The Truth Versus Minister Louis Farrakf'an I When do wards become threatening? They can only become threatening when they bring about an activi ty. Words in and of 'them selves are worth notidig^ It is when the word is made manifest that something or .someone is or be 7 threatened. So what has Minister Louis Farrakhan done that is so threatening Z- to the powers of the world E specifically the Jews and Z the American govern ment? It appears that the E mere fact that he is speak E tag on many issues that the Z" government does not want Z. to talk about makes him Z? controversial. On top of E that, he speaks with an ** authority unheard of Z among black leaders in Z, America with the notable Z exceptions of Marcus E Garvey, Noble Drew All, w^poW^cioefiock>,«Urbin»ro«d iSrSpwt^. pwJRV^SSS; STSS^JJ! PRICKS START AT . * . ^5 WAS — *14,995°° 20 TO CHOOSE PROM I I* ■ ■ ■ ; . ' 1979 CHIVY CORVITTI Caro«na Mu* automatic Tranamtaalon, low mMa* don’t miaa tMa on* t9i0 CADILLAC COUP! DCVH1I UUbiA I — — -i — . . rfLn* m - , —_ **"• wnsw^jWHjau foot, vMtncf, txcip •7993 l J ■■ ■w. i ^^^KffA^J-ki»l-kJ il f —. 1 k%" 1*1 r*B I k ^»| K #!€■.#■ W »JbBT -rtii Iff itrr mircury lynx •3995 or '3 SO PM. UOlOSIMmCY KIOUOMAM 'zrj^zS^' •10,993 or MOO OAUJU DOWN tOCHRYSUR LAIARION wOmfc *2995 11 PONTIAC F1KKIKD *S9?5 SlOiDS CUTLASS CMRA *500 DOWN (1)78 LINCOLN MARK V WMNW NOW Hf5 TRUCK LIQUIDATION SAU MfOMUNM | revision of bid . t, CITY or CHARLOTTE ' ' f O WENDELL WHRt *JB| CITY MANAGER w ** • **/ .. .i