Politically Astute People Seek Some Logical Answers— By Karen Parker Post Staff Writer If you think the nation will be at a political stand still until the general elec tion In early fall, think again! June through November 8, 1984 will produce some politically astute people; “those who you never ‘ dreamed held any savvy J about world affairs, health, housing, and national defi cit will be questioning their •local and national leaders "and, of course, expecting some logical and effective answers.'. ' What are the forces be hind the soul-stirring that's already revving up, par ticularly right here in the J Tarheel state? First, it’s organizations like SCLC, NAACP, Voter Task Forc | es and various political caucuses. These leaders ~ and members are looked •nr upon as the connecting arm ?' between politicians and " their constituents. SCLC honchos like presi j(#dent Dr. Joseph Lowery •-i and Rev. Albert Love have 1 .been across the country f “and they’ve heard the tes - timonies. “It’s a disgrace that our elderly people, the .—backbones., of - our -nation have to decide whether to spend their few dollars on medicine or on food,” Dr. Lowery stated in his visit to Charlotte last week. You could hear, “that is a disgrace” replayed by Dr. -^Lowery’s audience. But when he emphasized that information was—from a testimony given in Char lotte, the sympathetic agreements shifted more to angry tones of “what can we do about it?” Being, one of the poli tical connecting arms, the SCLC had already decided last year at its national convention what to do. The organization is staging its August, 1984, convention in , Charlotte. “The timing is right,” Rev. Love told a steering committee last week. “The national convention will be over, and the candidates will be selected. Wounds will be open ” However, Rev. Love stressed after the final results are re vealed in San- Francisco, it’ll be time to reunite. No battles should still be going ^pn In the separate Jack Rev. Reginald Hawldns informs the par ticipants in the convention planning session of arrangements that have been made. Radisson Plaza Hotel will be the convention headquarters for the SCLC annual convention August 15-18. Left to right are Rev. James Palmer and Rev. Albert Love. son, Hart, Mondale camps. “Instead," he stated, "De mocrats will have one goal. We have to get rid of Ronald Reagan," he com mented. THE CONVENTION The convention has been set for August 15-18. The theme is "Turning To Each Other To Turn The Nation To Jobs, Peace & Free dom." Rev. James Palmer, pastor of University Park Baptist Church and pre-" sident of the local SCLC chapter, guarantees, “this convention will be the best in the 27-year history of SCLC.” If everything goes as planned--it may very well be a highly successful event. A massive voter registration drive is al ready in the making. Se veral seminars have been planned that will address issues like the significance of women (especially in an election year), the KKK, and world peace. SCLC will also publicize its report about the crisis in health care. The SCLC Women will address the topic, “The Black Family" at its annual luncheon. To Weather Tips For Older Adults Special To The Post This is an enjoyable and exciting time of year. North Carolinians of all ages become more physic ally active and enjoy tak ing part in our state's abundant outdoor life. However, it’s important for older adults to use com mon sense and take special precautions during spring and summer. Dr. Paul Beck, direc tor of aging at the Uni versity of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, cautions older citizens not to physically extend themselves beyond the endurance of their heart and lungs. “It’s important to start out slowly when exercising or working outdoors,” he emphasized. “Take it easy arftm 'by walking, or if gardening, working only a small plot of land.” Gardens, as well as blooming flowers and trees, are beautiful and a scenic part of spring, but they can also be hazar dous. As people age they have a tendency to be more sensitive to pollen. Dr. Beck advises older adults with allergies or sensitivity to pollen to stay indoors when pollen is heavy. In addition, older people should check with their doctor before taking any drugs to relieve itchy eyes and runny noses. A person already taking me dication could have an ad verse reaction to mixing different drugs. Another potential hazard during the spring and summer is tetanus, or lockjaw. Outdoor activities such as yard work or gar dening could cause a cut, puncture vCound, or thorft prick which could result in tetanus. Once the tetanus germ enters the body it causes uie muscles to go into spasms and then lock unless the person has been properly immunized. Dr. J. N. MacCormack, chief of the North Caro lina Department of Human Resources’ Epidemiology Section, advises all North Carolinians, and especially those over the age of 50, to keep up with their required tetanus shots. There were five cases of tetanus re ported in North Carolina in 1983, and all people strick en were over the age of 50. The treatment for tetanus is lengthy and may be easily obtained from the family doctor or local health department. nm it PAST I JJ . The IBM e Hesvy-duty office mechiee. » ■ tcb ai a Title •Mltilizes original IBM typing ALTERNATIVE elements. SIERRA 3500 • Fast entry speed-op to _ ._ 140 wpm. on **,ow a* • Utt-offcorrection. ,nnrnir„. fSnsp in csrtridge-fingers aPProva« $Q|| ^ tonch the ribbon Imm 4U month Extended relisbility sod redoced sendee costs. RENTALS (available V OFFICE SYSTEMS 5237 ALBEMARLE RD. 568-7090_ culminate the affair, SCLC has arranged for labor or ganizations to come to gether for a solidarity march. Those are only the highlights. There’s still cul tural night and other ac tivities on the agenda. The convention will be an action-packed four days, that will probably pass swiftly. But the meaning of the convention won’t pass as quickly for most people It will be on their con sciences as they prepare for the presidential elec tion. "The convention, march, and voter registration drive are all significant,’’ Dr. Lowery professed. He warned not only should North Carolinians consider carefully who they want for President, but should pon der about electing a U.S. senator as well. Dr. Lowery described Sen. Jesse Helms as one who has "more control than any person in the country over right-wing money.’’ “I want you to know 1984 is a super critical year,” Dr. Lowery continued The way you vote will affect the future of our nation for a long time. “Did you know one-half of the Supreme Court will be appointed in 1984?" he posed. Certainly, everyone may not agree with every move made by the SCLC. How ever, the organization has proven it supports and works to protect the ra cially oppressed. The SCLC National Convention with its more than i,500 dele gates nationwide are stag ing a visit to Charlotte that will make history Pictured above are members of the steering committee for the SCLC annual convention. Along with many black leaders ot Charlotte, are leaders from other cities across the state. Kev..James Palmer, (center) president of the Charlotte chapter SCLC, urges the convention steering committee and other volunteers to make the Charlotte conven lion the best one the SCLC has had in 27 years. On the left is Rev. Reginald Hawkins; on the right. Rev. Albert Love. iNtCAN TOUCH 1 Ul PRICE ROYAL SEAL® 8teel-betted radial with unique puncture M Plant, e Automatically and permanently eeate moat tread puncturee 3/16 or leae in dtameter. I e Free replaoement road-hazard warranty etM appNea during drat 24 I monthe or 30% ol tread depth, i whichever oomee drat 88 |: m/aw-is VALIO*-ai THAU 7-14 CHook ^0§999 901 9§§Y90 9§999 TIGER MW PLUS® SM-MM radial dial comb In aa au~ parb If action and long mMaaga • Taata pro|act Tlgar Paw Plua to daPyar an avarapa ol 2QH mora mttaaga . a at - a- -u_ w ■■n MwnMHI A. A t| a- * — — — -a rtaaln r a — — — a [ • **-*w*«Tn«r ir**o o«*tgn tot •xow . lam traction and handling. 4 • Low-foMng mWxicw. fuui •oow u omy. 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