) Dr. Humphrey SfH Opportunity Day Dinner Speaker See Story Page 16A TP pi IQT »™.* xu x MO x rssssr CALL ITt OWt ini unity Pre«y Toni Henry .“Beauty of the Week” Pretty Toni Henry “Had —-—-— ----—:_• _ Great Time” In Jamaica By Jalyne Strong Post Staff Writer Pretty Toni Henry ndbst have turned heads during ho- recent stay in Jamaica, West Indies. But this 17 year old. South Mecklenburg High School student only knows she had a great time on the sunny island. “I enjoyed it,” admits Toni. ‘‘Jamaica is a lot different than home.” Not only was she around for the celebration of independence Day' In Jamaica, but Toni also experi enced “Sun Splash.” “It’s three to four days of constant reggae. music” she explains. “And the food is great,” Tool found. She ate “lots of seafood” and she informs, “The Jamaicans eat rice with every meal.” She dis covered a fruit similar to grapes with a distinct sweet taste. “I also ate Jerk Chicken,” explains Toni. “I think that it is a fried pork diah. It was very good.” ‘ - Toni loved the food,music and the beaches in Jamaica but she de tected that the living conditions on the island were not the best. “It makes you appreciate your own country,” Toni states. “But I’ll \ always love to visit Jamaica.” Back in the States, Toni has begun her senior year at South Mecklen burg. “It’s great being a Benior. I’ve been looking forward to this,” smiles this week’s beauty. She is a member of the Drama Chib and is anticipating being in a few of the school’s plays, Toni is also a mem ber of the Paws Club, a service group. Her future plans are to graduate J’VKnMWt Jll One way to get a real kick out of a card game is to SIT opposite your jarife. high school and attend either Bennett College or UNC-Gree ns bo ro. She’s considering these two schools because she has family members in Greensboro and Ben nett is her mother's alma mater. Toni’s mother, Peggy LeVonne Henry, is the person she most ad mires. Toni is an only child and she relates that she and her mother are “very close.” “My mother’s given me practically everything I’d like to have," Toni tells. "And she's a very good role model. ” Toni’s mother is a _teacher at Sedgefield Junior High School. "She’s one of the best teachers I’ve known,” Toni boasts. “Yes, it’s nice having a mother who’s a teacher,” responds the high See TONI On Page 12A At Revolution Park !L unities To Celebrate ay” Here Saturday By Audrey C. IsdaUi Post Staff Writer Get set for fun, because that’s what’s In store for you at Satur day’s First Annual "We Are Family Day,” co-sponsored by radio station WGIV, Coca-Cola, and The Charlotte Poat. The event will take place at Res-olution Park beginning at about 11 o’clock. “The family is the strongest insti tution in the black community,” noted Cal Thornton, Operations Manager for WGIV. "We are trying to affirm that valuable institution." Thorton commented that the concept of "family” inlcudea single people. "They are a family, too," he asserted. Emphasizing that there are no gimmicks or tricks to Saturday’s celebration, Thorton stated he envisions "families coming out and bringing picnic baskets and grills, and having a good time.” Activities will Include bands, clowns, gospel singers, rhythm god blues groups, and • senior citizad fashion show.' The Voter Task Force will be on hand to register voters, and neigh borhood groups will participate with displays.’ The Afro-American Cultural Center will be participat ing. and it is expected that political candidates will be making -___ - - — — • f-j V • 1 Here This Weekend I_tend House V nvocation By Audrey C. Lodato Post Staff Writer The United House of Prayer’s 58th Annual Convocation convened at the church’s motherhouse on Beatties Ford Road this past Sunday, September 30. Activities will continue through Sunday, October 7. Introductory services were conducted by Charlotte pastor, -Apostle C,-&. Gibeon, whn_apoke c “The Choice Is Yours - To Serve Him or Not to Serve Him.” According to A1 Cloud, director of the church’s Coalition of Concerned Citizens in the Community, the sanctuary was full for Sunday’s service. Seating capacity at the motherhouse is about 7,000. Noting that Sunday’s heavy rain did not hamper scheduled activities. Cloud remarked, “I thought it would but it didn’t, Nothing stops us.’’ Most of the opening day's partici pants were from the local area. Out of town people are scheduled to start arriving Thursday. ‘-‘We’re expecting buses" rfonTafl-wer- the country,” Cloud revealed. “We’ll block Beatties Ford Road off. We take it over,” he laughed. Cloud commented that there has been a problem getting sufficient hotel rooms this year because of the race being in town the same week, but he —is confidant that all nf the expected 16-17,000 arrivals will be accommodated. Cloud noted that the 600-seat cafe teria is well-stocked and will be in operation around the clock during the final days of the Holy Convoca tion. The motherhouse’s swimming pool, normally used for summer recreation, is being prepared for Sunday morning’s Baptismal Service. Bleachers are being set up around the parking lot in prepara tion for the big Band Exhibition. He summed up the congregation’s activities by saying, “Everything is being spruced up and readied for the convocation.” Apostle Gibson, who has pastored the state's motherhouse for seven years, credits the House of Prayer’s national growth to several factors. One is its leader. Bishop W. Honorable Bishop McCollough .House of Prayer leader McCollough. “He has been the sparkplug, the entire motivation,” Gibson enthused. He explained that, before becoming bishop, the Honorable W. McCollough was a businessman. Under Bishop McCollough's leadership, the House of Prayer has been able to build mortgage-free churches, thus freeing members of heavy taxation; purchase a modern bus fleet for the convenience of any of