YOUR BEST ADVERTISING MEDIA L\ THE LUCRATIVE BLACK MARKET CALL 376 0496 A l- f *J ,^‘vg. 1—— ■■■ VOlamC^|?S^ra THE CHARLOTTE POST - Thursday, October 30, 1986 PHre ™ Tents ^""™~~~ 1 - _ I RIGHT NSIBILITY Welcome JCSU Alurtmk/n^v Students, Staff, and Friends Homecoming 1986 i ...Friendly and forgiving • ' 1 . I \ ) ' r Wanda Scales Enjoys Of Hobbies By Russell Clark Peat SUff Writer It’s your senior year in high school and the* pressure to graduate is crumbling on your shoulders like rocks touching down on the bed of a dump truck. Nagging parents,' hard driving teachers, and two-faced friends, sometimes ignite sparks that cause one to give up. but Wanda Scales didn't. “I had considered dropping out of school," she began. “I felt a lot of pressure coming from my teachers and also peer groups, but I decided to stick in there and make something of myself,” related Scales, a 1985 West Charlotte graduate. Now the 19 year old is pursuit^ a career as a legal secretary. She la a student at the American Business A Fashion Institute In Charlotte and plans to graduate next spring "I have wanted to become a legal secretary for the past couple of years. I have been to court to observe a few trials and I like the courtroom atmosphere," she ' mentioned. At ABAF, Wand* faces typing, shorthand and other business courses "My„ favorite course is i speedwriting,” said Wanda. 'TU be : very proud of myself when I finish this spring because it's something ; that I decided to do for myself.” As a Ugh school student, aha was active in the Future Business Leaders of America Club (FBLA) and the Spanish Chib. ”1 was a C student at West Charlotte, but now I { maintain an A average,” she smarted. They say that behind every ambitious person, there is s motivator. ‘‘I admire my mother,” Profanity In ttio mo of atrong war in by weak people. she replied. “She is raising two kids by herself and I will never be able to thank her for all that she is doing for me.” . The daughter of Lauria Scales, Wanda is a member of University Park Baptist Church. When not busy, she likes biking, shooting pool, cooking and listening to mellow music. "I like Shirley Murdock, Tina Turner and New Edition because they all have a message in their songs.” Peer pressure has been a major factor for young people to do things to please others. “I learned that it is best for me to stay away from the crowd. There is too much stuff going around that I don’t want to get caught up in,” concluded Scales, who describes herself as a friendly, forgiving person. Black Elected Officials To Hold Town Meeting The Charlotte-Meddenburg Black Elected Official* will hold an incoming town mooting on Sunday. November t, from 4-6 p.m at FrlentMiip Community Centar, The 16-member organization will meet with dtlaen* in the com munity to dtacuaa local govern mental concern* and hoppwitng* Citizen* will al*o give feedback to the official* a* to what they are doing poeitlve and what they could Improve upon. " ■' NAFPE Passes Resolution To Support National Hack United Fund New York. NY - In the coming months, “the helping hands” of the National Black United Fund (NBUF) will be more far-reaching as a result of a new bond. When the membership of the National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE) recently passed a resolution supporting NBUF*, a link was established between those two unique organi zations. “One of the concepts of the Alliance is to build an economic base in the black community," said Robert L. White, president of NAPFE, the oldest and largest independent, black-led federal, Industrial union organized 73 years ago in Chattanooga, TN. “And since the Black United Fund is also committed to economic develop ment, we are naturally supportive of their efforts." In 1968, Walter Bremond founded the BUF as a catalyst for im proving the quality of life for black people. Reliance on self-help and mutual aid was the ideology, and / pushing employed-blacks to donate to BUF through payroll deductio'as was the methodology. “From its inception, the Fund has fought to get into payroll deductions because it is the _most effective and efficient means of raising money known to us.” said Dana Alston, president of NBUF. Also, the need for the BUF is equally as important now as when it was formed. Getting a piece of the over $100 million pie from the Combined Federal Campaign, the yearly drive to solicit charity from government employees, was a difficult struggle that BUF won. Kermit Eady, president of BUFNY and secretary of NBUF, states, "Black workers, for the first time, now can contribute to a charity that looks after their needs. However, we are still trying to gain access into more corporate markets." Despite past and present battles, both the Alliance and the Black Unitgd Fund have held to their commitment of developing financial resources and allocating them back to the community, while main taining their independence The National Alliance's continuing com mitment to protect workers’ interests, provide essential benefits and to further unionism is From South A frica AFSC Calls For Total Disengagement Philadelphia • The IBM. General Motors and Coca-Cola changes in South Africa must be seen as in terim steps toward the necessary t6tal U S economic disengagement in that country, the American Friends Service Committee declared recently. "While we welcome their recent announcements,” said Jerry Herman of the Quaker organize tion, "theae firms still will be supporting and making profits from the apartheid system. We call on them to totally disengage economic ally In order to bring a aew beginning for that troubled land and its oppressed majority.” Thomas Conrad, an AFSC researcher-author, who ia one of the nations foremost authorities on