Democrats To Gather At Park Center Fridav Nivht several nundred Democrats from the Ninth Congressional Dis trict gathered at Park Center here Friday night to boost this year’s Democratic Unity Campaign Randall R. Kincaid, Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress, praised the accomplishments of President Carter and the Con gress. “President Carter has made some very courageous decisions for the future of the United States, especially in the field of foreign affairs,” Kincaid said. “His cour age and decency are qualities the people of the United States and North Carolina admire in the PrMident." wv. James B. Hunt, Jr. said Tar JCSU Showcase Moves To New Time On WPEG “The Johnson C. Smith Univers ity Showcase,” aired weekly on WPEG, 98FM, has moved to a new time. The show, previously aired at 7:30 a.m. each Sunday morn ing, can now be heard at 8:45 a.m. “I am very pleased with the change in time,” said Linda Florence, producer and ho6t of the “Showcase.” “I think there are a number of benefits to the move." “For one thing, it is more convenient to our listening au dience and two, it is sandwiched between two programs that are geared to the black audience,” she said. The show is aired immediately following the “Black Beat,” a syndicated radio show which ori ginates out of Texas and is aired immediately before a gospel show, called “New Dimensions.” The 15-minute radio show, which is a talk show format, looks at issues that are facing black higher education in general and specific programs and projects being held at the JCSU campus. Heel voters should support Demo crats because “we are the party that cares about people and progress.” For example. Hunt said, “In the past three and one-half years under the Democratic Administra tion there has been about $7 billion of new industrial investment that created 110,000 new industrial jobs.” ^^n^Robert^B^Iorgan^criticized^ his Republican opponent for using “deceitful” practices in his tele vision advertising. ‘‘He has acknowledged that he had to-, distort my record to get medial attention,” Morgan said. Hunt said Morgan was being victimized by large amounts of money sent to Morgan’s opponent by "out-of-state special- and vested-interest groups whose in terests may be different from Uiose of the people of North Carolina." Other statewide Democratic candidates in attendance were Lt. Governor Jimmy Green, Secretary of State Thad Eure, State Auditor candidate Edward Renfrow, Com missioner of Insurance John In gram, Attorney General Rufus Edmisten and Commissioner of Labor John Brooks. Commissioner of Agriculture Jim Graham, State I Treasurer Harlan Boyles, and Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Craig Phillips sent repre sentatives since they were unable to attend. Ninth District Chairman Ben Franklin said, "The rally was a great show of unity for Democrats in the Ninth Congressional District.” The Ninth District is composed of Iredell, Lincoln and Mecklenburg counties. I Gliffs Vinyl j Repair l RENEW I THAT ? OLD CAR I w I Upholstery^Vinyl Tops I 4 Van Conversion | B W I Call Today! J (332-2023 or 3994426 J 4 230 Fairwood Ave. ( I off S. Try on St. Z —Leadership for North Carolina_ Governor Jim Hunt