ssss&ssj. T!JTSfiI ATTP di iorp uii/ixiJbU I x Jit r Ho x ; ~ “The VoU'p Of The Black Community” L37MM9« -;___ *4 Volume 8, Number 31 ----<_* " - ... - THE CHARLOTTE-POST -Tbunwtey. Junuurr*. >«» - - Price: 40 Cents ***$»>* — Beny Heads JCSU 1983 Johnson C. Smith Uni versity officials recently named Phillip Berry chair man of the JCSU 1983 United Negro College Fund Appeal. As chairman, Berry will head a telethon steering; committee to benefit the United- Negro College Fund. The telethon entitled “Lou Rawls Parade of Stars” will be aired on WBTV, Channel 3 on March 19,1983. Berry, a Charlotte busi nessman, is representative elect of the North Carol ina House. He was elected to flur Chariotte-Meclclen burg School Board in 1972; served as chairman of the school board from 1976-82; and is ending a term as president of the North Carolina School Board Association. Because of the economy, Berry said, it is becom ing increasingly difficult for minority students to ob tain financial aid to attend school; and even more dif ficult for the students at tending traditionally Black colleges. “Times kre difficult, but we- must do more to see that support continues. We must continue to get the message out on how im portant Black colleges am to our overall community “Wokhow that Black col leges continue to produce the most Black doctors, lawyers and Black profes sionals in all fiekh, and this great source of talent ii vital to our community and country,” Berry stated. Arrive Alive, «■ Don’t Drink, Drug And Dri*e Most people realize that if they’ve had too many a IcoholTc drinks they don't' function the way they nor mally do. But many people don’t realize that they may not be functioning normal ly the entire day after drinking too much. _ Hie North Carolina Me dical Society advises that the period during a hang over, as the condition is called, can be as hazardous as the time period im mediately following heavy drinking. As long as alcohol is in your system, your Judge ment will be affected and your coordination will be reduced. The morning after a night of heavy drinking can leave you feeling thirsty, with a headache and pos sible nausea, There art some mea sures you can take to re duce the misery of a hang over! -Drink leas. -Try to eat something before, during and after drinking. veral glasses of water be fore going to bed since drinking alcohol beverages causes loss of water to the body’s tissues. XUCTLt-WK Nothing ia more depreea tag than to feel bad in the morning without having had any fun the night be fore. — — PERSONABLE VEDA GIBSON ...Nortb Mecklenburg senior Veda Gibson Is Beauty Of Week By Teresa Simmons Post Managing Editor At age 17 Veda Gibson has a high spiritual aware ness. Partially because of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Clifford B. Gibson, but for the most part because of the gift of understanding God chose to beatowe upon great deal in school and my leader ship roles and in clubs and organizations,” Ms. Gibson commented. ‘‘If I could make a change I would start by advising everyone to get good religion behind them, to love everyone,” she continued. c-ven disease can De changed Ms. Gibson real izes. "If everyone was happy there would be no disease or sickness. Dis ease and sickness is evil ness. Happiness and love are the keys to every thing.” Ms. Gibson feels that through love many accom plishments can be made. "Love can succeed any thing,” she explained. Influential in her life have been her parents and the Bishop of her church, The House of Prayer For all People, Bishop W! Mc Cullough. "Bishop McCul lough gives me very en couraging words at times. Through God he gives me a lot of strength.” “My parents remind me to get things done for my self in order to help others while at the same time they encourage me to become whatever I want to,” Ms. -Gibson stated. Vl’ve been taught that life is worth living If you live it right. You must make yourself be some one.” Ms. Gibson is one who loves working along with people. At North Mecklen buHL_Senior Hitfh School where she is a senior, Ms. Gibson is a member of the National Honor Society; Red Croat; Project Aries; Frtenddhip Force The Charlotte Friend ship Force Exchange, a program that promotea personal friemfcMps be tween people through ex change visits throughout the world will holds social gathering for Interested In dividuals Saturday, January 8th. ... v * This meeting will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Sharon Road, from 7-* p.m. If you would Bke to tra vel to a European city or host visitors from Europe you are invited to this Social meeting Wine and cheese win be served. £ president of the Health Oc cupations Students of Ame rica Club; a member of the leadership program spon sored by Alpha Kappa Al pha Sorority and is a mem ber of Junior Achievement Also at the House of Prayer For All People Ms. Gibson is a member of the McCullough Youth Choir, iutfi 'rfoinutd “Miss McCullough Youth Choir” and is a faithful Sunday School member. Next fall Ms. Gibson plans to attend either the University of North Carol ina, Chapel Hill, Greens boro or Charlotte. i a wee to nelp people within the realms of the medical field. I love child ren and I’d like to major in pre-med and later attend Duke University Medical School and become a pe diatrician." Ms. Gibson has already experienced the feel of working with- -children during her academic in ternship at St. Mark Center and Hospital. “There, I