I VOIR BEST ADVERTISING MEDIA IN THE LUC RATIVE BLAC K MARKET CALL 1176-0196 Price: 40 Cents 9 GRETA EVANGELINE MILLER "Supported by strong family ties w, _* irreta livangelme JVI_ler Is “Beauty Of The Week” By Teresa Simmons ■ t Post Managing Editor Each of us has a purpose in life...much like the various parts of our body have their specific func tions. People, however, when it Aoes to choosing a pro fession or exploring their purpose on Earth, have perogatives. There are so many choices in fact that a few of us never see our worth in society. Greta Eygngeline Miller, however, is » person who his revealed to herself and to God the role she will undertake. Her prepara tions have begun and are backed.by sincere prayer and strong family ties. Ms. Miller is presently a student at Winston-Salem State University. A sopho more with a 3.0 grade point average she has found her interest lies in the business arena. "My major is busi ness administration with a concentration in business information systems," she began. "I love my major and college life. I’ve learned a great deal of responsibility. This style of life requires disciplining yourself.” “Following graduation 1 hope to obtain a job at IBM or Southern Bell working iff a position that involves computer operation and programming,” Ms. Miller continued. Besides ambition and intelligence, Ms. Miller also possesses heart. Her recent Induction into tM Delta Sigma Tpeta Soror ity, Inc. at.Winston-Salem University will giveasi year, me l,ur iuna raiser had a full house with supporters coming from most major cities in North Carolina. “We're hoping to surpass last year’s attendance," Har grave said, “and we think we will This event will be tin excellent opportunity for participants to learn about the current work of LDP and how it is meeting the new challenges the black community faces un der the Keagan Adminis tration," Hargrave said Local attorney Julius Chambers is president of the national fund which shares the NAACP’s com mitment to equal rights, although fur the last 2S years the fund has ope rated a separate board, program, staff office and budget generally mere are mree categories of patrons for the annual dinner which is held in the Holiday Inn’s Waggoner Convention Cen ter A $250 donation en titles you or your organ ization to a table for eight persons and a listing on the program at benefactor. CIS Offers Help 24 Hows A Day By Karen Parker Post Staff Writer According to a fact sheet released by the staffs of the Cancer Information Ser vice (CIS), cancer is the most feared of all diseases. That's probably most un derstandable when one considers "cancer is a name given to a cluster of more than 100 different diseases. For example, leukemia is a far different disease from cancer of the breast," the fact sheet stated. “During their life times, one of four persons will develop cancer, and it will affect two of every three families." 111 spue ui me siauMics. Dr. Diane McGrath, direc tor of education and com munication programs ai the Duke Comprenhensive Health Center - Duke Uni versity), explained there are many people who diag nose themselves as cancer victims because they have a few of the symptoms "Many times they are too afraid to contact their doc tor. and they spend a great deal of mental energy worrying unnecessarily about having cancer," she pointed out North Carolina's CIS of fice, located at Duke Uni versity in Durham, has a toll free number for all North Carolina residents who prefer contacting a professional cancer coun selor before contacting their doctor The number is 1 800-4-CANCER. Dr. Mc Grath stated. "The number should make it easier for us to help North Carolinians since it is so easy to re member." If a person dials the old number listed in the white pages of the tele phone directory under the heading Cancer Informa tion. a recording will pro vide them with the new number ixv/iiii v-ai wmia a v. i•» ir ceives about 800 calls a month "Most callers have concerns about symp toms. ' emphasized Dr McGrath. We discuss symptoms with these call ers and help them realize that most cancer symp toms can also be signs of other, noncancerous medical problems We en courage every caller who's concerned about symptoms to see his or her doctor." CIS seeks to bridge the communication gap which often exists between the physician or medical insti tution and the cancer pa tient or family, or the public at risk to cancer nuwji §m ui uie population of the United States lives in regions served by regional CIS of fices. According to Dr McGrath, the program started after congressional members decided more in formation about cancer needed to be disseminated to the public The North Carolina CIS office opened in May, 1976. Residents in any of the state's 100 counties can get information related to can cer by dialing the toll free See CIS Page 14