Save The Children Erica Helps In Fight Against SfceB® ' t 'T v» Price: 50 Cents O^carUlfO" Robert *011 NBA Pro Speaks At Minority Suppliers Dinner National Basketball Association Hall of Famer, and minority busi ness entrepreneur, will headline elate of speakers at tha Garolinas MSDCe' 10th Annual Awards Ban qust at tha Charlotte Marriott City Center September 10. Former NBA great Oscar (Big "O") Robertson will be one of the keynote speakers at tha 10th An nual Awards Banquet of the Caro lines Minority Supplier Develop ment Councils, Inc. (CMSDC). Ro bertson, who is ons of ths NBA's sll-tims prolific ball handlers and play-makers, will share tha 10th Annual Trade Fair kickoff duties with James M. O'Neal, senior vice president for Dallas, Texas-based Frito-lay, Ine. consortium of minority supplier' development councils which oper ate within North and South Caroli na. This jtrlvata sector procure ment association, headquartered in Charlotte, attempts to bring cor porate purchasing departments to gether with1 minority businesses as a mesne of increasing ths dollar volume, and frequency of ths pur chasing activity between the two. The CMSDC celebrates 10 years of purchasing advocacy at tha banquet, and will host its 10th mi nority trade expo at tha Charlotte— Convention Canter on September 11. For information regarding tha two events, contact tha CMSDC office at 1616 Central Ave., Char lotta, or by calling 704-872-8731. Banquet tickets ar#$30 each nnd the trade expo fair is free to ths public. Walk and Bally FarRcmLeeper Thura will be. a Walk-A-Thon and Rally in rapport of Ron Leap ar far City Council at-large on Saturday, September S. Tha walk-a-thon boglni at 10 atferting at tha Uni vanity Park Shopping Cantar on Baattiac Ford Rd. and LaSalle St. Partial panto will walk to tha Bicelaior Cluh, located at Ml Baattlaa Ford Rd., where tha rally win com mence. Refreehmente including hot doge, hamburgera, flah eand wlokee and drlnka will ba for aale during tha rally. Kuala will be fonilahed by tha QC8 Band. The public la urged to coma out for CH» CWtrUPPOrtRaee Roles- stories which show the candidates as competitors seeking to win the race for the nomination; Demoeraoy Rolee - stories which describe the candidates as potential political leaders in a de mocracy; Personality Rolee - stories which shew the candidates in terms at their personality; and Outsider Roles - stories which describe the candidates as politicians who deviate from ac cepted norms of politioal behavior. After analysing the coverage, Broh concluded that, as a whole, television news coverage both helped Jackson and hurt him. It helped him in a general way by legitimising hie candidacy, por traying him as the same kind of candidate for president that the Jackaon other* were: a democrat, someone who had a right to be in the race and who was to be treated aa a full-fledged participant in the elec toral procete. It hurt him by the way it set him apart from the other leading Democratic candidates. Commenting on Broh's study, Eddie N. Williams, president of the Joint Center for Political Studies, ■aid: "The aucceae of candidate* for public office i* greatly in fluenced by the type of media cov erage their campaigns receive, and particularly by coverage ftort television news. Yet, f!»w, If any, scholars have looked at how televiv ■ion affect* the electoral prospects; of minority office-seeker*, as Brofc has done. The framework he use* - ha* great value ae a tool far ana* lysing media coverage of guy prfc! maty or presidential campaign.* Copies of' ^ £^g£_Xg]gylg|£g| il«i fltlllMl— -»«« k. _1 for 17.98 from the Joint Center for Political Studiee, Publications OV flee, 1801 Pennsylvania Avenu*, N.W., Washington, D.C. *0004. K