KINO COBRA LADY • Ramona Burr, a Los Angelas modal, raoaives a check from A1 Cum mWii King Cobra brand manager, for win ning the title of national King Cobra Lady. Hie 28-year-old beauty waa selected in a national contest sponsored by the King Cobra Premium Malt Liquor. Georgetown Coach Thompson Receives Drum Major Award Congressman Michael Espy, from Mississippi, and John Thompson, Georgetown Universi ty's illustrious head coach, are among the noted and exciting per sonalities scheduled to be honored at the eighth annual Drum Mqjor, For Justice Dinner, Friday, April 3, at Colony Square Hotel in Atlan ta. The dinner has become a land mark event held yearly on the an niversary of Dr. King’s assassina tion. The event draws its name from the slain leader’s nomination of himself as "a drum major for justice!^ Awards are given to peo ple in several areas who have been 'drum majors’ in their respective fields. Women who are national relig ious leaders will also receive hon ors. Among them are the Rev. Dr. Johnnie Colemon, pastor of the Christ UnJxmgjL Temple Church. She has the larg est, single religious complex in . Bishop Leon tine Kelly of tadsco will also receive an i . She's the only black female Bishop in the 10-million.member United Methodist Church. 8hirley Ceasar, popular gospel singer will perform and receive an award for her contributions to re ligious music. Noted jest artist Roy Aysrs will provide after dinner entertainment John Thompson will receivs an award for his leadership in com bining sports and academics for his players. "He fields a team that achieves excellence in both athletics and ac ademics," sad Joseph B. Lowery, Southern Christian Leadership Conference president. While the Drum Major for Jus tice awards dinner gives 8CLC a ■pedal chance to spotlight those who hear 'different drum mer s'....Friday night is only one segment of an action-packed, SCLC-sponsored weekend. Friday morning more than 2,000 teens will hear noted ex drug users and professionals tell them to steer clear of abusing chemicals. Ron LaPread, formerly of the Commodores, and Cliff Austin of the Atlanta Falcons will give personal testimonies about the terrible things that can happen to someone who abuses drugs. The Conference on "Youth and Drug Abuse” will run from 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the West Hunter Street Baptist Church. Saturday morning two SCLC activities will take place. Eight a.m. is tee-off time for the fourth annual Drum Major for Justice ~G©lf Tournament held »t Tup Holmes Golf Course. A press con ference at 10 that morning will in troduce some of the players and list prises available to the golfers. Chi the other side of town, at the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Sodal Change, the first hearing of SCLC's Poor Peo ple's Crusade will take place. The hearing starts at 9 a.m. at Free dom Hall and will deal with how poverty affects housing, health, the homeless and welfare. Repre sentatives from governmental, church, and private agencies will talk about, not only the obvious as pects of poverty, but also the new phenomenon which 8CLC Presi dent Joseph Lowery describes as those 'one paycheck away from being poor*. The hearing will end at 12:80 p.m. That's when a special wreath-laying and re-dedication Networking: An Exchange Special To The Post "Networking is an exchange and the exchange has to be valua ble to all persons involved," ac cording to Assist City Manager Don Stager in a speech last Friday night to members of the Charlotte Civic League. Members of the Charlotte Civic League, braving a spring rain, hosted their spring re ception at the Afro-American Cul tural Center. Keynote speaker for the event, Don Stager, urged the group to understand the importance of net working and what networking really is-an exchange. H's impor tant for black people to network with each other because "we all need each other," according to 8teger. In urging League mem bers to bd involved in the commu nity, Stager suggested that each pereon should determine what Ms/ her motives are for becoming in volved. "Not knowing why you're Involved will result in dissatisfac tion and dropping out," added Stager. Members of the League were encouraged to become involved in 1 organisations such as the Char lotte Urban League and other or sanitations working to solve some L of the problems in the Mack com rnunity. Stager told members to consider joining such groups as the Rotary, Kiwands, and United Way beeause "you can’t beat the system from the outside." "If you Don Stager went to beet the system, you must be In the system. Once you’re in, open the door for someone else,” 'concluded Stager, -f •■*. The program also included e performance by Catchin' On Dance, a local dance company led by Chris Thompson and Barbara Howse Meadows. Together since 1086, Thompson and Meadows choreographed the routines as 1 well aa danced in several of them. Debra Williams, a Charlottean, author and member of the Inter-, national Black Writers Confer* ence, read three of her original works. Wiliams' book, "Life Ain't Easy," is scheduled for publication later this year. ceremony will take place at the Martin Luther King Memorial. 8unday will be considered Southern Christian Leadership Conference Day in Atlanta. Churches are asked to collect a special offering for the 30-year old civil rights organization and a special Gospel Tribute honoring Dr. King will take place that even ing. Anyone wanting more informa tion about any of the events men tioned should contact the SCLC of fices, 622-1420. USDA Needs Sponsor For Food Program Atlanta - The U J3. Efcpertment of Agriculture is seeldng spon sors to operate the 1987 summer food program in North Carolina. The summer food program pro vides nutritious meals to children in needy areas, without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap, during extend ed school vacation periods. In most areas, the program operates from June until August. Under the program, meals and snacks are served to children in such places as schools, playgrounds and parks. Public or privata, nonprofit schools and units of local, munic ipal, county or state governments may qualify as sponsors of ths summer food program in areas whore at least 80% of the children are eligible for free or reduced price school lunches. Residential summer camps whose enrollment Includes needy children may also act as program sponsors. Qualified sponsors are reim bursed for program operating and administrative expenses up to the current rates of reimbursement. To be eligible, sponsors must: -provide continuing service to the community; —serve meals on a regular schedule to children or provide meals as a part of an organised program for enrolled children at camps; and -show they are financially and administratively capable of oper ating the program. For more information, potential sponsors in North Carolina should contact the Division of Child Nutrition, State Department of Public Instruction, Education Bldg., Raleigh, NC 27611. Tele phone 919-783-7162. Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers is seeking in formation on a suspect's identity. On Wednesday, March 11, 1987, at approximately 4:46 p.m., the suspect entered the First Union National Bank located at 1628 South Boulevard and committed the robbery. The suspect is a black male around 30 years old, 6' tall, weighing 170 pounds, with a mus tache and unshaven appearance. At the time of the robbery he was wearing a dark baseball cap with red letters, a tan trench coat, tur quoise sweat pants, white running shoes, and dark sun glasses. Cafi Crime Stopper./ 384: kooo. _ Prophets CoLumn Blindness Of Mind And Heart By J. M. Little Special To The Poet I hope that you are continuing to listen to the VOICE OF TRUTH with our late Pastor, L Jt Shelton, each Sunday morning over WAG I at 7:30 and over WAGL at 8:00. If you and I ever needed to listen and turn to the Lord, it is now. God's Word is true and will be fulfilled just as God said. You cannot get around dealing with Almighty God. And you’ll have to deal with Him through the Son. Deny the Son all you please, in the end, He is the One you will have to face and deal with. It would be funny, if it weren't so tragical, to see infidels, atheists, modernists, agnostics and unsaved religionists take the Son of God so lightly and even deny Him. The very Lord you are deny ing is the One keeping you out of Hell, right now. Your atheism doesn't do away with Hell. Our subject at this time is: "THE BLINDNESS OF THE MIND AND HEART." I feel so helpless to accurately describe what I know, experimentally, taught by God's Holy Spirit, of the blindness of the mind and heart of totally de praved men. There really are no words in any human language to really describe in full, the true con dition of man's mind and heart since the Devil has blinded and captured both. Nevertheless, by God's grace, all I can do is set forth what the Lord as taught me on this very grave subject. It is one which very few in the ministry or any other walk of life know very little about. For if you knew at this very moment how the Devil has your mind and heart blinded, it would frighten some of you into violent actions, and even suicide. Your mind is your reasoning fa culty: your perception, remem brance, reasoning, feelings, de sires, imagination, etc., etc. Your heart is the seat of your innermost I J. M. Little Part II being; out of incomes your issues of life: adultery, affections, doubts, fears, hatreds, love, lusts, medita tion, pride, sorrow, etc., etc. There is a difference between the mind and heart, even though at times the two can and do overlap in evil desires. The Apostle Paul said; "...walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind...because of the blindness of their heart." (Eph. 4:17-18). The heart does not grow out of the mind, but the mind grows out of, or is a child of the heart, note that the Apoetle said; "because of the blindness of their heart." By nature man is totally depraved and can only produce that which is evil, continually. Listen again to the be loved apostle; "In whom the god of this world HATH BLINDED THE MINDS of them which believe not..." (II Cor. 4:4). Tho "god" of thia world ia Satan, or thrDavfl. It is Satan who, at this vary moment, has blindsd ovary soul out of Christ. How doss Satan blind minds? Ha first started with man* kind back in the Garden eastward there in Eden. He first began to question the Word of God with the woman, Eve. Then she began to question and doubt God's Word. Second, Satan lied to her on God. When Satan successfully gets you to doubt God's Word, and you be gin to question God's Word, he has blinded your mind and your heart. And he has you right where he wants you. Now you think serious ly about it, my friends. The reason the world is in the mess it is in to day is because men the world over have been blinded by Satan and are his captives, going and coming at Satan's call and command. That's right, I don't care how much you deny that truth. Paul said that ever unbeliever is blinded by Satan. I wish I could describe - the blindness of your mind and heart as I know it. But once the Holy Spirit begins to shine the light of the glorious gospel of Christ into your mind and your heart, you come to realize just what a lost, blinded, deceived, and helpless child of the Devil you are. I can’t show you these things, nei ther can any other man. It is the work of the blessed Holy Spirit to shine the light of the glorious gos pel of Christ into your heart, to re veal yourself unto you, in order that He may REVEAL Christ to your heart. Listen to how God saves a sinner; "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (II Cor. 4:6). The Prophet's Column is a paid advertisement. Philip Morris USA recently presented $7,000 to Barber-fiootia College toward its Freshmen Inoen tive Scholarship Program. According to BSC Pres ident Dr. Mable McLean, this donation "is in tended to give financial recognition to freshmen students who have achieved a minimum of 5M) aV •rage in their high school program." Philip Mor ris continues its investment in higher education in the local community," adds Dr. McLean, "and we are grateful tor this support." Keen Speaks At Marriott i Charlotte - Silas Keen, presi dent of the Federal Reserve bank of Chicago, will be the speaker for the fifth distinguished lecture sponsored by the College of Busi ness Administration Alumni of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 'Ihe event at noon, Friday, April 10, at the Charlotte Marriott City Center is open to the public, with seating limited to the first 200 per sons making reservations. Keen s topic will be, "Monetary Policy—A Time of Challenge and Change." A native of New York, Keen ia a graduate of Hamilton College and holds the MBA from Harvard. Hit banking career began at Mellon Bank where he served 23 years, rising to become vice chairman of the board of the bank and its par ent company. In 1980, Keen became chairman of the board of Pullman, Inc., in Chicago and became president of the Federal Reserve bank there in 1981. SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION $17.85 A YEAR > 52 WEEK'S NAME;____ ADDRESS.___ gHPNtt____ CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ENCLOSED YES □ NOD MAIL TO THE CHARLOTTE POST 1*81 CAMDEN ROAD ISUBCRIBING TO I THE CHARLOTTE POST IS AS EASY AS