•THE SAINTS PARADISE" NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE UNITED HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE Alter lunching around the pool tu the atrium of the “Saints’ Paradise.” a first-time visitor was heard sayinc “The mrmhir. at the United House of Prayer have no reason teseek heaven for the beauty because they have It with them now. AH they need look by Precious Daddy MeCodough ever the Paradise” consists of the Bishop’s _ Offices. Meeting Booms and Executive Guest Suites, on the third level: • balcony railed with oak around the perimeter of the atrium, on the second level, and supported by quarried marble columns; and a unique pool, central in the atrium on the ground level, with hanging plants on motorized planters, with a live garden at the head of the atrium, and graced by a scenic chapel on one side of the atrium, and on the other side, a modern, public cafeteria with a seating capacity in excess of 3M. The gleaming, white-stone exterior of the “Saints’ Paradise" complements quite well our National Headquarters' edifice (God's White House). on the corner of 6th and M Streets. N.W.. _Washington. P.C. If your rocker hasn't rocked in ages, sell it with an efficient, effective classified ad. . |t's the low-cost way to sell home furnishings. 376-0496 Welcomes to Charlotte United House of Prayer 1965 Convocation During Your Stay Here Shop At Wayne's & Save! - - - - __ > . *!*•*> ■ »y *> ■ unM f 49< H«d Family Pack I u StesjESSTT: Pnco# Good Sopt. 25-28. 1985 3 2115 Beatties Ford Rd. 2050 N. Graham S». 1506 West Blvd. 2634 Statesville Ave. Hie Charlotte Post —‘*1116 Good News Paper”— 376-0496 ' /4 TVandrude