YOUR BEST ADVERTISING MEDIA IN THE LUCRATIVE BLACK MARKET CALL 376-0496 y/ ™E t^HARUVI rEPOBT . ThnrwUy. Februiry U. 1M9 Price: 40 Cents NCAEOPTo Fight Tax Credits’ Bill The North Carolina Asso ciation of Educational Of fice Personnel has taken a strong stand in opposition to President Reagan’s proposed legislation which would allow parents who send their children to pri vate schools to acquire tax credits for the tuition paid to these private schools. In its recent resolution opposing tuition tax cre dits, the North Carolina Association of Educational Office Personnel. Board of Directors pointed out that President Reagan’s posi tion on tuition tax credits violates this country’s de mocratic goal of affording the opportunity of an equal education to all of its citi zens. President Reagan’s proposal also threatens our time-honored principle of separation of church and state because the majority of private schools are re ligion-based. Martha Prichard, North Carolina Association of Educational Office Per sonnel’s President, re marked, “In North Carol ina Governor Hunt has de dicated this year and next as The Year of the Public Schools.’ As individuals and as an Association, education office personnel across our state should ap / plaud him for his fore sight in choosing these times to show his pride in and support for public edu cation. On the other hand, I am appalled that Presl 'diQWRedgan has proposed a system of tuition tax credits which would in ef fect dismantle one of the riiost successful, democra tic educational systems that the world has ever known. Adoption of this federal legislation would constitute one of the most dangerous, yet subtle, at tacks on our democracy since its creation. Ulti mately, President Rea gan’s plan would create a caste system in our coun try based on socio-econo mic status - a vicious segregation of staggering proportions. I and my col leagues stand unalterably opposed to President Raa gaa on this issue.’’ Black Democrat fin Rmckaang Dinner The Second annual Meek* lenburg Black Democrat* Fund Raising Dinner will be held March 10 at the G. _ A. Grime* Student Lounge on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University at 7:80 p.m. She Mecklenburg Black Unocrat« is sponsoring ihe 825 per plate dinner In an effort to raise money to $>urg Democratic Party.