worked with handicapped and mentally retarded children.” During leisure time our beauty enjoys playing the piano and clarinet; read ing, bike riding and cro cheting. She also enjoys the company of her sister, Berniceta, who is nine and her brother, Clifford, 15. JSCSU Economist i y The Forecast For 1983 Food Prices Decline Washington - The Con sumer Price Index re leased last week indicates retail food prices declined 0.2 percent in November - before seasonal adjust ment - according to Assist ant Secretary of Agricul ture William Lesher. ‘‘Declining food prices reflect larger supplies of many food commodities, and weak consumer de mand,” Lesher said. “Prices for food bought in grocery stores fell 0.4 percent in November, the fourth consecutive monthly decline. Prices for food purchased away from ^ home were up o.a pereapC, the smaHost rise thia^Sr. “November food prices were 3.4 percent higher than a year earlier,” he said. “This reflects 2.7 per cent higher prices for gro cery store food prices and 4.8 percent higher prices for food away from home. In contrast) prices for non food items have risen 4.8 percent over the past year.” Retail prices for fresh fruits were important fac tors pushing last month’s food CPI down. Fresh fruit prices declined 8.9 percent in November as increased supplies and lower prices of apples and oranges off set higher prices of bana nas. Prices for fresh ve getables rose 3.7 percent but were still 4.2 percent below November a year ago. The rise was due to higher prices for tomatoes as rains damaged the Cali fornia crop. Retail meat prices were down 0.5 percent in Novem ber reflrecting increased supplies. Carolyn Linyear . . .BDC manager Bobby Lowery ...CBL President President Reagan ...Signs bill (Jj Minority Enterprise Resident Reagan Is Serious About Innroving Environment By Karen Parker Post Staff Writer proving the environment for minority enterprise," stated Carolyn Linyear, manager of the Charlotte Gastonia Business Devel opment Center. Linyear was referring to a bill which President Reagan signed recently to help minorities “achieve fuller participation in the market economy.” The President proposed to pro vide approximately $1.5 billion in credit assistance and $300 million in man agement and technical as sistance to promote minor ity business development during the time period of 1983-85. Agencies like the Char lotte-Gastonia Business Development Center, which Linyear manages, and others like the Small Business Administration will be responsible for help ing to expand at least 60,000 of the already existing 600, 000 minority businesses. These agencies are also expected to encourage formation of minority businesses. ~ According to ianyear there are approximately ISO Business Development Centers throughout the country. To make Rea gan’s outlook on minority business advancement a success, these centers along with Small Business Administrations will pro mote minority business by providing management and technical assistance about capital, opportunity and manpower. Bobby Lowery of the Charlotte Business League certainly believes • minor ities in Charlotte should take advantage of this as sistance and pursue entre preneurships “The Presi dent is finally taking a step to say he will support the development of minority business and minorities need to take advantage of this opportunity,” Lowery noted. Lowery could not pro mise that minorities will not have difficulty getting financial assistance from local banks if their finan cial support is not stable In Salisbury Robert Davis Is Dr. Martin L. King Humanitarian Awards Day Speaker Special To The M Salisbury - Robert L. Davis Jr., chairman of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party, will be the guest speaker at an annual event in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Luther King Humanitarian Birthday Awards Day. Davis will deliver his topic at 3 p m., Sunday, at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 413 N. Church Street. Davis is known through out Mecklenburg County as a school principal and Primitive Baptist Church leader. The son of Robert and Rosa Davis Sr., he is a graduate of West Charlotte High School, Johnson C. Smith University, Univers ity of Maryland and Appa lachian State University. The vice-chairman of •Charlotte’s Community Re lations Committee, Devis was recently honored by Gov. Jim Hunt for his dedication to young people. The recently-elected "Principal of the Year” was honored in Ml whan Robert L. Davis Jr. .. CRC vice-chairman the parents aim siuoents at J.T. Williams Jr. High School named their football stadium after him for 16 years of service to the school. Awards at the affair will be presented by Bishop R. L. Speaks, resident bishop of the AME Zion Church Those to receive rewards include Homer Lucas, Fannye Holmes, Thomas Randall, John McLaughlin and Dr. George D. Hill. Lucas is a newspaper columnist for the SaUs^pry Daily Post. Miss Holmes is the oldest black sales woman employed at J. C. Penny Company At one time Miss Holmes operated a shoe shine parlor on Main Street. The business was located in the center of the do w blown business dtt trict. A hat shop and other varieties were sold and produced a thriving busi ness. Miss Holmes em ployed several boys whoo are now listed among col lege graduates and com munity leaders Randall, who will also be honored at the event is the city’s oldest barber. Still