^qfarotr. Sometimes I Feel Like I Could Crawl Into A Hole! Dear Carole: Sometimes I feel like I could crawl into a hole and stay there. Everything I do seems to fall apart. No matter what I try to do, it just doesn’t work out. If I told you everything that has happened to me it would fill a book. But during the last 5 years I have had 2 marriages fail. I have also just lost my third job in 5 years. For a while I blamed everybody else and everything else for what was happening. I have been so angry at everyone that 1 felt like exploding almost all the time. Well, now I don’t blame anyone else but myself. And I find that now I stay angry with myself. Lately, I’ve been getting headaches. I was think ing of going to the doctor. But then I thought that maybe I’ll ask you first. What do you think is wrong with me? R.O. Dear R.O.: I suggest that you go to a doctor for a complete physical examination as soon as possi ble. After you have talked to the doctor and obtained the rmdts of your examination please write me again or ask for me through The Charlotte Post. Feelings you have expressed in your letter tell me that you are blaming yourself for situations which may have been beyond Please visit your doctor soon. The information you receive . from that examination will help to determine what is bothering you. Ask your doctor to consider referring you for brief counseling. Carole Confidential to “Punching Bag”r No. You don’t deserve to be punched by someone who claims to love you. Abusive behavior cannot be ignored. If hitting you has become a habit in your relationship, you heed lodecide how much longer you’re going to let the habit continue. Ignoring the abuse will not make it go away. An abusive environment is a life-threatening environ ment. You and your spouse may need some time away from each other while you both begin to get professional help. Carole Editor’s Note: Carole B. Ricks, an M.S.W., AC.S.W social work er, has a private practice in Charlotte as a counselor. If you have personal adjust ment, parent-child or marriage problems that concern you, write: Carole’s Corner P. O. Box 37107 Charlotte, N.C. 28237 Will Blacks Save Mondale? By Tony Brown Special 16 Hie Post “Many Black Jesse Jack son convention delegates left San Francisco with the feeling that Mondale had not given Jackson’s Black agenda enough -v to use JacJtSdiTs^TJwn—word respect. On the other hand, those Blacks loyal to Mon dale all along wonder if making peace with Jack son will cost them their power base,” concludes Tony brown as he poSes the question on the next edition on “Tony Brown’s Journal, “Will Blacks Save Mondale In November?” Joining Tony Brown to grapple with this question in a lively and fast-paced discussion is Hazel Dukes, a Mondale delegate, a national director of the NAACP and a member of the National Democratic Committee. Joining Dukes and Brown is Percy Sutton, Finance Chairman for the Jackson For President Campaign and former Manhattan Borough President of New York. The program reveals interesting insights into the Democratic Convention; -explores whnt gains Blacks made at the convention; examines the reasons why the Jackson delegation booed Andrew Young and Coretta King; and analyzes the impact that the Black vote will have on a Mondale victory. “When the Jesse planks were lost, there were a number of people who were saying that they weren’t going to work with the Mondale people," explains Percy Sutton. “Well, some time has passed and I think we are not hearing as much of that now. But I still think there is a distance that Mondale-Ferraro must go to get the Black vote that will give victory to Mr. Mandate **_ _ “Tony Brown’s Journal” is America’s longest-run ning and top-ranked Black Affairs television series. It has been sponsored by Pepsi-Cola Company for nine consecutive years. The program will be seen in this area on WTVI-42 at 5 p.m. on Sunday, September 9. “Head Your Holy Bible And Prav To God Everyday" 72 ON DRY CLEANING ONLY Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Thurs. Offer Expires September 13, 1984 Minimum $4 00 After Discount | Coupon Must Accompany Order Full Price After 30 Days Expert Aterations • ••••••••••••••••••••••, • •••••••••••••••••••We Work Saturdays Too! American A Laundry i 1806 North Graham Street dT (Nest To Hutchinson ShoppingCenter > Infoy The Hew Ml Shown On A PHILCO Or TV While Relaxing to A wKIWlWMO MOCUMv•••••• First Weekk Rent ONLY $10.00 On Anything In the Store II I • No Credit Check • No Deposit • Rent By Phone • O Free Delivery • Design Your Own Payment Plan • 5939 South Blvd. K-Mart Plaza ssa r A»k rn mrnw row , „ $100*11 _~