p^ WXI Til i OOf) TOUBMtr f/I I m I ADVMTISINO MIDI A A Jl JU A R ftl I »H THI LUCKATIVI ^ BLACK MARKIT “The Voice Of The Black Community cali 374-049* '.*• * * THE CHARLOTTE POST - Thursday, January 9, 1986 Price- 40 Cents r “f. Story On Poge 2A ■ I ' .'X^ Story On Pag* «A k^— - ^ - Story On Page 5A i CR Committee Seeks NoJmatioos Fol Police Award Nominations are being sought for the seventh annual Police Com spred by the Chariot te-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee. eerajrom the City of Charlotte ifld Mecklenburg County Police De partments who have made outstand Nomination* wjD bo reviewed by Contaftunity 1 I i 1 i I . .... —, j Rev, James H. Logan, Jr,: The Black Church Has Become Too Complacent By Loretta Manago Post Managing Editor Few people would look at the Southside and Brookhill neighbor hoods and comment that being placed in the midst of these two communities is a terrific oppor tunity. Yet few people have the vision that Rev. James Logan Jr. has. As pastor of South Tryon Presbyterian Church, he sees the church's lo cation as a blessing in order to carry out God’s Word. Not just God’s Word that com mands his disciples to go out and preach the gospel, but also His Word to man to care for those in need that is the main thrust of Rev Logan's mission. “It’s important that we tthe church) minister to this community in tangible ways. Our mission is not to get' people to simply join the church; it is far more important that their stohiach is empty,” Rev Logan pointedly stated. What Rev. Logan sees as his church’s cause, he also sees as the black church's role in the next decade. “We have to begin to take ownership of our communities. We have to start finding solutions for our own problems and stop looking for some other institutions to do that for us. The black church has be come far too complacent in the liberties that we have gained in the civil rights period. Already with the Republican Party in office we can see some of those liberties drying up and with the trend of Democratic politicans towards conservatism, I think that that’s more than suffi cient reason for us to take charge of our destinies,” voiced Rev. Logan. Taking that step, Logan sensed that the black church should also be concerned about its faith develop ment and spiritual maturity. “The black church is well known for knowing how to worship. And as far as I'm concerned you can shout all you want, but if what you get By Jalyne Strong Post Staff Writer Tonja Berry, a Charlotte native, is proud of her hometown., She es pecially enjoys what has been done with the uptown area of the city. “I think it’s beautiful," expresses Tonja, concerning th^recent Transit Mall renovations. m, TTje 20-year-old beauty is pretty sure here is where she wants to stay. A young lady who Ukes to "dance and disco," Tonja finds Charlotte's nightlife impressive. Studio M and Cameo’s are the night spots she most enjoys to frequent. “They’re very nice club," she describes. "I love dancing," Tonja enthu siastically relates. She says the latest dances are Inspector Gadget, the Oak Tree and one that is Just now making its way onto the dance floors, the Cabbage Patch! Tonja also Ukes music, her favorite mu sicians being Kurtis Blow, Star point, Luther Vandroae, and Freddie Jackson. Of course, Tonja does not party all the time, as the popular song goes. Presently she’s holding down a Job at McDonald’s while she considers attending a school for data process ing. "I’d like to work with com puters," she reveals as har aspira tion. ^ *. . "I'm vary out-going,’’ deacrtbea this woek’s beauty. "When I sey I’m going to do something, I’U do it." However, Tonja also oonfsssw to another side of herself "I'm shy sometimes around people I don't know." Overall, she admits her per sonalHy is one which prefers pH vacy. "Most «f the Ume I’m to myself," claims Tonja ? ThefaCt^Qfwhjchjs conducive to Tour Set Record grou^tnSrrtfftolliSuiiUSAlln IMS. The tour* came front all parts of ths USA,^ and from Sweden. "We are ssottad about Heritage USA’s growing popularity," said came a long way." The avirage alee V*A. Tonja also enjoys going to the movies, her favorite flick currently is “Krush Groove.” And, she also has a passion for swimming. Tonja is the middle child in her family with one older brother, Kelvin, and one younger sister, Nicole. She says it’s great being in the middle, “ft seems like I get everything I want," she relates. Almost everything, that is. Tonja does admit if she could have what ever she wanted right now it would be a house. “All to myself," she points out. Remember, Tonja likes her privacy. Yet she’d probably make room for her mother, whom she says is the person she most admires. Her mother, Bobbie, is very under standing, says Tonja. “We’re Hke sisters,” she tells, “and she helps me out whenever I have problems or if I need something.” Tonja attends Rockwell AME Zion Church. Rev. James H. Logan Jr. .Pastor ofS. Tryon Presbyterian spiritually doesn’t transcend into your everyday living, then some thing's amiss I feel that the black church needs to look at the renewal movements and see what the Lord is saying to us. I don’t want us to miss the boat. I want us to get on board, but in a real way." It has been six months since Rev. Logan became the shepherd at South Tryon. In that short time, he has already started the burners burn ing in terms of some of the objec tives he has for the church "We have a lot of ideas, but in a sense we're limited by the physical size of the church. We want to establish a scouting program here Of course. I realize that is something that takes place at most churches but I must add South Tryon is not in terested in duplicating what is al ready being done, we’re mainly interested in administering to people's needs in ways that haven’t been tapped into yet ” One idea that has been ruminat ing in Rev Logan’s mind is the idea of a library "More than a library, this room would serve as a quiet place for youngsters in the com munity who need somewhere to study and to do their homework,” added Rev. Logan Whatever ideas Rev Logan has for his church and its mission, his congregation seems totally support ive of his efforts It was the con gregation's idea to bring Rev Logan to South Tryon Having been without the stable leadership of a minister See BLACK On Cage I2A People To Watch! Charlotteans Reveal Their Goals For ’86 Rev. Lincoln Lee Jr .Theology student learned this leoaon the hard way through experience. However, her practice la going smoothly now and with general dentistry, Dr Davis offers pre ventive dentistry and has taken the initiative to branch out into cos metic dentistry as.well Her gMb for IMS? "Office ex pension," Me Mb. "to bring on another dmtbt Also to repay •Choel and business loans." The r e reasons behind her hard work "my family " Dr. Davis assures, "f want to make sure my family is wg| taken ear# of. Just 1h-yeor»oMand Rev. Lincoln £e ' * /< ^'ji t ■ Dr. Gwyn Davis . ,...To expand service* Lee has found his direction As the associate pastor of Silver Mount Baptist Church, his father, Rev William Lee Jr.'s church, Rev. Lee has already issued a few soul stirring sermons. He has also been the invited guest speaker at the Baptist Training Union Sunday School Congress. “I’m looking forward to more preaching opportunities,' predicts the young minister concerning the coming year. A pre-theology major at Shaw Uni vanity, Rev Lae claims, "The power of Ood" la all the encourage ment he needs Alfred Clover .Political actlvlut Angela Simpson opened the doors to Undercover Book Source In June 1984 and she offered SO books for customers to choose from. This year, her store displays over 700 titles to please the moat discerning customer and' Simpson claims, •'There’ll be 1,000 before June of ’80.” the book store proprietor decided in IMS Is a year for her to con sider now horizons Simpson's, thinking about "two new projects relating to books but not in the ret*! aspect" She's also plannli« on See OOALS On Page 1IA