Republican Party: Student Makes Headway Politics/ Pa£e 2A UNCC 49ers Lose In NIT Sports/Page 7B i| New Soap In Black & White Entertainment/ Page 8A Inside We Alliance Habitat's Gastonia Chapter Page IIB Clje Cliarlotte IPosit Vol. 14,No.42 Thursday, March 16,1989 THE AWARD-WINNING "VOICE OE THE BLACK COMMUNITY" 50 Cents I'hoto/CALVIN FERGUSON A TOAST TO LITTLES... Two black clvlo groups, SounVest and CARJANDE, were the hosts of a celebration in honor of Oene littlos. Assistant Coach and Director of Flayer Person nel for the Charlotte Hornets, last Friday. Littles, accompa nied by his wife, Rita (seated left) was toasted as the uiuung hero of the home team. Among the many guests, sports an- noimcers, Gil McGregor (r) and Steve Martin of WBT Radio, were on hand to let Littles know his efforts are recognized. Carol Anderson (seated right), chairperson of CARJANDE, made a presentation to Littles. School Board Continues On Reassignments Griffln Mother Of Len Bias Urges All Parents To Commit To War On Drug Abuse BY r. ALAN BOYCE Associated Press Writer RALEIGH (AP) — The mother of Len Bias, a Maryland basket ball star who died of a cocaine overdose, recently called for a stronger commitment from par- entS'hl the war on drugs. "We have beautiful babies here we are about to lose," Lonlse Bias told the Governor's Drug Cabi net. "We need famille.s to get out here." Mrs. Bias said too many par ents "have their heads in the sand and don't want to bother with anything. ..." Children need foie models to develop the self esteem to resist drugs, she said. Instead, they get a dally diet of divorce, sex, vlcuence - - a world as directionless as they are, Mrs. Bias said. i "It’fj'beeh three years since Len Bias'.death," »he said. "It's three tline^ worsp-^than it was when I'.led." I Go»i. Jim Gardner, chalr- [of the cabinet, asked how Atlon could be brought to the problem. But Mrc. Bias said education alone would not be enough. "It's Just too much," she said. 'You just can't put It all on the educational system." Also at the meeting, the drug cabinet's staff unveiled a draft proposal to mandate drug educa tlon In every grade. While Oard ner said the draft was for discus sion purpt)ses only. It contained some controversial funding pro posals Including adding a $100 fine to every felony conviction, allowing taxpayers to earmark state tax refunds to a War on Drugs Fund, and Increasing tax es on beer, wine and liquor. Gardner agreed the General As sembly had passed legislation in 1988 Intended to address the problem, but he said It needs fine-tuning. "We need to tell them, You're Intent was noble, but In fact it's not cutting It and we need to do more quickly.'" Joe Dean, secretary of crime control and public safety, said his own children "haven't gotten squat" In terms of drug educa tion In first and second grade. "It's Just not happening across the state, " he said. "That's my concern." Scott Pen Ian, superintendent of schools In Clay County, agreed with Mrs. Bias lhat pa rental Indifference Is a major stumbling block. "One of the big problems Is de nial," he said, "iiiey don't want to admit that we have a problem. There's a lol of apathy out there." Correction Secretary Aaron Johnson agreed with Gardner that the key Is going to l)e fund ing. "I think we're going to have to bite the bullet and aA ourselves how much Is It going to cost our state to have a good, effective drug education program," he said. But Tara Sink, a high school student from Charlotte and president of her local chapter of Students Against Drunk Driv ers. said the cabinet "seems like ll's kind of olf-conrse." "Adults need to open their eyes and see Its a big problem and not just 'Say no to drugs," she said. 'Tiiat's not going lo help.” Only one adult, Miss Sink's mother, was Interested In help ing start the SADI) chapter, Ihe girl f. '. ’ "ll's something you're not going to get any pubilclly out of and you're not going lo get any mon ey out of I guess that's why there wasn't any adult Interest, " she said. Miss Sink said drinking Is "real acceptable" In high school, with as many as 85 percent of her classmates gelling drunk every weekend. "Education, 1 think, needs to start In kindergarten," she said. But she added lhat one way to gel the attention of young people might be to revoke their driver's licenses for diug Infractions. Of .friends who have lost their licenses for driving while Im paired, "the majority of them aren’t drinking . anymore or drinking to the extent they were drinking," she said. By HERB WHITE Post Staff Writer The Charlotte-Mecklenburg school board won't freeze pupil reasslgnmenls after rejecting a motion to do so until the board slates where It stands on as signments. The board voted 83 against Afri