the churches; provide low-income housing for members; and institute various other programs to benefit church members. Each November, Bishop McCollough presents awards to clubs and individual members based on their activities over the previous year. Apostle Gibson began pastoring for the House of Prayer 30 years ago in Detroit under the church’s founder. Bishop Charles Emmanuel Grace, better known to his followers as “Daddy Grace." Gibson has also served in Buffalo, Columbia, and Savannah. He explained that the House of Prayer has something for everyone. “Here we have about Cal Thornton .WGIV operation* manager appearances Registered voters will be eligible to win a television to be raffled off by the Prince Hal! MasonS|'aS9 (laMMBTbe othir3*p= aways, including “a complete make over from head to toe” for some lucky woman, compliments of D1 Essence No. I on Weet Boule vard, according to WSIV’s Clara Williams Entertainment will Includrfeospel singing by the Gospel Travelers, Carol Blair and the Golden Angels, Al Anders and the Mighty Golden Crowns* the Southernaires, the Silver Mount Baptist Church Gospel Choir, soloist Patricia Staton, and the Angels of Joy; rhythm and blues by Southern Transit, the Com bona tion Band, the Dice Band, ti ll, and Identity; breakdancing by the Wingate Body Wavers, the Junior Shockers, and members of the D.C, Family; and comedian Lionel Norman. Leading up to. activities at the park will be a Martin Luther King Fun Run and Torch Relay, sponsored by the S.C.L.C. to highlight the fact that this is the last weekend that citizens can register to vote for the November elections The actual last day to register is Monday, October 8. The Torch Relay and Fun Run will be routed through neighborhoods where there is a high concentration af ugreglstered voters. People will knocking on dbbrir afcnf the routes to encourage voter registra tion. According to Carrie Graves, S.C.L.C. spokeswoman, the Olympic-style relay will begin in the Biddleville area at 7:00 a.m. As in the Olympic relay, runners will be passing the torch at intervals The Fun Run will start at Little Rock Apartments on West Boulevard Both runs will end at Revolution Park. ,v "This is a fun and sportsman kind of way to put emphasis on voter registration now and voter partici pation in November," Graves explained "This in a non-partisan activity. We want to stress how important the November election is We must participate to make our voices heard," she. continued. Noting that the first l^artin Luther King Relay was held in Atlanta in June, Graves revealed that Charlotte was chosen as the second site for the voter run. There will also be runs in other cities the same day Here in Charlotte, trophies will be awarded for male, female, youth, and elderly winning runners People are being asked to sponsor runners for the event The entry fee is $5 for individual* and *25 for businesses Ahmad Daniels is coordinating both Tordnuny and Puri nun Saturday’s "We Are Family Day" la expected to become an annual tradition, and may be the forerunner of a "Black Family Month," according to WGIV’s Thorton See FAMILY On Page 3A 30 clubs and auxiliaries," he stated These inleude 10 choirs, one of which is a youth choir comprised of 175 young people, imd two musical bands (the McCollough Concert Band and the McCollough Brass Band). There are also recreation programs, which provide revenue for a scholarship program for the church’s young people. The House ojf_Prayer seems to thrive on competition, both withTH the congregation and among churches. This weekend, for instance, bands from the various churches will compete in a massive Band Exhibition, to be hied on the motherhouse’s 6-acre parking lot. During the past 12 weeks, at convocations in other cities, choirs have competed. Apostle Gibson believes competi tion motivates members. “Every one has an objective to look forward —•to- It gives them an interest to come to church,” he remarked Gibson thinks giving members something to --do-makes-them-better-people only in church, but also in their homes, in the community, in their towns and cities, and on up to the national level. The pastor explained that when new members join the House of Prayer, they are encouraged to become active the full life of the congregation, not just attend Sun day services. "When someone becomes a member, we let the individual decide which auxiliary or club they want to be part of." he stated. All church members benefit, Gibson emphaized. We are all one. We are our brothers' keeper," he said concerning the church's finan cial structure, whereby all income from the various churches is pooled "Regardless how small a congregation is, it can have some of the luxuries of the larger churches," he added. "Church is a place where people go for consolation and com fort, not to feel obligated with' things they can’t comply with.” Members, he said, simply give what they can. The House of Prayer on Beatties Ford Road is motherhouse to the 29 churches in North Carolina. Church headquarters are in Washington, D.C. Gibson explained that there are several classes or categories of states, depending on such factors as size and church membership. “We (North Carolina) were the top state in our class this year,” the Char lotte pastor reported. He added that the District of Columbia had held that honor for the past 13 years. 4 Schedule iff A iw/Ai ^ 4l SATURDAY. OCT. B l|* 4l McColloojfh Scholarship |]» y Soft B»» Game 4 2pm A West Charlotte Senior High If* i t T T 4i SUNDAY. OCT. 7 ||» jt| Baptismal Service at the A House of Prayer ^ ▼ II a m. 4* 2321 Beatties Ford Hoad l)* ♦ • ♦ + •- *» 4» SUNDAY, OCT. 7 $* A Band Exhibition iL at 2p.m. T* on the House of Prayer Ground** 4* 2321 Beattie. Ford Road * - 4 and enjoy this week of V 4l Spiritual Feast with u*. There |J» 4,will he program, and preach-£ ♦♦ 4 4 4* 4»