Those Big Pocketbooks Always Come In Have you ever seen those laches who always have to carry around those big pocketbooks. I’m one of those laches. They jokingly call me the “tag” woman at work, but I don't mind-— I always know that if 1 need something...and I mean anything, I’ll always have it. That's the problem with leaving your bag at home or opting to carry the small purse. Everytime I leave my tag (really it’s a leather book bag) or my big purse at home I always need something. -Whenevcmmaoe needs a safety pin or whenever it’s been raining and some one needs to use a hot curler, they always come to - me - I have it. If someone has a button miss ing.„“see Teresa, she has everything.” I heard someone talk about another “bag” lady. They said to her, “I bet you have everything in that bag except a toothbrush and the kitchen sink.” The lady proudly produced a tooth brush. I say proudly because I J'NH' hnw nhr feds. If I went home today and my house was destroyed, I could survive...I have my bag. I am thinking serious ly about one thing.. .buying a kitchen sink. The next time someone says to me, “I bet you have everything in your bag except the kitchen sink,” I want to make sure I have one. I’ll pull it out and smile, of course. It’ll just be a minia ture sink....and maybe I’ll buy some little miniature. dish towels, too...just in case. The Ivy Leaf and Litera ry Club met recently at the home of Ola Jenkins. Members recently went on tour in Charleston, S.C. A report was given of the excursion by Mrs. M. Watson and Mrs. Miller. Other members of the Literary Club who visited Charleston included Mrs. Hethington, Mrs. Gertrude JWllhUns and Mrs. Yongue, who was chair man of the tour. ^■WITH TERESA 8IMMONS M Teresa Mrs. Yongue was also re cently honored as “Mother of the Year” by the Sun shine Huh rtf Battfe hem Center. An interesting article on “Mother” was read by Mrs. Ola Jenkins. The club also voted to send a donation to the United Ne gro College Fund. A delicious dinner was served by the hostess at the meeting’s conclusion. The president is Mrs. Minnie Hethington; secretary is Mrs. Eugene Russell. I attended the Sunshine and Rainbow Staffs’ “The Sky is the limit Fashion -and Hairstyle Shgw’’ re cently. Little children al ways add spice to any program. So was the case ip this fashion show. The best outfit, in my opinion, was a green Oriental-styled dress with slits on each side and a green wide brimmed hat to match. The model was equally as classy. Another thing I liked about the models were their size. It seemed ap propriate to feature models of varying sizes and heights since that is the way the general public is. Queens were crowned during the affair: First place was awarded to ope-' rator Claudine Blakeney, the highest ticket seller. Crowned also was Simara Hunter, model and assist ant choreographer. Both will be featured in the Johnson C. Smith Home coming parade this fall. The people who gracious ly contributed to the pro gram are too numerous to mention in this column. But “.i^v , * {■' v ■«. *i- v* • 'i# «r'.r, « -»•■* /«i*c£i ^Mfi CURTIS C REEVES, JR„ M.D. Ophthalmologist wRr>& Y4 r^ZSSB&P*' -Complete eye exnins t j • ,> -Glosses A contact lenses IS Percent Discount on glasses with eye —‘•xaminatloi^ & '&£>.*& 25 Percent OFF Extended Wear Contacts Id Adjacent Optle^ljShop Ml**in«iDrtT