- -W - -w - y IV y ▼OUR BIST ADVIRTISINO MIDIA IN TNI LUCRATIVI BLACK MARKST “The Voice Of The Black Community”_ CAtl • THE CHARLOTTE POST • Thursday. July 4. 1985 Price: 40 Cents Toliver poplfi S' ^ jfey‘^i' *. v. ■’*v •■ v'/ • ,.> * Keynote Charlotte fePeot Banqoet Story On Pago 10A senmfiP«i«w Charlottoans Maiming 11 Good-Spirit Pun" for fourth Of July Story On Page ISA 1 Story On Page 8A Rev. Delve Highway Patrol Gearing Up For pburth Of July „ - The State Highway I is gearing up to protect North Iina motorists during the up holiday. The Fourth of July y ported officially begins at 8 . .Wednesday, July 8, and ends at midnight Thursday, July 4: Last year, four people (Bed in traffic accidents on North Carolina highways. An additional 328 people differed accident-related injtries. This holiday, as always, troopers OdU strictly enforce all traffic laws and will be on the lookout for speeding motorists and those drin*.v ing while Impaired. Colonel Jack mrssspasi:^01 **** Ltian through ODGration^TARE ** MfltAfi^t8 flrA qIca imoa/l 1 1# CoIoOq Cardwell t4lH, *4Motorists Z Th« only parson who hvm Z tlms Is |m one who sponda tt ; ■■*». ■ , m ■ i * , ffy ,v:r . ^ 1 <■* i . ***»»’•• ■ ■».. n •*•' • Sandra Ragin v ^....pretty waitress SondraRagin Majoring In ■ Sandra Ragln 1» tha pretty waitress who may have served you at Charlotte's Coffee Cup Res taurant; she's been working at the establishment for three years while attending Barber-Scotia Col lege. Her Job at the Coffee Cup is beneficial aa hands-on-experience since Sandra is majoring in res taurant management at college. Her goal ia to one day own her own “soul food” restaurant. Sandra’s ambition is fueled by her cousin, Chris Crowder, who is part owner of the Coffee Cup Restau rant. “She’s quite an inspiration to me,” tells Sandra. "I'm learning a lot about the restaurant field through my Job at Coffee Cup, especially on dealing with the public in a courteous manner and also business management.” The 22-year-old “Scotia” Junior says she is putting her best effort into learning the restaurant busi ness through her Job and college studies. And she cites her college’s motto as reason for her hard work: "Give the world the beat you have and the beat will cone back to you,” expresses Sandra. -- *«•!« 8he chose to go to Bar6ef-Scot«T5eeause of' the col lege’^-atmosphere. “It’s a family type of school, small, close-knit and the faculty works closely with you,” she describes. She was an Omega Pearl at school and a mem ber of the NAACP but Sandra says most of her time was spent “stick ing to the books.” “I’m going to participate in more extracurricular activities this year,” she plans. For this week’s beauty leisure activities include boat riding and driving; “I was afraid at first to drive a boat but it’s easy,” she claims. She also enjoys aerobics, bicycling, socializing, and travel ing. “I’m planning a trip to the Virgin Islands this summer," San dra reveals. She’s traveled to Miami, New York and other places in the past a ns says, "it’s seeing other places and the change of atmosphere” that she looks forward to in her Journeys. "I’m very ,energetic,” says Sandra, “and independent ” The latter quality Sandra reveals she learned from relatives: her sister, Eleanor Holloway, and sister-in-law, Mary Ragin. See SANDRA On Page 10A Julius “Dr. J” Erving Will Highlight Optimist Club’s 6th Banquet By Audrey C. Lodato Post Staff Writer Philadelphia 76ers player Julius “Dr. J." Erving will highlight the Hidden Valley Optimist Club’s Sixth Annual Banquet as keynote speaker on July 20. Remarked Odell With erspoon, banquet committee chair man, “The Optimist motto is -Friends of Youth.’ Therefore we believe that Julius Erving, being a devoted family man, outstanding athlete, and successful business man, is the ideal role model for our youth to emulate," Students with outstanding aca demic and athletic achievement will be recognized at the banquet, which will be held at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Uptown Charlotte Erving it highly regarded as one of pie. top speakers among pro fessional athletes today Coda-cola, who is sponsoring his visit to Char lotte, has this veteran of more than 10 years in the NBA under contract to do various kinds of promotions and appearances. The annual banquet is the Op timist Club’s major fundraising event of the year. Proceeds support the Club’s various activities and programs for youth, including baseball, basketball, an oratorical contest and other special events. President of the Club, Ed Strait, commented, “Having a well-known personality like Julius Erving as our banquet speaker could make this our biggest and best affair ever in the brief history of our Optimist Club.” Banquet tickets can be purchased through any member of the Op timist Club of Hidden Valley, or by calling 333-6499. They cost $25 each. Companies, groups or individuals wanting to place ads in the Club’s souvenir program should contact Ken Koontz at 372-9941. Hidden Valley Optimist Club was chartered in November, 1979, and is affiliated with and governed by the bylaws of Optimist International, headquartered in St. Louis, Mo. Julius “Dr. J.