I___.J. : \,.,M£?\ ■ ■ ■' * 1 OP VOW, BEST A advertising media 1 •" . JJ.'i’pH i ■ IIN THE LUCRATIVE 1 IBLACK MARKET 'JUL "8883 The Voic{> (Pf m> mnrk <'A,mmiinity" CALl— ■"tS^TfcaSa* ^f; i » L ™E CHARLOTTE POST - Thursday, July 7, 1983 " Price: 40 CenU Eastern To Fly Winner To P±amas By Loretta Manago Post Staff Writer Imagine yourself run ning barefoot through the warm sands of the Baha mas or taking In the spec tacular view of these en chanting islands by the sea at night. ^ Sounds too good to be $true? For some lucky church woman and a companion this ideal setting will be a dream come true as the grand winner of the “Churchwoman of the Year" contest, sponsored by The Charlotte Peat and WPEG, will be flown to the Bahamas courtesy of East ern Airlines. Ed Bennett, district sales manager of Eastern Air lines announced that “Who ever is proclaimed “Churchwoman of the Year" will receive a round trip flight to the Baha mas for herself and a guest." Aside from the round trip flight to the Bahamas, Eastern Airlines has also arranged for hotel accom modations to be included in the prize for the “Church woman of the Year" win ner and her guest. This trip of sun and fun” will last two days and three nights. “America's favorite way to fly,” Eastern, Char lotte’s first airline, has been servicing the area for S3 years and is pleased to be participating in The Charlotte Port’s “Church woman of the Year’’ coo-' test in this manner. Another long time mer chant, Beik Department torn, has committed to the ^churchwoman contest by "way of a 9100 gift certifi cate, Professional Beauty . Supply is throwing in a $25 gift certificate to enhance the kitty. Tel Color will offer to some well-deserv ing churchwoman, a tele vision set. Among the many salons that will be offering hair dos as gifts is The House at Charles. But the list does not stop there. Other prizes, includ ing furs, jewelry, facials and grocery shopping sprees have all been men tioned and will be con firmed at a later date. Speaking for The Char latte Post editor Bill Johnson stated: “I am pleased tossy that our list of prizes to be offered to the churehwoman contestants will continue to expand as more merchants confirm the prizes that will be made available to them.” Livingstone $5,000 Gift Livingstone College has received a gift of $5,000 front the Women’s Home and Oversea’s Missionary Sociaty of the AME Zion Church. \ Dr. Jams* W. Youngs, TROY ANNE WORTHY Sexy” of ’83 Troy Anne Worthy Is Beauty Of Week By Lori Grier Post Staff Writer . The way she neatly applies her make-up, styles her Cosmopolitan Curl, and coordinates her punk-rock, dress Style symbolizes who she is and what she will become. “I’m young but strong. I understand when people are trying U} take advan tage of me,” declared Ms.. Troy Worthy, 18. Ms. Worthy graduated from Olympic High School in 1882, but on June 27 she graduated from Band’s Beauty College and ob tained a dream come true. “Today is the most excit ing day of my life,” beamed the beauty who also received special award8-"Ms. Sexy” and "Ms. Sassy.” Don Steigle, special guest, represented the Mayor’s Office at the commencement. Worthy, who describes herself as understanding, admires two, special people: Mrs. Naomi Worthy, her mother and Rev. Dr. Paul Drummond, her pastor at St. Paul Bap tist Church. “My mother gives me the courage and strength to go on. I love to hear her sing “Done Got Over At Last." She added, "Rev. Drummond encour ages me not to give up. He’s Just like a guardian, and 1 blush when he calls me glamour girl." While at Band’s Beauty College Ms. C. H. Beck with, her instructor, taught her about the hair, bone structure of the head, manicures, and everything about the body. Her expert ences at the college also taught her that “most Black women don’t care about their hair, because they wear plastic caps and hair rollers in pubUc." Her number one complaint which never seems to fall is “Black women try to apply chemicals in their hair at horns, and when their hair a in bad condition they y go to the salon." She advices women that “hair should not Just be thave, but Good Sam Alumni Tbs Good Samaritan . JCr more information, please contact Mrs. Pearl Maxwell, reunion cfagir person, 904-IM0, or Mrs it slwild have a style or cut toi% The beauty whose favor ite hairstylist is Benji of Charlotte has wanted to be a beautician .since the eighth grade. “There’s al ways a job in this market, because people always want their hair styled. She believes that the feather, shag, and jeri curl styles are popualar for this sum mer. Worthy appreciates Blacks-young and old being able to work but dis likes President Reagan’s cuts on welfare and social security. She is a member of the Youth, Choir^at St. Paul and enjoys skating and buying clothes. The future holds a beauty salon for Troy Anne Worthy. “I’m going to be the boss of my own salon one day; It might take awhile, but I’ll strive for it,” announced the beauty. Post's Third Church woman Of Y ear Contest Kicks-Off Friday Jackson Outlines ’84 Agenda Bla