Members of the Charlotte Women’s Soclnl and Ohrk dab, "Jnst Friends" were recently Inducted Into the national chib, the "Girl Friends." Jnst Friends was founded by Gertrude Pearson and Ophelia Gray In Jana 1FH. The "Girl Friends" was founded *7 years ago la New Yorfc City by Lillie Riddick, Etoorist Yoaage. Henri Yaange ahd Panic e Shreeves. Bath groups center around the Men of friendship and the need for achievement. Pictured Ml ta right are the member*: (sitting) Ophelia Gray. Alma Motley, Darla Aabnry, Helen Cabinets, Margaret Moreland, Breads Johnson, and Gertrude Pearson, (standing) Frances Waddell. Vivian Collins, Glnise Clement, Tbehyiettn Byaam, Dorothy Stinson, Barbara Alt tea, Betty e McCain. Doretta Morphy, Catherine Watenoan, Marlon Manlgault, Grace Chambers and Doretby Chisholm. .~T —~T-— ---:— Mr*. Betty Pilsbury, National pre sident of the Girl Scouts will be the guest speaker at the Hornets’ Nest Council Annual Meeting on Thurs day, November 4 *t 7:30 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church. 1413 Pro vidence Rd. Ann Hamaod, District 3 repre ■enative win present Mrs. PUsbury a key to the city, immediately fol lowing the (lag ceremony. TO FIND THE BEST IN FOOD BUYS READ THE CHARLOTTE POST CURTIS C. REEVES, M.D. Doctor of Ophthalmology Eyes Examined For / Glasses, Contact Lenses, Cataract It Laser Surgery : \ I.. ..-1 Medicare Cataract Surgery Program No overnigit stay * No out of pocket coat CALL ABOUT OUR FREE CATARACT SCREENING Program Curtis C. Reeves, MIX Doctor’s Building Kings Drive Charlotte, N.C. 1, _ CHANCES ARE % If you don’t have a - sub scription to *the Charlotte Post, you don’t know what’s happening in the community. Call Us For A Subscription 376-04* I • Aak about Saar* credit plana • Installation by Sears authorized Installers • Free Estimates Yog can count on Sear* * for home Improvement value CALL: Eastland Mall You«"» |Cf«orcl count on OCdi o ■MMpuawu. »—Morttw iw—d arywir mxwy bmtk --— \ _■■■■ __ _'' '_i_ Those organisations will specify who MHRSSfL&S -r sary to be a Duke Power customer. In Qjariotte, Crisis Assistance Ministry will administer the utility’* program. If matching funds are raised, Charlotte area residents will <|S eligible to receive approximately *171,000 of the total. “Donations to the fund will then be used to pay for residential heating, whether provided by electricity , natural gas, oil, wood, keroeene or other MlirCM," he uld. >L_, Tbe 1909,000 "s*ed money,'1 fep from $190,000 last year, comes firam Duka' Power etockboideti&lp challenge par(