“ Erving .Devoted family man Each year the Club sponsors a haunted house for the Hidden Valley Elementary PTA halloween carni val. This event provides a safe and exciting halloween for several hun dred community youth. The Club also sponsors an oratorical contest, with the winners - one boy and one girl - being eligible to compete for a $1,000 scholarship. Other activities include a yard of the week cam paign, bicycle safety, and respect for the law. Out of 57 Clubs in the North Carolina Central District, Hidden Has Entrepreneurma nia Hit Charlotte? By jaiyne strong Pool Staff Writer An article In a men’s magazine titled, “The Fall and Rise and Ul , timate Triumph of the Entrepre neur. Mli!i?MrtLJ.”1 how entfepr *** Jy ^corne uitr* chic to be an magazine article, "Merely calling oneself an entrepreneur has apparent belief that It positions neur himself ^ ooutn Boulevard Chrysler Plv* mouth and of GflngU Rent A^Car s fliwlvis^ipmIbw1 ^for successful nm ttw% T p»fhpr w , (toss a si ns neur is made of at least from his personal perspective. •* r . * L & •> >■ ij»V .a . OMAR LEA THERM AN -A bonafide member uea merman, was influence from my father who owned a printing shop In Detroit for 40 years I saw him get work and saw him sue coed. The fact that he was proud that he was his own man made a strong Impression on me." It*s Interesting to note here, that the article on entrepreneurs did list , exposure to/otjepr*neurtal adults often a parent or close relative, as a significant characteristic in the per sonal lives of entrepreneurs Leatherman continues, “After col lege, I took a Job with a major corporation. My objective was to learn how to work in a corporate environment so 1 would know how to run my own corporation. When I was interviewed I told them I would own my own business,” states Leather man. “They advised me not to repeat that to anyone,” he laughs Wouldn’t you know It, the article also states, “problems with authori ty“ as another significant characte ristic of the entrepreneur. But what really separates the en trepreneurs from the herd of nine to-fivers is two overriding person ality traits: virtually no Tear of failure when inspired, combined with the willingness to take mode rate risks. “I’m a gambler,” describes Lea therm an, “I love to take calculated gambles And I have a very high degree of belief in myself. I can do anything I want if I try hard enough.'' Leatherman tells how he sacri ficed for the “personal satisfac tion' of self employment. “I went . from making 190,000 a year on a Job down to 19,000 a year aa an en trepreneur, in the beginning 1 went from working Monday thro««h Fif 2 day from 9 a m until 9 p ai. tg working Monday through Sunday, m to 12 hours a day." And there were times when tall ure loomed Ita ugly heed. '‘After my first year in business,” recalls See ENTREPRENEUR o^Page «A Valley ranks ninth for club achieve ment programs Current member ship in the Club is 65 Does Your Opinion Count? How important are citizens’ opinions to those men and women who represent them at city, state and national levels of government? "Very imporant," say several Michigan legislators who were in formally polled Their comments included the fol lowing "If people don’t contact their legislators, then the voices that the legislator hears will be the ones he follows." "The political process is a dyna mic one and is set up to provide for input from all segments of society Sometimes we get a dozen cails a day on big issues The most ef fective mail we receive is from people who know the subject well and present good arguments " "Essentially, the entire govern ment is based on an informed electorate Further, the major role of legislators is to reflect public opinion The seat belt Jaw is a good example. It passed because of a shift in public opinion in favor of the legislation " "Legislators are, for the moat part, generalists They may have expertise in some specific areas, hoi they depend a let on information and . ideas from a variety of sources. If individual citizens have experienb# * ' and perspectives that should bo re flected in the political decision-. * making process, they must parti#.:*. pate In that process The decMjif' wifi always be made. Ignorli* tfi# * political process assures that the decisions will be made without yew * perspective ’’ "It’* nty Important to got dtt-:* ten input, especially when the citi zan has expertise on a particular £'*' issue where there la pending h- * gislation." r—.