Consider All The Facts! Mr. Bill Johnson Editor The Charlotte Post Charlotte, N.C. Dear "Bill:" The editorial of February 27, headed Academic Ex cellence was a good one. It is commendable to have so many people to all of a sudden become so interest ed in the welfare of the student-athlete, but who fail to consider all the facts. I do feel that the NCAA membership made a move towards solving those problems, but it is the University's responsibility to make these things hap pen. So much is placed on - the NCAA, but ooe tends to forget who the NCAA really is - US. I can appreciate what Dr. Friday’s thoughts are, but I can't say the methods of applications are any fairer than the chances you and I had to attend the universities that our tax monies supported in the days before dese gregation - the UNC’s, NCCU’s, NCSU, Appala chians, East and West Carolinas. The implica tions are still there and the biases are still plain. Your comment on the wishes of predominantly black colleges "to delay accepting higher academic standards" is off base. There is no desire by those educators to delay any thing - their thoughts are to take the SAT score • Just that one item - and do what it was built to do. These educators do not wish to use the SAT as an admis sions tool. People who put • the test together and those who know its true values have said, uncategorically, Supreme Court’s Abuse Of Its Power Dear Editor: The collective will of the people is expressed by the legislative branch of the government. But for year* - this will to legislate has been impeded by a subjec tive minded Supreme Court’s abuse of Us power. All that is needed in this country to bring about a revolution in the education field is for a majority in Finds Harper Impressive Dear Editor: I have never been high an getting involved in poli tics - local, state or nation al. However, I recently had the opportunity to meet Katherine Harper who is running for the U.S. Senate from North Carolina and was very impressed with her as a candidate. Katherine is an energetic business woman, mother and grandmother who is intent on making a contri bution to this nation of ours. She is especially concerned about unem ployment and balancing the federal budget. Katherine projects an image of a strong, sincere and highly capable person without a persona] axe to grind. She even looks like a U.S. Senator; but with statesmanship-like quali ties rather than self serving and strictly poli tical makeuo. I say BRAVO to people like her In the political arena. They are few and1 far between. I’ll vote for them every time regard less of their political affiliation. Bob B. Davis Charlotte, N.C. r $ *7"3 Hams the fast Classified Ads. ! CALL 97M49C -—-. John D. Marshall Jr. .Fayetteville State A J). that the test is NOT an admissions tool, never was planned to be and never should be. It is simply a test to show the level of reading or math skills one has. The admissions on the basis of high school tran scripts has never been a question. The real item to the black educators is to “take the student-athlete - where he or she is and carry them to where they ought to be.” Hut item, Bill, is the American way in helping those who want to achieve and GIVING THEM TOE CHANCE TO SUCCEED. Seven hundred on the SAT will not guarantee achievement, but would let the college or university know where the weakness might be. It gives the col either House of Congress - that will only fund public education on the condition that both sectors of our society (private k public) share equally In those . funds. If the Supreme Court won’t approve of such Na measure, then public education would be brought to a halt until they comply or the state would have to refund taxpayers their money to educate their children on their own. If you taxpayers are tired of paying premium prices for horrendous education for your chil- * dren, do something about it. It’s easier than you might think. All that is needed to shut down public education in a particular state is for a majority of either House of the legisla ture to vote against funding of public education. Since public education is so de pendent on federal funds,' the same would apply on the national level for the whole country. So you can see why it is necessary to elect good people who are interested in Justice for all both on the national and local levels. I believe that all we need to do is to get one state to act and even tually the others would fol low. The time for1 consider ing public education a sacred cow is past. Sincerely yours, Cornelius U. Morgan ’. a r.L-'-i ~ ‘ _' ■ .»* lege or university a chance to provide help in an area of apparent weakness. We all cry out that such a test should not be the means of acceptance but rather a tool to determine what the student-athlete basic needs might be. Lastly, my friend, we need to get away from permissive education where students’ rights are more important than uni versity rights. I can ima gine my Alma Mater tell ing my Dad, who spent his hard earned mooey to send me to college, that they could not send him my grades each semester be cause it violated my indi vidual rights. Can you .. -„-_j’s the universities' Job to be sure that each student and student-athlete abide by the institution's rules and regulations without fear of reprisal. That’s their missionand, if a “mind is a terrible thing to waste,” it is that university’s respon sibility not to waste it. . Sobeit. Your friend, John D. 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