Vj; v:m ‘r:zi •v> i •>•.«£ ,-• • i' ■ r . *. . • » (, . Price: 50 Cents l____ ___ . ? :-■? : iMlL;• — —. Sdocdtt Sad Tihdb* ^eAcQH 0?wt \ 7*&t Otfiu? See Story On Page UA In* countiaa. A few of their duties Include preparing loan package*, providing assistance in planning, budgeting and eonaulttng. "I aleo find my Job challenging because ! gat to matt a lot of alntaraauni people. It foaa beyond t typing and anewartng tha •phone, I have to smile and be courteous because I’m tha first parson a client aaaa whan ttwy enter tha office. If I can make a good Mat Impression, than that allows them to relax and feat comfortable doing bualneaa with ua," stated Monroe with a firm but gentle voice Tha daughter of Joa and Parnells Clark of Norwood, Donna has adjusted well to tha Quean City, “It wasn't vary, hard for me because t had bean to Charlotte before shop ptn« and visiting relatives, since mevtai here, I have found it table good Maoo to build a aareer. Right yfyarrsr® ikon in tha future/^she Mh^nconicloui^Niu^ gat ^alotQM^Mii^^^o^li^M wanS to be treatoSand slle Utley!" dot a 1 nHd udlh M unlndfi ilnutd m ** -***■ §et niuii| witn, V'/lCfll nO/IV) I nfw iccouhti dark it Hnt.yiilii jsiissj1 jj*a imisnr rnrXrmiib1,1 "*'wth ZfassfcfAtrss ."£sr™ “Love Rally” To Express •Solidarity By Jalyne Strong Poet Staff Writer Rev. Johnny R. Calhoun arrived In Charlotte this peat Auguat aa the new paator of Adama-Metropolltan AME Church located at 500 Yorkmont Rd. One of the ft rat thlnga he aaked of hla congregation waa they go out Into the neighborhood and evangeliie. They did «o. A week later, Rev. Calhoun received a phone call. "The Klan la rising,” aald the unidentified caller. "We don't want nlggera In the neighborhood. Keep it up and we're going to get you." if, Anattwr weak later, Rev. Calhoun of Adama-Metropoh iadimihM chpptcr NAACP. He furthar ravaals that aoon after thla occurrence there came the a udder realiaatlon that there were a number of Man related Incident! happening in the general vicinity of the church near Natlona Ford Road. "It waa an area we were bearing about conatantly. glacka were being called nigger on the atreeta. Kida were {Ming haraaeed. Klan alogana appeared on varioua road aigna." Meanwhile Rev. Calhoun decided hla church ahould be the atte of a vsviiimurmy Lvivonuon 01 Harmony and Low." He says ha didn't view the telephone call from the alleged Xian*man as a threat "It was a notification that tha community needs to coma together," Rev. Calhoun relatee. Shortened to "Low Rally," Rev. Calhoun's community celebration will be held Friday, November n, at 1 p.m. Scheduled to appear at the rally are City Councilman Ron keeper, Mayor Harvey Gantt, Kelly Alexander Jr., and Dr. William Olbaon, national board chairman of the NAACP Several organlaattomi will also be preaanl Including members of Community Relation! and the National Council of Christians and Jaws. Alexander says the rally is a "symbolic reaction." "It will ba an aet bt solidarity," expounds Alexander, "We want le work as diligently as we can to create a cohesive, positive force,1' Agreeing with Alexander, Rev. f'aihdun add., "it will ba a demon stretien to shew the! a group libs tha Kiaitwen't Had any real beats of involvement In thte community." Rev. Calhoun further describes the rally as means to "help resolve SWerenoee and find a common i round h Whiter lt‘s feasible that tha grmm attending tha "Low Rally" Win ba able te find immbm ground -R*v. Jahnny It, Caihowi ’ .HnIi rally KHly Alentndtr Jr. * •"•»**» •pr»krr Minority Suppliers Report Increase on mprta submitted to Uw eounotl from 41 paraant of its MM oar* mufintn MuyMkAaa —-»» »-* - pnraia miniDfn ruiHiHiwio*i MBDA Dlrsotor Jomos N. HfipjlM Oononloo osltod dm IM4 •oMovomont an "tewouractal aten of Indus toy's continuing aommTt mant to minority an tar pr tea ' ‘In Uwyaan ahaad, wa will aaa an •van grantor trand dnvnloptng for RlilMfity iHNiiMWft |n p^| i. — ■> -t-—*—»«■»» I • Wa g*|jl /RTF mRrRFipiF F, IMI MIU ■'Mr* Tf"'* * • 1' ’ ^ * k ) Vrl