Rev. Battle: “People Working Together Can Make A Difference” By Jalyne Strong Post Staff Writer “When I rise each morn ing, I don't know what the day’s going to bring. But I do know there will be something to do something positive and constructive." That’s how Rev. George Battle describes his daily outlook. He is the pastor of Gethsemane A ME Zion Church, an elected official of the Charlotte Mecklenburg School Board and the founder and or ganizer of the Five Points Community organization. Such heavy and varied obligations would make most people consider each morning with dread. But not Rev. Battle, who assures, “Because I’m doing what I love, I tend not to look at it as a burden. It’s always exciting." Bach responsibility, fur thermore, is one Battle has freely chosen to take on. To begin with, this Rocky Mount, N.C., native was actually on his way to becoming a lawyer before he "felt the calling" to become a minister in his freshman college year. He gave his initial sermon in 1966, at the age of 19. He became the pastor of his. first church, Mt. Zion AME Zion Church in Lancaster, S.C., later that same year. Today, Rev. Battle has been a pastor for 20 years. Does he believe he's made the right career choice? “I know I did,” he readily offers. “I've always wanted to help people. I believed in them and felt people working together can make a difference.” This is not Just "talk” from this young minister, who backs his words with evidence of how he has helped get people to work together to make a differ ence. Besides his fluent ••Read Your King James Bible, Pray and Thank God Every Day.” 30% OFF On Pry Cleaning Only. ■ . ■ ." 1 Mon.. Tuns- Wed.. Tlrara. 10 Percent Off On Fri. & Sat. Offer Expires March 6, MM Minhnom $S.C0 After Discount ,.[ Coupon Mart Accompany, Order Foil Price After 30 Days Expert Alterations == ^b ■ Rev. George Battle .Innovative, vivacious young minister leadership of his church, Battle's influence is felt throughout the Charlotte community. “The church and the community are inter-related," he expounds. “Being a pastor requires a commitment to the community.” Rev. Battle likes to consider himself as being “broad-based.” He has initiated program after program which serve to uplift someone, someplace . in society. From his expression PEAK DRUGS PEAK HEALTH CAM Coffee Shop Special _ Castile R Ricks, A.GS.W. of Carole** Comer offer* Pre-Marriage Counseling By Appointment Only 333-0140 A. A AL- . when he speaks of it, it appears that the Gethse mane Enrichment Pro gram is one of the social endeavors closest to Battle’s heart. "The pro gram involves youth from all over the city. We have about 500 kids participat ing," he beams. Explains the program’s director, Adelaide Hunt, “The Enrichment program is designed to reinforce the skills of the children enrolled in grades K - sixth in the areas of reading and math." There is also em phasis on including an enriching program for the children, oftentimes a Held trip or some sort of recreation. Hunt says Rev. Battle is an “innovative, vivacious young minister. This (the program) is his brain-child.” He's had others; like the Gethsemane Hot Lunch program, which is the largest lunch program in the city and also the _ church's day care, which, Rev. Battles says, “takes young children and pre pares them for going to school and being success ful.” His overriding concern for children's education could stem from his work with the School Board. Or vice versa. Whatever, Battle has been a member of the board for eight years. About his work there, he claims, “The schools are the only places where everybody’s an expert on what they want for their children. I weigh the plusses and minuses, and personally believe we’re (Charlotte Mecklenburg) on a good course. There's much to attest to that fact.” From his church respon sibilities to his community programs to the school board and many, many other activities far too numerous to include in one article, (Rev. Battle's resume is four pages long and the bulk of it is list ings of his professional honors, professional awards, professional organizations and affilia tions) it would appear he hasn't a minute to spare. But he loosens up and admits he does find time to relax. “I enjoy reading leisurely, good clean jokes, spending time with my children and I'm an avid sports fan. “I love singing," reveals Rev. Battle, "normally by myself. I never get a chance in church because I have such fantastic choirs.” he smiles. But at the same time, he admits he's always looking for some new way to help amend some problem that exists. “I never can be satisfied,” he confesses. “I'm my own worst critic. There's always room for improvement. “My congregation is so nice to me and my family," relates Rev. Battle. He is married to Iris and they have two children, George and LaChianda. “I’m always pushing myself to be better. “All good pastors are achievers," concludes Rev. Battle. And he appears to be one of the best. SAVE LOIS OF GREEN... by shopping the POST ADS l $2 Discount off the regular $17.76 yearly subscription rate for The Charlotte Post All persons 60 and over are eligible for this special rate. Send check or money order for $15.76 along with this coupon. | (PI.EASE PRINT) [ NAME | ADDRESS I CITY---STATE ! ZIP-HOME PHONE ( ) Send Subscription Form To: THE CHARLOTTE POST t CIRCULATION DEPT. I P.O. BOX 30144 CHARLOTTE. N.C. 28230