=.. Tug CHARLOTTE Pi 1ST Up “The Voice Of The Black (bmnnuiity " | John McDonald John McDonald Wins NAACP Golf Tournament See Story On Page 9 IPPfv-* Post Campaign To Help Your Favorite Charities ^_For Details Turn To Page I 1 ■ Mecklenburg Democrats To Toast Local Candidates See Story Below Willie Stratford *VoIume 9, Number 19 1^——^^ _ _THE CHARLOTTE POST - Thursday. October 20. 1983 Price: HM ents Black Caucus Sets Banquet The 7th Congressional District Black Leadership Caucus will sponsor its First Annual Banquet on Friday, October 21, at the Fayetteville State Univer sity, H. L. Cook Dining Hall, at 8 p.m. The guest speaker will be the Honorable Charles B. ka'n^FU Cungi cssman from the 16th Congression al District of New York. . Awards will be presented honoring several members of the Caucus, and others throughout the district, who have^strived—to-pr