DENTAL HINTS ' Vi, Brought To The Community By SpurgeonW. Webber, D.D.S. ;·>, t · >(!.' ( · ■ Dental Crises As partially covered in a recent column, dental crises indicating the need for immediate profession al attention can manifest in a v.-. iety of indicators, most herald r ι »>y pain of some kind ranging from mild ·. drastic In certain ca»es, pain u> caused by the pressure of infection agaiii^i the tissue that covers the bone. When an infection penetrates the tooth, the cbèâc may start to swell, which allows the pain to subside, but indicating the infec tion is now in the gum and-or cheek. Sometimes the infection will spread into the bone if left unattended. Of course, this condi tion should have immediate pro fessional care, but for home care until you can see your dentist, warm salt water rinse and the application of bçat may prove to provide relief. Where such an infection is in volved, your dentist may drain the swollen area and then prescribe antibiotics to calm the infection. If scraping of the tissue is demmed necessary, especially deep under the gum, there may be swelling ahd bleeding of the /tissues. Sur prisingly, a good home relief for temporary vanilla ice ' cream. It stops the leakage of tissues and limits swelling, with a soothing affect and, the ice cream may be swallowed. Pain after root canal treatment can be caused by inflammation and not an infection, and usually will wane. While the pain is severe, most patients can take aspirin and refrain from eating except for liquids. When you get to your dentist's office, he may want to adjust your bite to reduce pressure on the involved tooth. Another type of pain associated with root canal treatment may materialize a week or so after ward, and may be caused by an infection within the tooth; gas may form causing painful pressure, sometimes forcing the material in the tooth out through the root, resulting in the spread of infection. On return to your dentist, he will probably remove the packing and let the pressure dissapate, and perhape prescribe antibiotics if indicated. Pain and discomfort after having a tooth pulled i& not unusual and the reaons can be varied and it may continue for several days. This type may be associated with an earache, if the tooth involved is a wisdom tooth, as these nerves also go to the ear. If discomfort persists after an extraction, do not delay in returning to your dentist. Never have the feeling you are being too much of a "bother"- as your dentist will always want to follow-through with any other treatment you need. SUPPORT OUR ADVEKIKRS SPÉCIAL TUNE UP KITS Plugs - Points - Condenser - Rotor Button 8 Cyl. »1425 6Cyl. *1225 4 CyL ΊΟ25 ' i PLUS FREE TUNE UP MANUAL ΛΛ&Ρ Auto Parts, Inc. 2137 Beattiee Ford Rid. 394-3116 394-3117 Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Daniel Cooper Is Featured In "The Long Days Of Summer" Young Daniel Cooper fights for his life in the ring during a fateful summer when his father risks a promising law career by helping a troubled Jewish immigrant, choosing .to defend human rights against the prejudices of his staid New England town during the pre-war years of World War II, in "The Long Days of Summer,v airing as part of "The ABC Friday, Night Movie Double Feature," May 23 at 8 p.m. on WSOC-TV, Channel Nine. "The Long Days of Summer" will be followed on this special salami Connected To Drug Ring At Carver High Coach Reeves is hauled on tne carpet when a player's legally prescribed amphetamnes wind up as a new course of "greenies" for the school's illicit drug market, on "The White Shadow," to be re broadcast Tuesday, May 27 at 8 p.m. on WBTV, Channel 3. When Carver's Salami injures his knee in a pick-up basketball game, Reeves sends him to his own orthopedic doctor, Dr. Parmel, for an examination. Parmel routinely authorizes the drugs, little suspect iu&bow they will finally be used. < -The Jeffereons" The discovery of an unfulfilled request in his father's will leads Ge< rge Jefferson in an unusual se. , ch into his forgotten past, on "The Jeffersons," to be rebroad cast Sunday, May 25 at 9:30 p.m. on WBTV, Channel 3. George s attempt to grant his father's last request-to be buried next Ό his wife-is complicated by the 4<> years that have passed since the request was made. *WKRP h CkidmafP Bailey Quarters gets promoted to on-air newscaster and Les Ness ' mar . has a difficult time accv, . the .act he'll have to .·>■ Whi <' airwaves with a ie . "WKKP in Cincinnati." I ' double feature night by "Reward," an co»'on drama starring Mictv'ie· Park at 9:30 p.mj As the el tec là of attorney c-u Cooper's decision to test the limits of the law ripple through the family, each member is faced with a challenging decision. To little daughter Sarah the loss of her playmates causes her to question her heritage, but for young Daniel a physical fight looms that will test his character. Pro led by his strong belief in . .ia of others and buoyed by liit apport of his family, Daniel ι 11 manages to transcent his fears and enter the ring. In the ultimate and surprising twist of events, spawned by Sarah, the Coopers emerge with a renewed commit ment that will see them through the years ahead. "The Long Days of Summer" stars Dean Jones as Ed Cooper, Joan Hackett as Miller Cooper, Ronnie Scribner as Daniel and Louanne (cq) as Sarah. Also sstar ring are Leigh French as Frances, John Karlen as Duane, with spe cial guest star Donald Moffat as Josef Daplan. fasm I ONE OF THE WORLD'S I I GREAT MEN S MAGAZINES I MO* MX Y ajw wjtrr ·««· -m HjtTmmimmr TAHITI TODAY »■'* j ι mm arm wirri « --«« w« ι mw mtrm PAUL W INFIELD **< ' 't»U< ·Ο4Π0Μ· WHY MEM STIU. RAY Π PLAYERS MAGAZINE June Issue—On Sale Now ^ DON'T MISS IT (— -ι · •■t. inun un Kiwi, m. UMTMMMWanWMtMra 1.MUU itnnMM U iiwntmmHM « ,\^ MI. ItWMM. NHNt >H WITH, PX in uni ulu ΙΤΜΠ. m ·. mi. u imi fc llt-MI-tMI ^ >