can-American member Ar thur Grimn's motion to slop all reasslgn- ments until the board outlines a policy to deal with the often controversial transfer of stu dents. GillTln motioned lhat the board "not act on these propp sals at this lime, but wait until we come up with a vision stale men! on pupil assignment." Jo6 Marlin and Jan Richards, an antl-bnsIng advocate, voted for the motion. Martin said passing the niollon would signal that "we do not want lo do this job until we are going lo get 11 right." Another Griffin motion, to create a task force to form a five year assignment outlook by Oct. 1, did pass, however. As the final step in deciding where students will be assigned next year, the board approved seven of the 1 I pntposals before It, often by naiTow margins. The action capped a month of public discussion and changes to Ihe proposals lljemselves. The final pupil assignment vote will result In 383 students being moved to new schools next year. Last year, more than 4.000 of the county's 74,000 stu dents were reassigned. The board voted down a pro posal to make Chantilly Ele mentary the system's first mid way school, equidistant between black and white neighborhoods, rhe concept, originally champi oned by Grlllln, Is seen as a new tool In keeping the school sys tem desegregated. The board also agreed to study the midway concept In more de tail in June. Chantilly, located in a racially Integrated neighborhood at 701 Briar Creek Road, would have drawn students from black neighborhoods like Double Oaks and white neighborhoods In cast Charlotte. About 900 neighborhood stu dents would have been bused to other schools ff the propo.sal passed. Chantilly parents argued that the school Is an Integrated neighborhood school and shouldn’t have Its students bused lo other parts of the county. When the board voted down the midway proposal, Chantilly f rarents eheered. South Meck- enburg parents also voiced their approval when the hoard voted to allow their children to stay at Matthews Elementary In stead of being moved to the McKee Road and Bllllngsvllle pairing of schools. Pairing Involves having black students bused to schools In. white neighborhoods from kin dergarten to third grade and re versing the scenario from the fourth to sixth grade. Board member Jane Mclntjcre said the length of bus tides for Ihe proposed pairing was a fac tor In her decl.slon to vote against the change. "My only concern Is how long Is that bus tide gcring to be," she saki. ity Mourns Comic's Death Jm JALYNB STRONG Post Editor ' city of Charlotte lost one 1 brightest stars with the l^ig of comedl- nial Norman, C. Smith University. He developed a quick wit and knack for comedy from his mother, who often read and ad-libbed comedy to her sons. Norman opened a comedy club In Charlotte called the Comedy-Inn, while working as plectronics en- pr at Jelferson [’ll one. jd several lirarances LOrlf- ijhe lf)n |U aOLUNG OUT THE ROCKER...Prior to L.A. Laker |[arecm Abdul Jabber's first and last game at the prtotte Coliseum. Hi^ the Hornet presented the Ptimo/CALVfN FERGUSON basketball player with a rocker In commemora tion ol his plans for retirement this yesr. Board On Brown's Behalf UsL. Holds Forum For Job Contacts By HERB WHITE Post Staff Writer Job-seekers and corporations will be eyeing applications and resumes March 23 when the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Urban League sponsors Career E;xpo '89 at the Charlotte Convention Center. The program, which Is In Its second year, Is Intended to pro vide high school and college stu dents a forum to make business contacts which could lead to jobs. Students can go to the ear ly sessions from 12:30 to 3:3C p.m. The late session, from 3:3C to 7:30 p.m.. Is for the general public, regardless of education al level. 'ITiere Is no fee or pre- reglstratlon for ellher session, but potential applicants are asked to bring resumes or con tact Information. About 40 area businesses are Bee URBAN LEAGUE on page 3A ^cholr made up of other coirecllons officials kftn houses about ISO ^ndlcapped Inmates, jspoke for about ?0 fe a three-member ard of Probation, an Seivlces, Is Involving fcrown'B case IHon as el an matter, I. Jackson's Id coopera lion," Hudson said. Brown was eonvlcted In De cember in state court In Aiken on two counts of aggravatetl as '*»ult and one count of failure lo ibr pallce. Clrcu Hubert E. Long sentencedr^ to six years In prison for fallii.^,^ ^ lice and suspends five-year terms foi Ihe two coL.,jg of as saults of a high anl agg.^vated nalpre. \ The thret ->ounts tnaximuin iq In prison. “ ^ Inside This Week .. Pa- 6A Obituarlsa.. Pg. 4B .. Pfl. BA Sports Pa- 7B .. Pa IB Claaalflada. Pg. 10B .. Pa- 3B Alllancs . Pg. 11B Tha Charlott* Post, Call 376-0406