active at age 70, he makes weekly rounds to the Rowan Memorial Hospital and local homes giving free service to shut-ins. Before directing his own beauty and barber shop, Randall was an outstanding football player at Livingstone Col lege. McLaughlin, a local mer chant and Dr. George D. Hill, a pioneer Mack ve terinarian and operator of Aid-More Animal Hospital will also receive awards. Others included on Sun day's program are Con gressman William F Hefner of the Eighth Con gressional District; Mayor W. L. l*ash; Mayor B F Craig of East Spaneer Mayor Craig will proclaim the day of Martin Luther King's birthday as a holi day for all workers in East Spencer. State Senators and legis lators will also be pre sent. Community leaders • like members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity will make presentations. The public is invited to attend this annual event. S. R Johnson Jr. is pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Woman Reach Woman Reach, Inc. will meet Tuesday, January ll, at 1000 East Blvd Pot luck supper at 6 p.m. and general meeting at 7:30 p.m. All women welcome. | “It’s always been a little harder for creditors to view minority businesses anything more than a ven ture,” Lowery stated. “But I don’t think minorities with good, solid financial credit will have any pro blems starting or expand ing their businesses.” Those who may experi ence turndowns for finan cial assistance should rely on the government agen cies like Business Devel opment and Small Business Agencies. They promote in creased participation of private firms and other pu blic sector resources. Within the bill signed by President Reagan is a pro mise that the Federal go vernment will increase procurement opportunities for minority businesses. “Direct and indirect fe deral procurement dollars going to minority busi nesses will increase to $22 billion for the three year period 1983-85 This repre sents a 38 percent increase over the $11 billion award ed between 1980-82 ” Along with many other measures issued in the Minority Business Bill, President Reagan declared an annua) event to begin the first full week of Oc tober. Minority Enterprise Development Week will be a national focus on minor ity businesses and their potential to contribute to future economic growth and development Folk Medicine Really Works? Do those old time home remedies great grandma believed in really work9 the North TSroIma Medic al Society says some do, others don’t. Many of us grew up hearing that we should apply butter to a bum The North Carolina Medical Society advises that ap plying butter to a bum can be dangerous Butter has no ingredient in it that can relieve pain and, in fact, it can irritate injured skin and contamin ate the wound. If you suffer a bum from brief contact with a hot object, run cold water over the injured area of apply a cold water compreee made of a clean towel or hand kerchief. See your physician. Another home remedy suggests that you drink chicken soup for the com mon cold. Decreasing Jobless Rates Projected By Bob Cairns Special To The Post Economic prognosticator calling for recovery in 1983 are playing a tune they made popular last year - “It’s just a matter of time.” “The expectations for 1983 are similar to the picture we’d hoped to see in 1982," said Dr. John S. Lapp, a North Carolina State University associate professor of economics. “Significant economic growth and decreasing un employment rates are ex pected for the coming —yew; we just arent sure when the changes will occur,” Lapp said. Lapp believes interest rates, will continue to de cline and the progress against inflation should be sustained. According to Lapp, Real Gross National Product (the production of goods and services in the coun try), which increased mar ginally in 1982. is now expected to accelerate “When the business sec tors finds production to be more profitable, economic activity will increase.” Lapp said. “This will lead slowly to a decrease in un employment rates.” Lapp cautioned that al though unemployment will decline, it may take sever al years to reach the nor mal rate of about six per cent. Assuming that the go vernment doesn’t attempt to stimulate the economy by increasing the money supply, inflation should re main at about the same level as in 1982,’’ he said “If the Federal Reserve opens up on the money supply as it did in 1977, inflation may well in crease," Lapp explained Lapp says that short term steps of this sort can prove costly in the long run "We’ve been fighting in flation for the past several years by tightening up on money We’re just now be ginning to see some results,” Lapp said. "Un employment has risen, but it always does when infla tion is pushed down sharp ly_Everything cuts two ways in economics " Lapp sees two forces pushing in opposite direc tions influencing U.S. interest rates for 1983. "On the one hand an economic recovery may in crease the demand for cre dit and produce rising in terest rates," he said "On the other hand, as the financial markets adjust to slower inflation, Interest rates can begin to fall.” Of these two forces, Lapp says the impetus toward lower rates is stronger, especially in the long term. "While short-term rates may rise during some of 1983, overall long-term interest is expected to de cline in the coming year,” be said. HOW will 1983 economics affaet the average Amort can citizen? / a

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