Here Next Weekend .m—mmm ...... . , r —fa——' National Council Of Black Studies Set Gonfomce •t the Stanton (Mot# Ho tel In Charlotte February » to March 4 with hun dreds of educators and atu .dents from around tta •country expected to attend. 4 . T ' Hoeted by the University of North Carolina at Char lotte’s Department of Afro American and African Studies, the conference will he a "homecoming" of aorta. The National Council for Blaefc-Studtes (NCBSX Was begun in 1975 as a result of a Charlotte con ference sponsored by' UNCC. ,.V ; Fran the black studiaa rrnfwas.. NCBSwasof versity. Since then, dye organisation has met at the Univereity of Massa • chuaettf, the University of t sin, <$ty College Of New . -« ■* t - Dr. Bertha Max^eO .Conference coordinator York, the University of Illinois and the University of California at Berkeley The thane for this year’s conference is “Academic Excellence and Social Re sponsibility: Black Lead ership in Politics and Edu Caroline ad competing with each other for scarce resources and often scheduling events in such a way that attend* aace at one meant Bttze ing others. "There are seven such organizations currently operating atUNCC. Ame rican Marketing Assoda . tion, Honorary Accounting Society, Alpha Kappa Pat, National Association M \ AflBSEC, Pi Sigma EpM agms. ' . Miller it a brisk, ener-' fletic young woman who speaks with frank pride of her role in forming the • Motet business council which, as far as shs knows, ia; the only one of its kind in the ^Currently giate chapter of the Ame rican Marketing Aaaodn tion, and to a part-time instructor in the College of - Business iiimfaifaiMffim ~ teaching two marketing classes. She to a Monroe _native. Last September, Miller submitted her proposal to the College of Business Administration recom mending the formation of the student buatheas coun cil to be made up of the presidents and advisers of aB the campus business organizations. The idea was warmly received by the college and in Novem ber, the council held its first meeting with Dean Richard Neel and Assist ant Dean Richard Cooboy attending. The council Immediately1 acted on two suggested projects. A brochure was published in January which bated the organizations involved and gave some information about each,... and directed further in quiries to a central loca tion. The brochure also contained a comprehensive calendar of events nut to gether by the council in tbs City Council Seta Mic Hearn ig For Cable Television On Wednesday, Februa ry 29, at 7 p.m., in the Council Chamber at City Hall, a public hearing will be held by the Charlotte City Council to receive com ments on the cable tele vision fra nchise with Cabievisfa* of Charlotte. oTthe* granted in February, MS. '■ t tht Office of the C City Hall, 000 Street Chark—. - menu may be made orally or submitted in writing. C^tevh^BU^aiyu taSTa cable , system within the corpor ate limits of Charlotte. r <# wag recently Man of AeSij •intUHiaM Sp^-e?Ti>i ******** * t Special To The Post vr . .A visiting team from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) was on the Barfoer Scotia College campus to see if the college meets the requirements for reaffirm ation of its school’s ac creditation. Ever; ten years, mem ber institutions of SACS must, complete a compre hensive institutional aeif sluayr3artHP$cote com pleted its last self-study in 1973. “The self-study reviews institutional purposes and tfoals, followed by an ex amination of. the relation -snsajM grams, resources, and prospective resources,” said Dr. Sammie Potts, director of the BSC insti tlonal self-study. “It covers, at the very least, phfloeophy, human and fl nanpial Tttttbn tknal methods and faci lities, equipment and sup plies In essence, it forces the inetflfetMfc'to look, at Itself critically,” ’ g Dr. Pintle said »»»* the entire Bartm-Scotia &£ lege family has been fa* ... - • . .V.-.jj There won't be one spore rib left over when you shore this luscious dish with your family and friends. Made with SHAKE Tsl BAKE® Seasoned Coating Mix for Pork and Ribs— Barbecue Style, Quick 'n easy to make by r;~ i following the recipe below. That's General Foods .*F quality—always downright delicious. - L- A c 1*»4 Q#norof Foods Corporator dined with the SACS team at an orientation dinner on Sunday, February19, in the college cafeteria. The four day “marathon session” culminated on Wednesday,' February 22, with an exit interview at the SACS s team with appropriate col lege official*. The Barfoer-Scotia ..Col lege family welcomed this distinguished group of edu cators from all over Ame coacaRrsiHTto-ttr II i H IK Jppjhi i. 8!__ For The Best Car Deaf th Town... Call 535-4012 ••O! (Alt INO «L V D CHAMLOTTI. N C Itlti ! I --Impendence Patsuii. Inc. * ' ■*;' » * "-•l11 l?11 1,1 1 111 immmmmrnrnm ■