American business has been highly criticized for having a short range pro spectus. Some may argue that this limited view is the prime chimera gnawing away at America's indus trial might. On the other hand, my business experi ence with Oriental business people revealed that they are hell-bent on long range stratetic plans and their short term tactical efforts merely complement these long-term objectives. I saw this scenario replayed once again when a delegation of provincial governors from The Peoples Republic of China visited the tiny state of Delaware seeking mo dern technology and new sources of needed goods and services. Since five governors made up the Communist Chinese contingent, the state of Delaware called upon its present and past chief executives to ex change gifts with these visitors. Governor Michael Castle opened the cere mony by setting the tone that each gift would repre sent a significant product or service that the Chinese desired and Delaware pro duced. These gifts covered industries from lumber to poultry to chemicals. Ne vertheless, Delaware seized upon this historic opportunity to promote its tourism industry. The Delaware governors made every effort to draw links between The Republic of China and Delawareans. Former governor Sherman TribMtt pointed out that a Dela warean was teaching En glish at one of China’s me cftcal colleges He also took credit for fostering the career of Delaware’s Lt. Governor S. B. Woo, the highest ranking Chinese American elected official in the United States — I • -• • * - • pared script. Governor Boggs presented a Dela ware Blue Hen to Gover nor Zhao Zengyi of Jiangxi Province. He summarized the significant improve ments in productivity that Delaware’s poultry indus try has made. Governor Boggs said we had been able to raise the weight of chickens from 3 to 4.5 pounds and decrease the growth period from 90 to 49 days while reducing the feed per pound of meat from 4 to 1.95 pounds. His comments had special sig nificance because the five Chinese governors repre sent approximately 200 million people. As I watched each Chi nese governor present his gift to his Delaware coun terpart, I felt compelled to understand the symbolism behind their gifts. I que ried the head of the Chi nese delegation, Governor Lian Buting of Sandong Province, engaging his as sistance in helping me un derstand. I was quickly reminded of the interna tional importance of this occasion as I stood patient ly listening to both white American and Chinese in terpreters carefully ex plain my questions to Go vernor Buting. Governor | Call W-——I Buting spoke of their gifts as displaying products of his people’s efforts. His words confirmed the emo tion that Governor Zengyi radiated when he gave a copper teapot versus pos sibly a sterling silver plat ter considering his pro vince ranks first in China’s production of silver. I con cluded that the Chinese governors were not inte rested in giving flashy tri vial gifts but they desired to offer items that were indicative of the true spi rit of the Chinese people. In retrospect, I think the Chinese governors’ visit to Delaware did highlight the fact that Asian Americans are a significant resource for America’s Oriential thrust. American Chinese students from the Univer sity of Delaware and a lo cal high school translated the Delaware governors’ messages for the Chinese I-——— -- governors. Lt. Governor Woo was the true link be tween both sides because he made his presentations in both English and Chi nese and he understood the subtle nuances of both the Chinese and the American cultures. He also seemed to have an excellent rapport with the Chinese gover nors. I hope the theme of this historic event truly repre sents America’s ability to work productively with go vernments of radically dif ferent philosophical slants. Will the historians record, “From China To Delaware - The Meeting of Governors for Friendship” as a hand shake of prosperity be tween state governments of China and the United States? Will ethnic Ame ricans be fully utilized to help America better com pete in the new internation al business arena of to morrow? THE . Charlotte Pott Our Name Speaks for Itself ATHUTC OF THE whk Every Week In THE Jh POST m v v i CATO MOM! RIMODU.INO fIRVKI Expert Carpentry & Repairs < Additions - Decks - Porches < Complete Bath & Kitchen Remodeling 1 Brick, Block & Concrete Work Ceramic Tile 20yrs. exp. 3*4-2010 Aaytim Mini Blind Salel 55% OFF Micro-Mini & Vertical Blinds No Credit Cards Accepted 50 % OFF All Brands in this ad Cunt+m LevmUr • Kinek • fltawhiw • Mmw • L*tieer drnpe • Wpnd blind* 9 We have available all three qualities of Levolor Blinds . .. Don't be misled! (BEST PRICES • BEST QUALITY • BEST SERVICE) Cmll to inquire about our quan tity discount. We'll beat anyone's Prices! (subject to confirmation) This Md nmt W presented with order. V-'* «~ m 8 30 510 nd Venetian Centre 1500 S. Bird (near downtown) 375-6281 575-0037 J