Broadcasting, with Additional support from Potdic television stattam. An integral element in “Divine Drumbeats: Ka therine Dunham and Her * people" and one rarely witnessed by outsiders, is the color sad pageantry of a traditional vaudon (voo doo) ceremony performed in Haiti. It is there in that West Inches country that the Dance In American carmens also recorded an exclusive interview with tong and remarkable career, bar early motion picture work in Hollywood, her active involvement in civil rights, her work as aa anthropologist and above all her mommeotal contri butions to the world of dance. During the viewers will be treated to vintage motion picture footage from the IMO’s when mas Dunham cho reographed and was the featured