^B>: 11 ■ V'V Wf how ’bout this for an economical & nutritious meal... pork chops f.fji S End Cuts Mixed / Ul |(6 To 8 Lb. Pkg. ...Lb. $1.29) (3 To 6 Lb. Pkg. ...Lb. $1.39) Grade “A" Holly Farms Mixed Fryer Parts Limit 4 Pkgs. Per Customer, Please Lb. _ (Each pkg. contain*: Two breast quarters with back _ portion attached. Two leg quarters with back portion \attached, Two wings, Two necks, One back A Two livers) More Than 70% Lean n *■ Ground 3 To 5 Lb. Pkg. ...Lb. $1.09 Less Than 3 Lb. Pkg. ...Lb. $1.19 ■ Limit Two 5 Lb. Pkgs. Per Customer. Please t H-T Hamburger z.\ Buns L U 2 95c French’s Mustard 24 Oz. ^breakfast i8ready!i^^™" Frozen ^■■"T Fresh Mild Or Hot Orange Dinner Bell Juice Pork Sausage ~~7Q° $139 'c°n i O L1 I Reg. Or Pink Unsweetened Donald Duck ^Grapefruit Juice 46 Oz. 69c H-T Or Vernedale White Grade A Large Eggs Medium White Eggs...Doz. 75c Doz. In The Dairy Case Hunter 100% Pure Apple Juice...64 Oz. 99c / Quarters Mrs. Filbert’s Margarine Mrs. Filbert s Spread 2 Lbs. S1 19 White H-T Homestyle Bread flOOdj COld Utllkm Homogenized I fe* Vi 3.25% Butterfat Vernedale Whole Milk 27o Buttertat Bikini Milk.Gal. $1.79 | -5% Butterfat Hunter Milk...Gal. $1,69 | Greer Peaches 59° Can _ f a salmon casserole... Kingston Pink Salmon 15.5 Oz. ■ Can H Thin Spaghetti Or ■ Creamett? Elbow ? Macaroni All Varieties ScotTowels c Jumbo Roll f a fast, hot meal... Fr0„„ , Turkey, Chicken Or Beef S Jj Banquet Meat Pies 3$1 9 8 Oz. 9 Pkgs. ■ VMacaroni & Cheese.3pKgl$1.09 1 "■ ■■■■ — f-\ New Crop Acorn Or Butternut Squash .25° ——\ 2 Ltr. Non-Return Sprite, Tab, Mello Yello, Diet Sprite. Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper. Schweppes Ginger Ale Or Coca-Cola ic 2 Ltr. . M Btl. ^_I Sealtest Sour Cream (8 Oz. 59c) Fresh j Green . Cabbage 12c Assorted Or White Kleenex Tissue 10X, 4X, Light Or Dark Brown !j Dixie ; Crystal Sugar Chablis, Rose, Rhine, Or Burgundy Almaden Mtn. Wines $C99 3 Ltr. 1.5 Ltr.-S3.99 Win* Prlc* Effective In Th* i Following Towns Only: 'i Charlotte. Monro*, Matthews Vend Qestonla (Oak Tree Plata and Dltl* Village Stores Only). Prices In This Ad Effective Through Sunday, December 13,1981 In Mecklenburg County Harrfs-Teeter Stores Only We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities We Gladly Redeem Federal Food Stamps Seneca Shopping Center and Della Kds York and Yorkmong Koada - Helhaven Blvd. and MrClure Circle • Coni wood Shopping Center N. Graham and Derlta Koada Independence Blvd. and Idlewlld Hoad - Independence Shopping Cenler International Way and Providence Hoad - Providence Square Shopping ( enter The Plara and Milton Hoad - Hampshire Itllls Shopping ( enter Freedom Drive and Ashley ltd. - Freedom Drive Mall Central Avenue and Amity Itoad • Kaslland Mall Carmel ltd and tfuail Hollow ltd -tilde Town Villege Sam Newell ltd llwy. .'it and John Street. Depot shopping t enter. Matthews. North Carolina t entral .\ve and The I’lara • South Itlvd. and I’olndeMer Ur. - Sedgelirld t enter Sharon & Kairtiew Knadx • Sharon Shopping tenter S. Sharon Xmitv and Randolph Knadx ■ t'otxwnld shopping t enter South Blvd. and Seneia Place