Who9* Who In The Kitchen ^ For “Light Cooking” ' -jers that keep both him uA his wife, Carol, extremely busy, neither is able to spend much time in the kitchen. **1 do wane light cooking,” Alexander notes; “break fasts, lunches, steaks, baked pota toes. things I can get out of a box. Our scbsdules are such that we don’t have the luxury to do a lot Of cooking." Simple but tasty dishes such as the Soy Chicken which follows, are a booo to the Alex ander lifestyle. "We like a lot of seafood, %ainbo, New Orleans style ninooin enmity - practs that people want some help with. It keeps me going." What has been Alexander's moat frimtrating experience in that'role? “Ikying to help out Shakeeka Richardson, the three year old who heeded a liver transplant. The more wa tried to do, the shorter time §ot. WPEG’s News Director cleans chicken for one of his < favorite dishes, “Soy Chicken.” It seemed the Community responded very well to the effort but we couldn’t move fast enough to save her. When I thought about her, I thought about my own little three year old. We' just couldn’t do enough to educate the community about organ transplants.” His most challenging experience, he recalls, was when Les Norman was shot and he had to respond to reporters while being a reporter himself. For those interested in a career in broadcast journalism, Alexander has some advice: “You need a firm and solid background in English; interest in the community, people happenings, and world and national events; you need to be a good reader, write well, and type. Equip yourself for the job totally. The field isAoiast and so vpst that you need to have all those tools.'Be prepared for the world of work. Be willing to go the extra mile in terms of learning whatever field you’re going into." He points out that there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work involved be fore people see or hear the finished product. “I spend at least an hour mi_ I -_ i Try Change Of Pace Fish Dish Does your family have cabin fever: la the cold, snowy weather causing you to feel degreased? Well try * change-of-pace menu and transport your family to the South Seas where the warm son aMnaa and the tradewinds blow. A marvelous sweet-sour sauee graces your fa vorite fresh or frozen fish in this recipe frem s Whirlpool microwave oven cookbook for Hawaiian Fillets. • • • HAWAIIAN FILLETS . . . (CMklag 11m. !•:») * 1 lb frwh or frown flab filleta IV etnMrtardr^1 1 8-o* can nine*Dole chunk* * medium green pepper, I tf&. snipped chh*| i ,* Hi* brown Mur _*r per stripe, vinegar, soy sauce, snipped chivee, and the garlic pow dsr. Place in microwave even. Cook brown sugar mixture at HIGH far 44k minutes ’til tMdnoed and bubbly, stirring every minute. Stir in pineapple chunks; set aside. Arrange thawed fish filiate to I2*7*xa-inch baking dish, placing thicker perdue toward outside Cover with waned paper and place in the microwave oven. Cook fish at HIGH for S minutes. Give dish a half turn and oook at HIGH for S minutes til fish flakes easily wnen i»<►■»»»»»,, 1 doz. chicken drummettes 1 shredded cabbage 1 green pepper, sliced lengthwise Vi small onion, minced Salt and pepper chicken to taste. Using a large skillet or wok, stir-fry drummettes until almost done at high heat.' Add cabbage, peppers and onion. Add 1 cUp Salt Hot cooked rice * * Pepper <’ Soy sauce ' * V\ cup cooking oil * * water and soy sauce to taste. Stir,, continuously until cabbage is tender (5,, min.) Cover and steam for 5 minutes more. <, Serve over rice. K*-» SEAFOOD GUMBO*-* Roux for Stock (Prepare first) 6 cups water 5 tablespoons flour Chicken Bouquet 1 lb. tomatoes 1 lb. bony chicken parts Salt and pepper 2 lbs. shrimp, cleaned and deveined 2 lbs. crab meat 1 lb. oysters File of gumbo 1 cup chopped onions okra corn 3 cups cooked rice Combine flour and Chicken Bouquet ura enp: Mix until there are no lumps. Add water, chicken parts, salt, pepper. Boil for 1 hr. Add tomatoes.'' Boil until toma toes are completely dis solved (about 1 hr.) Add File of gumbo, corn, onion, okra. Cook' another 30 minutes. Add seafood. Boil another 15 »CARROT CAKE » ♦ «» i 2 cups sugar , 1M> cups oil , 2 cups plain flour < 1 teaspoon salt < 2 teaspoons soda i ' 2 teaspoons cinnamon ( 4 eggs, beaten ( 3 cups grated raw carrots 1 teaspoon vanilla Blend together sugar and oil. SiR together dry ingredi ents and' add to sugar mix ture alternately with beaten eggs. Fold in carrots and vanilla. Bake in 2 greased and floured 8-inch layer' cake * pans or in 3 9-inch layer pans. ► Coot and frost. ► FROSTING ► ► Blend together l pkg. (8 ► oz.) softened cream cheese, ► stick margarine and a box ► (1 lb.) XXXX sugar; stir in , Vz cup chopped nuts. •» » » How to lose weight and gain wealth! The answer? A diet supplement that's safe and really works—one that pro vides nutritional support while you reduce. You may need It. Hundreds of thousands want It. Try It. then dis cover how our network marketing plan can bring you biarewardi ' t,