_ Gregory’s “correction” formula * to cleanse the body contains not only fiber, bat a high quality soy protein isolate, fortified with methanine and a hoot of other nutrients, including essential fatty acids and trace elements. For more information, call 3I2-441-S270. ■ For the vast majority of us who simply need a good health and nutrition center, there is “Dick Gregory's International Health Institute” in Nassau, capital of the Bahamas. Yon can lose weight, learn about good nutrition, and enjoy a week or; more in one of the most beau tiful countries in the world. Is Gregory doing all of this for money? Or because he’s trying to prove that capitalism works? Gregory is Just Gregory. He believes in people - and he wants to help. My first-hand experience came about years ago in DetreWas all obscure, struggling journalist who could not put together a $400 house noteouce a month. Without my asking, the famons Dick Gregory loaned iue what seemed at the time to be all the money in the world. He Ms wife, Lillian,-on another occasion sported a now rich and famous New York politician and myself to an aB» expense paid trip to St. Thomas. I finally repaid the loan, but my gratitode is endless. Dick Gregory is one of the rare individuals of our times. His interest in our physical and spiritual being is deep seated ; he was born with it In his heart. .. ‘“Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift, without the giver is hare. v“Who gives himself aad his , alms feeds three: himself. Us hangertag neighbor - aad me,’” Mrs. Ralb Norman, my Garnet High English teacher, weald Little then did 1 knew that she was describing Dick Gregory - a hnmaae enterprise. \pick Gregory has been warning as aboat the drag epidemic for alarnot SO years: he has tsM as ever aa« ever agate ; weald pay la economic and Human vusia. Now, his most ardent critic will agree that city, state, and federal funds earmarked for building roads and improving our lives must be diverted to stemming the tide of crack and a plethora of illegal and designer drugs. But Dick Gregory is not offering more advice, he’s now in the business of doing something about it. If you abuse drugs, illegal or legal (over-the-copnter ’’pain killers’; caffeine from coffee or tea- nicotine from cigarettes; or alcohol), your body suffers from a severe depletion of essential nutrients. Naively, many defend smoking to keep their weight down - not knowing that each cigarette robs an already starv ing body of 35 mgs. of vitamin C ; and other essential vitamins and minerals. v President Reagan has pro posed mandatory urine loots |kr federal employees tedetect drug use. But the President*!^ ■ primary problem is finding <1) a proven cure and <2> the money. “Dick Gregory's Safe Nutrition Correction Connection" may he the answer. Ironically, It my also be the answer far those who . want to avoid detection. This food supplement, specifi cally formulated for abusers of nicotine, caffeine, drugs, and alcohol, is now being tested In a New York facility for heroin, cocaine of crack abusers j In aa Atlanta ^prison; and In New Orleans at both a center for Skte Row alcoholics and a facility for middle-class cocaine, alcohol, and polydrug addicts. . V’ & Dr. James P. Carter, Chair man of the Department of,. Nutrition of the School of PnhHc Health and Tropical Medicine at Talane University, said that each subject ht the study group “will he supplemented twice a day" with Dick Gregory’s * '^darroctlon*’ formula. A con trol group win aflse be followed "These are very rare, rare pieces that haven't been feature in many exhibits," said Dr. Richards, a native of Sierra Leone in West Africa and a specialist in African art, architecture and textile design. Textile arts are among the oldest and moat wide-1 spread manifestations of art in Africa.” ¥^4 The exhibit is being “ 'I funded through a 15,000 matching grant from the North Carolina Arts Council, and additional funds from Guilford Mills, M Inc., the UNCG Home? * Economics Foundation, Vectrix Corpora tion and the UNCG De partment of Clothing and Textiles Design Fund. . The exhibit will nm through September 28 Regular gallery hoar* are Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p m. apd Saturday - Sunday 2-0 p.m. I US pOWcfTuI cXIuDll brings to Greensboro the richly colored Eateries st The yens are handqSiM, * - _ _ a._a a«» i_ _ _ .a trom naxunu fUMn 100 dyed, usually as a collective effort. £a1- ; though considered con temporary, Uw fabrics 19th century shew tradi tional techniques and p I i designs. ;4ne ezmnt is divided into four areas - West. Central, East and North Africa * because Amon^hefisbcim to the traditionally woven cTsOt and cotton and incorporat ing schematic representa tions. Traditionally, ffas clothe were reserved for ‘netr wives on religious and paUHoC ceremonial "The Africans use fabrics to tell stories," Dr. Richards said. “Cloth has become the medium used to communicate Near York City for 110.000 tojPSJOft,. DrJUcharA 1 i OC 0 /k~ .