l^khMajorHameRefiain . . C Need Of Help! MjQwTMDA OBwp»rtk;:| ^1. tat «» . ‘ - Country pumg yilf '* if, -_-— _ -*_»■.+ — ontn ctom country suing for tba Chariotte-Meckleo Prior experience k not necessary. fWa is a life time sport that la easy to learn ana provides oppor tunity for great ty and fellowship. This sport is not to be confused with down hill skiing. This program la limited to chikken, 16 years old and oldar, and to adults Registration most be completed by February 4.. Orientation will be con ducted Monday February 13,1984 at 7 p.m. Tbetripis scheduled to lone* Me Crerey YMCA for Moms Cone Memorial Park at Blowing Rock, North Carolina, on Saturday, February 18,7:98 ajn. and return between 6:30 and 7 P«n The trip fee, which in cludes needed equipment and instruction, la $35 per peraon. Bring yow own lunch. You toay use your own transportation or we will help with car pools. Transportation to available at 98 per ’ *' _ ■; ;the little blue bouee at tbe 'end of Ellen Street One' -day abe looks forward to Walter’s ’homo receives some major repair*, there won’t be much to own. I Mrs. Mason’s bousing problems begin with tbe front doer. Three at the window panes at tbe (root door are brckeo and re placed with onrdboMd. Anyone could push through those slats of cardboard and unlock the door. Dr. Albert Krelltef .T«i Mipto mental seminar.aartaa; by broadening and strength ening our internship program and by develop lag cooperative educa tion opportunities, we can make Smith's program an exceedingly attractive and competitive one.” Such an example is pro vided by WSOC’s recent involvement in support of Kreiling's efforts. "WSOC will be providing guest lecturers from the professionals oh our staff,” explained Jean Bohn, WSOC community rata Horn director. "Some of the neu we n cover are broadcast ethics; televi sion sales, rating, news, programming, and produc Uoa; radio past, present and future and community affairs. We’re planning to host faculty at our sm dies and we are interested in serving on an advisory board.” "We’re extremely happy to work with fnisnmi C. Smith University, ’ empha sized WSOC vice president and General Manager Ofeg Stone. The Mmw pause momentarily to take a picture In front of Mr heme. On the front row left to right are VaMe. Sharon. Anthony and Angela. (Bhck row) Andrew Davis, Sonya and Mrs. Nettle Mason. watt. It doesn’t. Mrs. Mason has tried to do what she can to keep things fram falling apart. She has replaced the use lees wood on the unstable floors. She has sealed doors where the cold air has threatened to come inside. But that’s simply What she needs is help to make these repairs. Since she and her husband sepa rated a few years ago, Mrs. Mason has had bar hands •/jjjp Raising six kids, ; them oMjH and eliminates the pos of Mrs. ~ •bout bill* and other things but the kid. Wp out an theycan," confirmed Mrs. various forms; the two oideit daughters, Sanya' and Angela, leadership r iamily’by _ imi ft and teeing to it that they are fed. Angela even works on the weekend to help bar mother financially. Her oidsst son, Amkww, who acts as the men in the house, Htnrk out thirdis cipline. The three remain ing children, Anthony,' Valerie and Sharon’s bright and Inquisitive faces sfce enough to uplift any mother's spirit.-They, too, knew the moaning of help ing. Valeris, who received one dollar from'her father on her birthday , pushed aside the trUone of candy that dlpMr UTher mind and gave the mousy to her mother.... dr. ■ i ' ■'* ' LARGE SIZES! LARGEWDtHSI 5430 North ^TryonStr»gt CPEN: Monday - Friday 10 a Jn. * 5 pjn. In. The 3 Gays ShoppA* Ctr. AOron from Rfctnrejr ,, • • : • ./ latoroectioa of Entwajr Dr. A N. TryoaSt, 17 mg. "tar". 1.3 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. 3 . Ntaxng: The Surgeon Central Has Dettrmined That Cioartftt Smofcino Is Danotrous to Your Hoahh wnwwnij »• vvniivrwo 1W i wi viwwtt -