EDITORIALS & COMMENTS Last Hired-First Fired Paradox The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last week that municipal govern ments cannot ignore “last-hired, first-fired” seniority plans in order to protect blacks, women and other minorities who re ceived their jobs because of past discrimination. The ruling, one of the most significant civil rights cases in the past decade, in effect protects higher-seniori ty white workers (mostly men) from being laid-off rather than the lower-seniority minority workers hired under an affirm ative action program. - By a 6-3 vote, the Justices endorsed the viewpoint of the Reagan Administration to limit the use of affirmative action plans. Obviously the high court’s decision represents a major defeat for civil rights and fe minist organizations. ^The case in point was that the Memphis Fire Department had Ihcorrectly or wrongly protected blacks from lay-offs or demo tions during the time of an economic crisis. The Justice De partment and white firemen argued that such affirmative action tactics represented dis crimination against innocent white people. As much as it may hurt blacks, women and other mi norities, we find it difficult to oppose the Court’s decision be cause If in effect does result in reverse discrimination against innocent white workers. 'Hie in dividual white worker, whoever he may be, cannot and should not be punished - that is, discrim inated against - because some white person or persons in the past discriminated against some blacks. This is equally as unjust as when one black is denied an opportunity because another black did not previ ously perform well. Undoubtedly, the major flaw in much civil rights legislation is that the bottom line result in some individual whites in the 1980’s having to suffer for in justice against blacks 20 or 30 years ago. In fact the issue deals with the basic fundamental rights of the individual and his right to expect his government to protect hi&rights. Again, as hard as it may be for blacks to accept, it may simply have to take the passing of a decade or two and the retirement or death of some older workers before the issue evens itself out. We firmly stand in support of the rights of the individual as a basic fundamental principle of our society. Therefore, in the long run blacks, women and other minorities gain nothing if such gaining is at the expense of another’s rights. Schools Need Action, Not Talk! Added to the much publicized problems of American education now comes a study that says U.S. students lag far behind the scores, skills and abilities of pupils from Japan and Taiwan. ' ' ' The University of \ Michigan study, based pn testing and observation of 1,440 Arst and fifth graders in the three coun tries, offered three partial ex planations for the lower scores in America: -American students spend less time in school than their Ja panese and Taiwanese counter parts. —American school children do less homework. -When American children are in class, they are more likely to be engaged in academically ir relevant activities. None of these observations are new. For example, as late as the ' - • i| 1950’s, black schools in the South had shorter school years than the white schools so that black youth could be in the field picking cotton for the white land own ers. It’s a known fact that those black children lagged far be hind the white youth in aca demic skills. More significantly, it’s past time to give our attention to correcting the shortcomings in our school if we assume that yaey exist. No more studies, please, on what’s wrong with our schools. Indeed, let’s get positive about what’s right with our . schools and begin to build on this positive aspect. Our youth, our teachers, our administrators deserve a positive challenge as a --- foundation for moving ahead, not negative vibrations. Let’s go, America, to a better education for our youth now and tomorrow. ■* THE CHARLOTTE POST “THE PEOPLE’S NEWSPAPER” Established 1918 Published Every Thursday by The Charlotte Post Publishing Co., Inc. Subscription Rate $17.68 Per Year Second Class Postage No. 965500 * Postmaster Send 3579s to: 1531 Camden Rd., Charlotte, N.C. 28263 ~ ~ Telephone: 704-376-0496 Circulation: 11,023 , 106 Years of Continuous Service Bill Johnson Editor, Publisher Bernard Reeves General Manager -Fj-an Farrar Advertising Director Dannette Gaither Office Manager , Second Class Postage No. 965500 Paid At ,< Charlotte, North Carolina Under the Act of March 3,1878 Member, National Newspaper Publishers’ Association North Carolina Black Publishers Association Deadline for all news copy and photos Is 5 p.m., Monday. All photos and copy ^submitted become the property of The Post and will not he returned. National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. I 2400 8. Michigan Ave. 45 W. 45th St., I4S3 Chicago, III. SSS1S New York, New York IMS* Coin met 5-02** 212-45*-1224 *BLACK RETICENCE ' TO SEIZE INITIATIVE TO ORGANIZE THEIR COMMUNITIES IS A MAJOR FACTOR AN PAN IMPORT ANT FACTOR CONTRI BUTING TOOUR COMMUNITIES UNOCR) DEVELOPMENT* OEAM DOUGLASCGLASSOW \ DEAN -HOHARC imiERSITK .Lett* \ . tauor put * U W ‘‘T* Dear Editor: July 4 is just around the corner. It’s called “Inde pendence Day.” This sy nonym for our country