s»™THE charlotte post = AUG \ 9 1983 " / hr l oicr Of I hr lilurh (.ommunilv " u/>iwi»c mn THE CHARLOTTE POST, Thursday. /S' Price: J, Cen.s HAi&DX Sarah Lee Silver Mount Baptist AI-EWIW . Mattie Caldwell .Ebenezer Baptist I itWALL / Estelle Davis ...Sew Hampton ™nfes PUblic Libra 310 N r 0 a,y “-'oue^c5^ ► fljjmp Tjma gxraare _„_i <sxm jj, .,.„ ^. Ben Hooks May Run For President? Lovely Tina Jackson .Our Beauty Of The Week Tina Jackson Is Multi-Talented By Teresa Simmons Post Staff Writer | As a member of the Na tional Honor Society, the Student Council, the band, plus three sports teams, aur beauty, Tina Jackson, is one who can easily be Called aggressive and multi-talented. A rising 9th grader at Albemarle Junior High School Ms. Jackson has set some pretty rough im mediate goals to accom plish. Her long range am bitions, concerning her career for example, have not been completed. But she does know that, "I want to be the best at what ever I am doing in life. I do know that I would like to con tinue my education after high school.” Miss Jackson partici pates in three sports at Albemarle Junior High School: volleyball, basket ball and track. Last school term she received the “Most Valuable Player” award in basketball. One of M3 goals in 1964 is to make All-Conference in basket ball and to receive the Monogram Award - a spe HKTIMAM As a rule, the man who knows what he ts talking about has littlest to say. dal award for participat ing in three sports. Her hobby is also sports related. “I enjoy swim ming and I plan to get my life guard license as soon as possible. “Presently she is helping to teach swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the YMCA Day Camp on Beat ties Ford Road. She is an extremely ath letically inclined indivi dual. “I guess it came from playing with my big bro ther who is now 15.” Miss Jackson’s brother is LaMak Jackson. She is the daughter of Wanda Jack son and the late George Jackson. miss Jackson also en joys attending her church, Simpson-Gillespie United Methodist Church. She is now serving as correspond ing secretary of the United Methodist Youth Fellow ship. Being an active person Miss Jackson states that she has never liked to alt around. "I have always wanted to do something. I volunteer to do a lot of things." She believes that goals set can become goals accomplished. Debbie Allen, the multi talented actress of televi sion’s "Fame" program has Impressed Mias Jack son because of her ambi tions to succeed. "1 have read in EBONY about Ms. Allen and about the high goals she has set for her self. What is even better is the fact that she reaches her goals ” Our beauty’s favorite person is her mother, Wanda Jackaon. "She’s al ways pushing for me to do i better until I can do It myself. % Drive To Set Tone For Carolinas By Karen Parker Post Staff Writer North Carolinians for Ef fective Citizenship (NCEC) have selected Charlotte as the site for the largest voter registration drive in the state. Pat Gill has been se lected as the project co ordinator. She is the voter registration and education project director for the Citizens Leadership Foun dation baaed in Chicago. Working through organiza tions like NAACP, SCLC. League of women Voters, A. Philip Randolph Insti tute, Carolina Community Project, Conservative Council of N.C., Grassroots Leadership Project, Insti tute for Southern Studies, NOW of North Carolina, N.N. Association of Educa tors, N.C. Common Cause, N.C. State AFL-CIO and the Rural Advancement Fund, and other local or ganizations and churches, Gill stated, “The goal is to register 2,000 people within two weeks. When the regis tration booths close at 5 p.m., August 29, we want to have 2,000 people listed on the books,” Gill explained excitedly. Registration has already been held at the South Independence Food Stamp Office, Edwin Towers, uptown Charlotte, Pitts Drive, Charlottetown Ter race, Sunridge and Provi dent Square housing de See GIGANTIC Page 12 DOLLARS MAKE SENSE - Benjamin L Hooks, Executive Director of the Nation al Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), holds a Susan B. Anthony silver dollar and a two dollar bill - the denominations the NAACP is urging blacks around the country to use exclusively during the upcoming Labor Day Weekend to dramatically demon strate the spending power of black Americans. Called "Black Dollar Days,” the demonstration - conducted through the Association's 6 regional offices and 1.800 branches - urges black citizens to secure silver dollars and two dollar bills from banks prior to the holidays and to use them between September 1-5, 1983. By spending money in these denomina tions, Hooks has said, the power of the black dollar will be clearly demonstrated and this knowledge will lead to new job and business opportunities for blacks. 'Photo by Bryan Berteau - Times Picayune-States Item) Billions Of Dollars Bypass Hands Of Blacks By Charles E. Belle Special To The Post Since the first of the year, the new issue com mon stock securities mar ket has been raising a record one billion dollars a week. The new issues market is for those com panies first making stock available to the general public to be purchased in parts by way of common shares It is the first time someone other than the initial founders, friends and financial high risk takers can take part in the equity or ownership of a company. It calls for a bit of a celebration, since the founders finally walk away with a chunk of cash, usually a few million dol lars or more, as do the financial risk takers, com monly called venture capi talists. The public is pro vided an opportunity to share the expected future profits of a successful company See BILLIONS on Page t First Lady Of Charlotte Talks About Being Married To Mayor Eddie Knox By Karen Parker Poal Staff Writer Almost everyone knows how busy Mayor Eddie Knox is from day to day. They somehow always manage to hear about the proclamations he has signed or the last banquet at which he was the key note speaker. Working