computer (sports, said IBM’s equipment has bssn used for years in sensitive and military strategic ways aa well as to reprees the Blacks and other peoples "IBM technology Is wtdsto used by local govern ment officials, who are in the forefront of enforcing the apartheid system,” ha said. Their sale of South African operations will tn no way limit their sales to South African authorities. Herman, coordinator of AFSC U.S. programs on South Africa, said, "GM, IBM, and Coca-Cola, through payment of corporate taxes and in the case of GM and IBM, through provision of strategic items, will not cause South Africa’s military budget to shrink Therefore, there will be no restraint on South Africa's ability to wage violence and war against its neighbors and its own citizens ” League Of Women biterviews Candidate)! Hometown Cable Television, Cablevtsion channel S, and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg League of Women Voters present the most comprehensive televised political campaign coverage available in the area with the series, Election: 'St. Election 'St features interviews with each candidate for local and congressional office. LWV president Bernadette Parker boats candidates for U.S. Senate, U.8. House, N.C. Senate, N.C. House, Mecklenburg County Commission, and Mecklen burg County Sheriff Pictured above are : (left to right) Hermit F.ady, President of the Black United Fund of New York and secretary of the National Black United Fund, Dana Alston. President of the National Black United Fund and Robert White. President of the National Alliance of Postal & Federal Employees. reflected in the broad range of programs and services it offers its membership The Alliance’s Health Plan ranks among the nation’s top Federal Health Benefit Plan; NAPFE has a National Federal Credit Union that has been operating since 1977; a $1,002,900 NAPFE grant funded the Institute for Labor Management Relations at Howard University in Washington, DC; and NAPFE is building a future through its National Housing Program, which has built apartment buildings in Chattanooga, Tampa and New Orleans for the elderly and is building a fourth one in Atlanta; and the National Headquarters was built with the Alliance’s own, unborrowed money at a price of $2 2 million Additionally, NAPFE provided the initial funds for the founding of Air Atlanta, and is now encouraging its members to support BUF during the Combined Federal Campaign NBFU has shown similar progress during its short existence with its 14 affiliates, providing assistance to thoasands of black organizations ranging in services from direct grants, i.e , support to community based organizations, land reten tion and development (Emergency Land Fund, Federation of South ern Cooperatives!, housing developments (West Harlem Community Organization), to technical support and computer services Overall, in its short history, BUF has given over $10 million in grants and services to black community-based organiza tions and institutions. From here on NAPFE and NBL'F will be working together to develop a sound, economic base in the black community. Both or ganizations understand that only by being mutually supportive, and networking and interlocking, can this Herculean task be accomplished NAACP, WPEG Help Get Voters To Polls Alfred L Alexander, chair of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Co. NAACP's Political Action Com mittee, has announced that an agreement had been reached with WPEG radio, whereby the NAACP would use a city bus chartered by the radio station to take voters to the polls on November 4 The NAACP has targeted precincts 9, 39, 31, 11, 13, 10, 15, 54, 27 and 12 Each has a large black voter registration and contains a public housing project The NAACP has been concerned that residents of public housing, who in many cases do not own cars, will be able to get to the polls "It is critical,” Alfred Alexander said “that everyone who desires to vote has the means to vote Last time only a few votes decided who wouia represent inis district in Congress. This time turnout will decide our Senate and congressional races. Black voters must turnout in large numbers or we will have no one to blame but ourselves ” In order to show support for voting, the NAACP is asking that once you have voted to turn on your porch light. "Let every shining porch light In the black community demonstrate that black dtlsens are concerned about the quality of representation and that the black vote will grow stronger each year," Mr. Alexander continued. Precinct •: Charlottetown Terrace, 1000 Baxter St . s oo, Dilworth School, 405 E Park Ave Addison Apt , Morehead St S. McDowell St., 8 20, Dilworth School, 405 E Park Ave . Precinct 39: Boulevard Homes, 1620 Brooks vale Ave 10:00, H O Graham Church, Old Steele Creek, Precinct 31: Dalton Village, Clan ton Rd , 10:15, Barringer School, 1500 Walton Road; Precinct 11: Edwin Towers, 201 W 10th St., 9 00 , First Ward School. 400 E 10th St, Precinct 13: Hall House, 300 N Tryon St.. 9:10 , First Ward School, 400 E 10th St., Precinct 9 Red Carpet Inn, 615 E Morehead, 8 40, Dilworth School, 405 E Park Ave.; rrecinct 10: Strawn Apt , 1225 S Caldwell St., 9:15, St. Andrews Presbyterian, 2201 Springdale Ave.; Precinct 15: Piedmont Courts, 831 Seigle Ave., 1:90, First Ward School, 401 E lOthSt.; Precinct 54: Fslrvlew Homes, 1QM Oaklawn Ave., 12:20, Oaklawn Elementary School, 1810 Oaklawn Ave.; Precinct 27 Dillehay Courts, 2600 N. Pine St , 11:00, Tryon Hills School, 2800 Grimes St.; and Precinct 12: Belvedere Homes, 132 Judson Are., 4:00, Clinton Chapel Church, 1001 Ronells Ferry Rd The Coca-Cola Bottling Company to underwriting the coat of the bus transportation

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