From Pot Washer To Executive Cook, Joe Deas Learned D.. _m . m a . I . Everything From Scratch By Audrey C. Loda to 1 Poot Staff Wrlter L When Joe Deaa was btfylx* Us mother in the kitchen as a young iter, he may not have thought he'd ape day be an executive chef, but ; mat’s whet happened. **» From hia start S3 yean ago as a •3?01 cleaner and dish washer at die [Sid Barringer Hotel, Deaa rose in Us :.T*0,en P*"®*®®!0® to become execu Sve chef of the Charlotte Athletic ; Jhd}, Inc. ,M»yurcho«inf AMinHwwmOf g*X>Worth04Q.i. Motor Appfimom ^ , ,y 4m M. TRYON ST. TRYON MAU, CHARIOTTI, NX. MMVIMO THI CAROLINA* SINC* INt •li4 *. UVD.. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 704/M7M10 (OftN SUNDAY 14) ••41* Mmm |N. . OiarfaW. 744/444-7*44 (Mw». M * 74) 7*4447-7911 *•'• <*">«* •»-. M-. Cmmw4, 7*4/7*7-1144