de notes the fact that we are no longer pawns to the English royalty. But what about freedom within our own United States ? There are those right here in the U.S. who would like to crush the moral fibers of our country. I fed that the passage of -the ERA is one such, tadtic being used today, jl fed very strongly that if the ERA is passed, our chil dren will suffer; many of our moral standards will be torn down and more vio lence will occur. Now don’t get me wrong. Women should have equal pay, women should be hired to do the same job a man does without being harrassed out of the posi tion. And if a woman en joys going out in a war zone battle fidd, then let her. What I’m talking about are the homosexual rights. If the Equal Rights Amend ment is passed, the homo sexuals will have the same rights the woman is al lowed to have. How many people have thought about this when voting, “yes” for ERA. Have they thought about homosexuals teaching their children? If ERA is passed homosexuals will be able to come into the class room and what type of influence will this be on Christian children? The Bible clearly speaks against homosexuality. In the Bible cities have even beefji destoyed by God be-< cauie of it. Will feRA mean that a homosexual will seek to pastor our churches? Our laws condone no dis crimination against sexes 'it will dondone the rights of homosexuals to take any job or position they desire. Many may argue that homosexuals will be able to separate their personal de sires from their jobs. But there will always be the exception. Around the country there will be homo-. sexuals openly practicing homosexuality. Will our children think “If my teacher does it, it must be all right?” Then I have heard the argument that if we raise our children correctly they will not follow the wrong path. I also want to provide an environment and place my children in an envi ronment of as much right attitudes as I possibly can. I do not hate homosex uals as people. I am sure | many of them love, hurt , and have faith like the rest of us. I don’t want to stereotype them like many stereotyped blacks. All I am saying is that our coun try has based many of its laws along the line of the ten commandments Bibli cal and scripture. If we steal we are placed in jail. If we kill sometimes the law kills us. To me break ing the law of heterosex t uality is just as bad. And it’s time that people t»k» heed and understand the measure of the Equal Rights Amendment and Its effect on our freedom. B.D. Tabor Sabrina Gating Of Teenage Father? The sceneria is all to familiar: eacfr year over a quarter million babies are bona to teenage mothers — most unwed. Seine of these mothers choose to keep their babies, thus causing them to seek aid from federal agencies. Fifteen million dollars worth of aid each year. Often the fathers of these babies are pegged as being irresponsible or considered forgotten partners in the situation. However, Jfc recently the Ford Foundation set aside $700,000 to fund programs in eight major cities to study and assist in the teaching of the young men as to their roles as being teenage fathers. The programs are designed to teach the fathers baby care, parental ' responsibility and offer counseling. Most teenage mothers find themselves at or below poverty level_at the time of thair child’s birth. These young women go on welfare and stay there. The pattern can be cut down and possibly eliminated with the sharing of responsibility from the father. Social workers are being urged by agencies such as the Ford Fundation via local agencies to seek but and befriend the scared and confused young man. The shrial wnrlrpr is urged to help the young father realize that his fear and apprehension is common, and that talking and learning of the new experience will make the transition from boy to man easier. Thus when the young man faces his reality, he is persuaded to take part in the total responsibility of child care. Through agencies funded by the Ford Foundation and the like, young fathers are made to understand the importance of financial support. They are taught such things as budgeting, comparative shopping, and how to seek and find viable work. Since most bf the young meh do not have high school diplomas, they are encouraged to seek the equivalency diplomas and later job skills training. Such suggestions help to give the young man a sense of worth and responsibility, Many of the teen fathers do not think of thetaselves as nurturers unless they can provide financial support; the programs teach them how to do both. % By having .the father’s support, emotionally, physically and financially, the young mothers do not have to depend too percent on public assistance. The working, supporting father oftentimes does not have a $20,000 per year job, but a $200 per week paycheck is enough to keep the couple off welfare. This feeting of being financially supportive also contributes to an idealism of dignity and Wanting the best for the child. Many young fathers participating in such programs speak of giving their child the best possible, including a college education and lots of love. Many fathers do hot want their chifdreh to live as they have and work to avoid that consequence. From Capitol Hill President’s Policies Out? Alfreds