closely by his side is First Lady of Charlotte, Mrs. Frances Knox. She too Is a visible figure representing the mayoral office at functions sponsored by such groups as The Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, or special teachers groups. But not often are her responsibi lities or appearances , publicized. After viewing Mrs. Knox’s role in Charlotte, The Peat will spend a few weeks focusing on the may oral candidates’ wives and their role in the political process to which their hus bands are dedicated. Mrs Knox explained she has several obligations Mrs. Frances Knox .A visible figure being wife to the mayor Besides teachers meetings L and meetings with tne Commerce, she must sometimes serve as hostess to other politicians and their spouses from around the state. “That requires every thing from making speech es to coordinating fashion shows,” Mrs. Knox beamed. In spite of her around-the-clock schedule she sincerely stated she has experienced many more joys from being First Lady than she has sorrows The special moments which Mrs Knox recalled included visiting under privileged families on Christmas Eve and adding spirit to their homes She doesn't like to just know that poor people's homes are being insulated; instead, Mrs Knox is al ways instrumental in the weatherization program in Charlotte While Mrs Knox and her entire family are busy working in the community, she makes certain she gains more knowledge from each experience See FIRST on Page 4 NAACP Head To Force Political Concession? By Tony Brown Special To The Post ‘‘I started off in January thinking about this (a black presidential candidacy) I thought of running myself. But I decided not to run because this is not the year to do it and I'm gearing up my mechanism to think about running in 1988 if we don't come out right in 1984.'’ NAACP Executive Director Benjamin Hooks reveals as he threatens a NAACP-led symbolic poli tical protest in the 1988. presidential elections The statement is made on "Tony Brown’s Journ al" in an upcoming pro gram on the nation’s public television stations (PBS'. Hooks and the NAACP have consistently opposed a Black presidential candi dacy in the Democratic Party primary race next year, but for the first time, he is now threatening to use his personal popularity and position as head of the na tion's largest civil rights organization imore man 1,700 local branches with 450,000 members) to force political concessions from the Democrats for the black community. “Tony Brown's Journ al” the longest-running., top-ranked, Black-Affairs television series has been sponsored by Pepsi-Cola Company for nine consecu tive years. Televised na tionally on public television (PBS), the program will be seen in this area on WTVI, Channel 42. at 6:30 p.m on Saturday. August 20 The 1984 elections, how ever, is not the year for a black symbolic protest, Hooks asserts, because “r don't think that a black person has a ghost of a chance of winning in 1984 " His latest announcement is based on a “strategy that would open up the Demo cratic Party more fully-to galvanize attention of black voters ” But, he adds. Afro-Americans are too sophisticated to need a black presidential candi date to stimulate their go ing to the polls in 1984 “I don’t think we’re that dumb" what television viewers will see is a man freed from internal politics who is now fully in charge of the NAACP On his differences with NAACP Chairman Margaret Bush Wilson, he asserts that he now has “the powers" to run the or ganization-for the first time since he became the executive director Obviously irritated by the criticism of some black writers in white newspapers, the NAACP leader called them "so called blacks" who "verge on stupidity." He added: "They wouldn't ever be heard from unless they at tack black institutions I accuse them of selling out the black community " In a direct reference to Kenneth Clark who wrote in the New York Times that the NAACP was a 'Black separatist organization,” Hooks said that "he has despitefully used us " Clark himself insisted. Hooks asserts, that a pre vious meeting on Andrew Young s dismissal from the United Nations' post be limited to "blacks only.” "I think some of them 'black writers for white publications) are really white supremacists; they would really like to see white folk in charge of everything," Hooks tells Tony Brown. The NAACP head is also ruffled about the misplaced credit that some are get ting for voter registration. Hooks points to the recent NAACP drive which regis tered 30,000 Black voters in Mississippi But, he says, Bradford Reynolds. Rea gan Administration civil rights attorney general, while singing “We Shall Overcome" and register ing only 111 black citizens in the same state "makes headline news." SUX1 To Sponsor Buses To March On W ashington Members of the Southern Christian Leadership Con ference will sponsor buses to the March On Washing ton celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Dr Martin Luther King Jr Freedom March According to Carrie Graves, coordinator for the SCLC chapter in Charlotte, at least five buses will leave from the Westover Shopping Center on West Boulevard by 11 p m Friday, August 26 The buses will arrive in Wash ington, DC Saturday morning, in time for Char lottes ns to get prepared for the August 27 March The buses will return to Char lotte Saturday evening A round-trip fare to the March is *35 Because seats are expected to fill fast, Mrs Graves suggest ed people pay their money well in advance All money is payable at the Equal Rights Council of fice, located in the West over Shopping Center The March On Washing ton, utilizing the theme, "Jobs, Peace and Free dom," is expected to at tract millions of Ameri cans from all walks of life Notable speakers and at tendants include Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King III, Stevie Wonder, Joseph Lowery, Jesse Jackson, Benjamin Hooks and many other black na tional leaders.

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