Hu. m mu, ina K o. .' - rv - • ' ■< ■• * a ■. . T'/ riu^Tv'afW:^ ‘ 1*'. I • . WHEREAS, the Most Honorable Bishop W, McCoIlough has provided the United House ”v£*yer for AD PeoPle’ Q»««* on the Rock of the Apostolic Faith, with dynamic - leaders/ ' years; and ' V . . • . v'-- • McColou^i, a man of God, ambassador of goodwill, a man of *9©?®. and initiative, ha. long advocated die doetrineof troth and the Matntea of the W thouaanda out of die shadow of marry and trouble into die of a new and better day; and WHEREAS, Bishop W. McCoDough has been recognized across the country by Presidents, Senators, Governors, and Mayors, as a humanitarian of dntinction and as a man of the church in every significant spiritual, economic, and social sense of the word; and >v rzj 1MBBKEAS, Bishop W. McCoDough has touched the lives of millions of Christians, whether members of his church or not, with care and concern : / NOW, THEREFORE, I, Harvey B. Gantt, Mayor of Charlotte, extend a most supreme welcome and congratulation, to Bishop W. McCoDough on the occasion of his Silver Anniversary as Bishop and leader of the United House of Prayer for All People, and - proudly proclaim September 29 - October 6, 1985 a. Paid For By Mayor Gantt For The City V,; r if ■ y'