L. Madison Special To The Poet At 3:00 John Wibon, Public Affair* Director of the Civil Eights division of the Justice Department; ushered md into the spacious room, once occupied by J. Edgar Hoover. Sitting behind the desk was the slim William Bradford Reynolds, Assist ant Attorney General who is the chief director of the Civil Rights division. After exchanging gracioui greetings, we got down to the purpose of the inter view, which was to assess the Raagan's Administra tion’s civil rights actions. Q; You are against busing, even in some instances where the Court has decided that it is necessary for desegrega tion. How do you plan to remedy segregation? A: We don't have busing in our plans. We reach consent decrees. We have instituted magnet schools We have put forth that plan in Bakersfield Q: The NAACP says that magnet schools are not for the purpose ftf desegrega tion:-:-*——; A: They have busing as a back up plan. We don't have busing as a man datory back up. In the Cin cinnati case, the NAACP accepted a plan that is exactly what ours is. It doesn't matter what the back up plan is, if it works. Alfreds L. Madison The point I’m making is that the NAACP has signed off on the kind of remedy we have put in place because It dees what busing does not do. It addresses the educational needs in the public school system of Blacks who are caught in an environment that is not only segregated but also educationally bankrupted. There is an extra project called ‘'rise" which is an extra educational component for those schools that are not magnet schools to ensure that the children who don’t Choose to go to magnet schools will Have a curriculum that will address all the various needs of the students and will allow for the parents to interact with the schools. Q: In some places busing has gone fine, for Instance Norfolk. Did you tell the school board that It didn’t have to go to court; that they could institute their plan for getting rid of busing? A: We had conversations with Norfolk School Board. I can’t disclose the nature of those conversations. My own view was and still is, if Norfolk School Board wants to change their existing plan it could do so without going to Court. I understand the school board preferred to use the court - - ..Q: You Insist on cor recting discrimination on an individual basis. With as million Blacks id the U.S. how long do you think it will take for Blacks to reach equality? A: I think we’ve come a long way In equal job opportunities, but there are still some employers who need to ensure that there is no discrimination We look to where discrimination occurs and we address that violation. Q: How many Deputy Assistant Attorneys General do you have in your department and how many ari BUkJPT How many special assistants to the Deputy Assistants do you have And how many are Black? A: I have three Deputy Assistant Attorneys Gene ral. No Blacks. I have two special assistants. No Blacks. I have seven section chiefs. Two Blacks and two women. Q: Peter Sherwood, the Blacks' attorney disagrees. He said the Court upheld goals and timetables and race consciousness. m saying that race ousness is a con stitutional matter. Qi When you testified on legislation concerning Grove City, you said the legislation would interfere with state and local govern ment? Isn’t that a return to staff** riohf*7 A: No, it is written in « manner that is so vague and so susceptible of broad interpretation that there are no discernible limits as to what the Federal gov ernment can do. —■ Q: Wasn’t the basis for the ’64 Act, the denial of Blacks' constitutional rights? A: ‘If the ’64 Act went that far we wouldn’t need this legislation. Q: Didn't the Justice De partment change sides in the Alabama case? As Certainly not. The Qwrt asked us to come into the case as an intervenor. We fbH tlie amft that we would not take sides until we have the full facts in the case. There are many discre pancies and inconsisten cies in Mr. Reynold’s responses that I will respond to at another tfcne, since specs will not allow that now. f V** For over three years, New York’s Bank Street College of Education has been studying the role of the teenage father in the United States. The Ford Foundation is sponsoring Bank Street in such studies: its findings will Reveal how to instigate fathers to become involved, and the special problems they face. Bank Street is also to devise programs that would best guide the young men toward greater involvemehtand share in the responsibility. The findings will be released later in the year. The plight of teenage parenting is against odds for Success, but the odds tam be beaten; Teenage parents first face the yearning for freedom and the demand of responsibility. Special programs geared toward their special problems may be the key factor in breaking that stress One. fie statistics on these people are heart breaking: they collect welfare, are jobless, uneducated and discriminated against based on the mentioned factors. Yes, these young people have made a huge mistake - the mistake of taking on such a responsi bility at such a yodng age based on romantic notions of happiness ever after.' sssj^sswr,**: making de^Stf? P^o^nsTuTaS' tte nation E tiveto Mm«r

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