Working Mothers Today: Making Their Way In A Competitive World xne worm is changing ever so fast - even while you’re reading and contem plating Matter's Day and its meaning in our society. It wasn’t so long ago that mother’s place was thought to be centered only in the home, llioae daring femin ists who found their way into the arts, medicine, go vernment and even the sciences were few and far between. Florence Nightingale opened a new opportunity to serve, and thousands of young women took up nurs ing as a calling. The one room schoolhouse of a scant century ago gave other young women the chance to broaden their horizons in the teaching profession, once largely the province of men. But even those breakthroughs are of relatively modern vintage. For years, women were limited to the confines of the home — to housekeep ing, child rearing and reli gious and church activi Far Her feet Give Your Mom A Treat She works hard for her money,...or at least that’s what the Bureau of Labor Statistics has to report. According to their latest figures, only 5.6 percent of all moms (with working husbands and two children) stay at home. That indicates that most of today’s moms are working. active and probably have tired, aching feet at the end of the day. This Mother’s Day, give mom a gift that will help soothe her tires feet - Isotoner Comfort Slippers Made of the same unique Isotoner fabric that stretches four, ways, these Slippers gently shape to each individual foot for a “barefoot fit.” Each Slipper has a special leather split-sole that stretches with every step, providing comfort exercising, or as a refreshing donga at the office - and thdr easy care, attractive styles and colors make them the perfect gift for mom. And here are some other tips that will help soothe and pamper mom's tired feet: -Soak both feet in a basin of lukewarm water for a few minutes to soften the skin. Dry feet thoroughly, especially between the toes. Apply powder and cream. -Massage tired foot muscles to enhance circulation. Grasp foot with fingers on top and thumb on sole. Apply firm thumb pressure in circular motion over the entire sole, then switch positions with thumb on top. -To exercise the muscles in the foot, sit in a chair, rotate the foot slowly at the ankle. Reverse directions and then do the same for the other foot. For more suggestions on how to treat' your feet, write for the free brochure, “Tips for Tired Feet,” Aris Isotoner, Dept. MD, 417 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016. * •/ i ties. There was a big “For Men Only” sign on go vernment, business, law, medicine of the highest order, science and engin eering. Along with the typewrit er came the first emanci pation of women and a lowering of the bars which had earlier kept them se gregated from business opportunity. World War I made such awful drains on the male population that women ul timately had to step into the breach to fill up the ranks back home - in plants and factories, in offices, even in non-com bat roles in the hard pressed fighting services. Women in the working force, especially in offices, had come to stay. World War II gave no security and provided no exemption for anyone, and women - mothers - now joined the ranks of those turning out planes and tanks and ships and elec tronics, plowing fields, harvesting crops, running family businesses that military-bound husbands and fathers turned over to them. Never would the world be quite the same. When war demands seemed to dimi nish,’ mother’s new-found independence and freedom did not. Mother was not about to be relegated soMy to the home again. She became determined to expand her involvement still further, to find a new fulfillment for her dreams and aspirations outside the FIRST TIME EVER SALE!! 50 % OFF Micro-Mini & Vertical blinds 5 % additional Savings - With Cash or Check 50 * OFF All Brands in this ad Cartii Iwltr • Kirtefc Laaver drape • Weed - Mladi • 1 '■ We have available all three qualities of Levolor Blinds . . . Don't be misled! (BEST PRICES • BEST QUALITY • BEST SERVICE) Cull to inquire about our quan tity discount. We'll beat anyone's Prices! (subject to confirmation) TU* id nm be presented with order. 375-6281 Venetian Centre 1500 S. Blvd (near downtown) —*-*—* . Jf. .M2.. j*:.. , ..2”': 375-0037 home, as well as retaining a firm hold on family management. Today, nearly 60 per cent of all women are doing double-duty in the world of the home and the world outside the home, and pre dictions are that, in an other 10 years, as many as 80 percent of the women under 45 (the child-bearing age bracket) will b* em ployed outside. Equal opportunity, equal pay, equal respect make such professions as me dicine, law, politics and government, computer programming and the sci ences increasingly at tractive and compelling. The compensation and re wards guarantee indepen dence, or at least a higher standard of living for themselves and their fami lies. And in today’s in flated economy, it takes two incomes - dad’s and mom’s - to underwrite the kind of lifestyle they want, not just for themselves but, more importantly, for their children. As a result, the time mother spends with her children becomes as pre cious an asset, to be nur tured and developed through family activity, and rationed out to bring the most pleasure to the family. A new'intimacy, say some, is born of the need for interdependence. In a few more decades , j (certainly not long after . the turn of the century), though there will be no role reversals, there is likely to be equality of work and home responsibility among all the family members. The pressures of progress increase the need for the entire family to partici pate, since many activities put demands on limited time. Mother is capable of do ing what motivates her. She can make her mark as a mother and at the same time make her way in the competitive world outside - and win, hands down KEEP INFORMED With A Subscription To... THE CHARLOTTE POST Peeler’s ^ Portrait Studio “FIRST...FOR FINE PHOTOGRAPHY” CALL NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT 24-Hr. Answering Service Phone: Phone: 392-2028 392-0945 Photo Journalist Service Wedding Photography Group Photography Photo Copy and Restoration i— Civic and Social Functions Passport Photos • r r * FmJ. Efficient Service. For Firot floility Photography