ciim oy over 30 percent in - . m, Support Our L. Advertisers! * T : *,■ \ | Dear Editor, Growing up in a media fam»ly. with a grandfather ; : who ran • newspaper and a c fattier who ran a tetaviaion' station, I got a pretty good dose of the Pint Amend ment at the family dinner | table. Both men held strong views, expressed them forcefully, and suffered op , pasingyiews with patience approaching Job’s. Scene ideas they fe(t (* articulate, bat wrong. Some foolish, hot wrong,' Some threatening, but wrong. t. fSwmoversy and anger swirled around the family because ideas and view points were forcefully ad vanced of: defended. Im portant and imimportan* . people ; thought - them wrong. And even the pur veyors of -small-minded-, ness never suggested that So I grew up in the ' American tradition - you ; Lean have^n, idea and « ' press it and ydur rieigh bor can have an idea and' express if. And I grew up and I went to Wfark for,*, It’s not to^dfeimilaTto the family dinner table; freedom of expression, freedom of choice, and in formed populace. And now in the name of . the common good the doc tors have decreed that the tobacco companies’ free dom of expression must be sileqeed. "Silence them and we will have Utopia” i has been the shrill cry Of ‘ the small-minded through . the centuries. -ii> irl i They tried to silenee Frederick Douglass . Thank God they tailed. : They tried to silence 3 Harriet Tubman. Thank i God they failed ' J They tried to silence [pon.**, ■ *15*6 . - SemKFormal CoAc/i the update on sports in ^ BffMitr... ' ' grs k: