According To Dorothy Pearson There Aren’t Any New Hairstyles This Season? By Jalyne Strang Port Staff Writer What are the new hair styles this season? You’ll be surprised to find there aren’t any. The hair de signs women are wearing this year cannot be cate gorized. We have entered the most individualized era of hair fashions ever. According to Dorothy Pearson, “There is not one hairstjde that is ‘the’ hair style today. There are trends,” she notes, refer ring to feathering, layer ing, asymmetrical cuts, shags, blunt cuts, bobs and finger waving. And the best hairstylists are currently employing several aspects ot these techniques to give each individual woman a special look that has above all versatility. Pat hair styles are passe while cHs- " tinctiveness has taken their rdace. —An award-winning halr stylist from Somerset, New Jersey, Pearson’s experi ence has kept her abreast of the latest in hairstyling and its essential compo nent, hair care. She has won both third and'second place honors in two Curl Free Curl competitions in New York, including win ning a medal of excellence from the Soft-Sheen pro ducts competition. In this enlightened age of hair fashion, Pearson ad vises that women not seek a hairstyle just because it is trendy. “A woman’s hairstyle must fit her fa cial structure, hair tex ture, personality and posi tion,” she claims. "A good cosmetologist will offer each client a private con sultation to determine these Tactors before decid ing upon a hairstyle.” The oval shaped face is the ideal and any hair style a woman wears should give the illusion of this facial shape, main tains Pearson. "Some wo men are born with this type of face but many aren’t,” the states. “The hair stylist’s responsibility it styling the hair in such'a.. way to give any woman this look.” Squared Jaws, low foreheads, puffy cheeks all caq be camouflaged by the right hairstyle and this should be the priority concern of the hairstylist "It’s all in the cut and shaping,” says Pearson, emphasizing that the cos metic qualities of a hair style are only effective if the hairstyle also fits the person’s personality and position. A woman must be able to live comfortable with her hair and this is only possible if she can easily manage her style on her own. "For example,” says Pearson, “a lady who Dorothy Pearson ...Award-winning Hairstylist works in a factory does not need an elaborate halr style, it will only become a problem.” The best hair style will be one that can move -with—a—person— through all their daily activities. _ Adds Pearson, “Yet, this same lady may spend her weekends going out to events where she’ll enjoy a fancier look.” This is where versatility comes in. “A good hairstyle should have changeability, allow ing it to be dressed up or down depending upon the occasion,” confirms Pear son. No one can have a good hairstyle if they don’t pay attention to hair care. Pearson is adamant about this fact, stating, “It all goes back to basics. I re commend a lot of condition ing, and manipulation of the scalp through finger tip massaging and brush ing.” Pearson’s know ledge in this area is ex tensive. She even goes on to explain why these activi ties are important, speaking technically about the structure of hair, Once the basics are taken care of, women can look forward to innova tions in hairstyling. Pear son’s excited about the ela borate colors used now on black hair such as plums, fuschias and reds. “These colors can be mixed to match the person’s "com plexion,” she states. Then she cautions, “But it’s important that the indivi dual goes to a salon for any chemical processes done to the hair.” Another look Pearson promotes is finger-waving, a style that has made a stunning comeback since its heyday in the 1920’s and 1930’s. “It is a temporary means of putting waves in hair with fingers, setting lotion and a comb,” she explains. "This style re quires a lot of creativity on the part of the hairstylist because it is more pat ternized than any hair style."-There are many— variations of waves includ ing vertical, beehive, pen cil waves, shadow waves and more. The finished look, says Pearson, is ele gance. “This style can dress up any woman,” she claims. But finger waves, as any style, have to be designed to fit the individual’s face, personality and position. So, if you’re looking for a new hairstyle, don’t be swayed or influenced by fads. Seek a hairstyle that will bring out your own"best qualities. “Know what it takes to be beautiful and you can be just that,” concludes Pearson. Pearson and her daugh ter, Nakia, nine, are new comers to Charlotte. Cur rently awaiting the arrival of her cosmetology license son is anticipating working for a salon in Charlotte. Support Our Advertisers ■A ■4? & toft? ** JhsflarP HAIR t v,r■ 499 Dark & Lovely* Creme Relaxer Kit 297 Care Free Curl Moisturizer. 8-oz. 597 F abulaxer'* Creme Relaxing System. qq 16oz. Sta-Sof-Fro 33 Oil Sheen Protecting Spray 897 Classy Curl Kit. 1 application. 247 Dax Pomade, jumbo 14 oz. container. 499 Sta-Sof-Fro-Curl Relaxer Kit. Ultra Sheen’ 8 oz. 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