b l i i •, 310 s Tlbrary Ch*rl otuy°LStreet J NC 2S202 S=™ THJHHA1 LOTTE POST = > < A 1.1. 376-0196 ,',r i/n.uifHn "l,w *oirv 1,1411,1(14 ,1 < " ~~ ■ -wimigi/i. ♦ i E>.iljfyr__ Volume 8, Number 29 •i ~~ _________ -___ T,1E CHARLOTTE POST - Thursday. December 23 I9K2 - 1 — ^ Price: 40 ( puts With Special Services Area Churches To * Observe Christmas By Teresa Simmons Post Managing Editor "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that who ever believes in Him should not perish, but have ever lasting life," John 3:16. Christmas time being the season of gift giving, many may not realize that the most precious gift jn life has already been offered. That gift of Jesus Christ, the son of God, His ex ample while living a mortal life, and the fact that He died for our sins, is a gift far more valuable than any amount of wealth. It is a gift we should not take for granted While most churches have already held Christ mas programs there are still a few Charlotte churches planning to have services on or around Christmas Day Mayfield Memorial Bap tist Church, pastored by Rev H. S Diggs, will hold a Christmas service Satur day, December 25 at the church. 700 Sugar Creek Rd.. West The service will consist of a sermon and music. The public is cor dially invited to attend There will be an Inter national Christmas Fellow ship December 25. 1 pm. Dr. Joyce Waddell ...CMS Area Program Specialist ui rroviaence naptist Church, 4921 Randolph Rd This fellowship will be sponsored by the Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Viet namese Missions and Mecklenburg Baptist Asso ciation. The public is wel come to attend. Greater Bethel AME Church.201 Grandin Rd., is hosting a combined Christ mas Worship Service Sa turday. December 25. at 10 am Churches involved in clude Moore’s Sanctuary AME Zion. Rev William Robinson pastor; Grace AME Zion. Rev. Marion Jones pastor; and Greater Bethel AME, Rev Levi Brown Jr pastor. The sermon will be de livered by Rev William Robinson, pastor of Moore s Sanctuary AME Zion Church. The public is warmly Dr. Joyce Waddell Is “Beauty Of The Week” By Teresa Simmons Post Managing Editor “A mind is a terrible thing to-waste," is a phrase Dr Joyce Waddell bor rowed from the United Negro College Fund as one philosophy in her life. “I believe that we should /put education among our highest priorities and take advantage of each oppor tunity,” Dr. Waddell re vealed. "It will be expens ive and time consuming but you have to make sacri fices and it’s worth it in the end." Dr Waddell’s latest de gree was earned at the Uni versity of North Carolina in Greensboro. She received a PhD in Child Develop ment and Family Relations - with .a .manor in Social_An:. thropology. "Hopefully my future will consist of learning new things and perfecting the skills I have acquired I am always striving to do things better," she stated deter minedly Presently Dr. Waddell works as the Area Pro gram Specialist in the Fast and West Charlotte Feeder areas, grades kin dergarten through 12. "My job is different every day. I enjoy carry ing out and planning work shops. working with leach 'll in service training and w>rking with students,” she revealed tUKTUWK _ * The time to start saving for your old age is today, you will never begin at some time in the future J_*_ Dr. Waddell is a mem ber of Little Rock AME Zion Church and is active in various civic and social organizations. Some include the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Las Amigas. She also enjoys spending time with young children. Often when weather per mits you can find many of her little friends splashing in Dr. Waddell’s and her husband’s backyard pool. Dr. Wadeell cites her husband E.E. Waddell, a retired Assistant Superin tendent for the Auxiliary Service in the Charlotte Mecklenburg School Sys tem, as the person she most admires. "He loves doing things for people He makes a lot of personal sacrifices for othersT'D'r" Waddell commented. "He has that inward beauty." Usually, we speak of young adults striving for a particular goal Dr. Wad dell is a shining example to many that their efforts need not be in vain. See BEAUTY on Rage 4 With Area Kids invited to attend.. Com bined choirs of the three churches will sing A Christmas Eve Vesper service will be held at Se cond Calvary Baptist Church. 114 Nelson Ave., December 24 This service will feature traditional Christmas music per formed by the church’s Singing Christmas Tree Under the direction of Tony Brown this program promises to be a spiritual inspiration in celebration of the birth of Jesus Many churches observed the birth of Jesus in spe cial ways prior to Christ mas Day. Steele Creek AME Zion Church held a Christmas Concert Decem ber 19 with the Young Adult and Children’s Choir sing ing On December 12 the church also held an Annual Senior Citizens Dinner. 'East Stonewall AME Zion Church held a Christ mas Program December 19 touowmg-tne morning, woe-..... ship service. Shiloh Institution also held a Christmas program December 19 New St. John’s Baptist Church held a Christmas service De cember 19 and December 18 served a Fellowship Din See AREA on Page 4 Computer Game Atari Is Top Choice On Christmas Lists By Karen Parker Post Staff Writer “What do you want Santa to bring to you for Christ mas?" When I was a child and presented with this ques tion, I named almost everything in the Sears Christmas Wish Book Fourth and fifth grade stu dents at Marie G. Davis Ktamentary School were posed with the same question last week, sur prisingly, they named a few it«ms Perhaps, they, like adults, are becoming more and more aware of the eeoriOmic crunch. Never theless, it's advisable that Santa's elves get busy packing Atari Five of the eight children interviewed, requested the popular video game system at the top of their Christmas lists Allegra Dowers ..Fourth grade Below is a final remind er to Santa as to what should be in his big bag for these fourth and fifth grade students Allegra Flowers, fourth grade: "I want an Atari and a Pink Ji' Pretty Doll Pink ‘N'Pretty plays the piano ” Herbert Greenman, / Herbert GreeWman . Celebrates Hannukah fourth grade: “Well, I celebrate Hanukkah We have an eight-day festival that lasts through Decern berlfl We had the grab hag pull yesterday and I got a pack of pencils “ Donnie Gill, fourth grade “For Christmas I want an Atari, a red i — »R»R IR KJR Nff KR1R HU yttwiy (fyutfatctef.. Bill Johnson ua !mr. 7* M % W V I , Bernard Reeves fe» V Fran Farrer-Bradlev Betty Potts MKIY! I^oretta Manag^^^^ James 1 McMillan ] Jfam R,,p" ‘ Angela Clin^^ Hachei Swann iaam