J.C. Smith vs. Davidson: For The First Time Sports/ Page 7B Philadanco To Perform At JCSU Entertaiirment/ Page 7A Zetas Sponsor Ebony Fashion Fair Lifestyles/ Page IB Alliance Rebuilding After HUGO Page IIB Zf)t Cljarlotte Vol. 15, No. 18 Thursday, September 28,1989 THE AWARD-WINNING "VOICE OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY" 50 Cents Blacks Lag Behind Whites In Health By HERB WHITE Post Managing Editor African-Americans, never on a par with whites when It comes to health In the U.S., are falling farther behind, a government task force has found. The 20-person group, con vened by Health and Human Services Sec. Margaret Heckler In 1984, completed a 239-page report detailing the health of non-white Americans compared to whites. The report showed that while blacks and other mi norities are living longer than at the turn of the century, those Improvements are being eroded by higher Infant mortality, lack of heith care and violence. In 1900, the life expectancy for the U.S. population was 47.3 yeru's: for blacks it was 33 years. In 1983, blacks lived an average of 69.6 years compared to 75.2 for whites. "Nevertheless, Blacks today have a life expectancy reached by whites In the early 1950s, or a lag of about 30 years," the report maintained. The task force suggested that Health and Human Services take steps to Improve the health of minorities. Including: •Launching an outreach cam paign to disseminate Informa tion and education materials specifically designed for non- white sectors of the population. •Ensure that materials, pro grams and technical assistance for education are responsive to minority population needs. Em phasis should be given to topics that have the greatest Impact on death and disability In minority populations. Attention should be given the nation's schools and universities to training health care providers to be sen sitive to minority cultural and language needs. •Investigating, develop and im plement Innovative models for delivery and financing of health services, based on current de partmental authorizations. •Initiating discussions with health and professional organi zations from the public and pri vate sectors to develop the availability and accessibility of health professionals to minority communities. Social characteristics, the re port revealed, contribute to health risks as well. The dispar ity between the death rates of blacks and whites affects cer tain age groups more than oth ers. Compared to whites, blacks Johnson C. Smith students gather In front of the student imlon to Inspect a tree uprooted by the Photo/CRYSTAL KYLER winds of Hurricane Hugo. Several trees on the campus were damanged. Hugo Blows Charlotte Over Hurricane Takes Many People By Utter Surprise By M.L.LaNEY H Post Correspondent Hurricane Hugo's power and fury, said Charlotte's Earl Bul lard, could be best described as "Hell on earth" after the storm devasted his neighborhood. Bullard, who lives In the Derl- ta community, says he wit nessed a bastard child that Hugo spawned. Just after 4 a.m. Friday morn ing, Bullard was returning home after his shift with United Parcel Service. Just as he stepped out of his car, he heard the roar of a tornado ripping through the woods nearby, "I Just froze. The winds were like Godzilla coming through. Little whirlwinds spun off and would grab a hold on the tops of the trees. Some splintered as others snapped like twigs. Whole trees were uprooted and flung about." said Bullard. Most Charlotteans were not prepared for what greeted them In the wake of the most destruc tive storm that has occurred on the U.S. mainland In this centu- >y- Preliminary reports of one sta tistic alone gives some Indica tion of the extensive damage. More than 3500 utility poles were destroyed. Most of the city remains paralyzed without elec tricity nearly a week later. All over people were dealing with the recovery and survival. "God Is great," said Larry James with reverence. "He can pick us all up but I'm so thankful that as bad as It has been It wasn't worse," Janice Alexander was particu larly incensed about profiteers and price gougers. Reports of basic Items like coal and Ice be ing sold at exorbitant prices en raged many trying to cope. At the ice house on West Trade St. a sign announced 'No Ice! Don't ask us, ask Duke Power,' Frustrated patrons kicked the ground, spun around and cursed Hugo. One employee, who de clined to give his name, surveyed the broken plate glass door and said: "Someone's going to get hurt aboiU this situation. We got no powCT and Duke won't hook us up unless It's an emergency. For many folks getting some Ice Is crucial right about now." Others Involved In the clean up were alert to the signs of dis tress but calmly went about the task of helping the city regain a sense of order. Georglanna Wright, with the city's special services depart ment, was feeling good about the recovery prospects and her part In It "It's a lot of hard work but that doesn't frighten me. It's golrig to be a long week and there's going to be plenty of overtime." Wright was working with a crew removing trees, branches and debris from downtown streets. As the storm left, people strug gled to acquire the essentials at area stores. Despite having no electricity, Renee Fox opened the Eckerd Drug store on Free dom Drive, where customers were allowed to enter In pairs. Aggravating an already tragic scenario was the drop In tem peratures coupled with a chilly rain that fell Monday hampering repair crews and civic authori ties. A rookie state trooper di rected traffic at the Intersection of 7th and Independence. Henry King. 23, Is a resident of Greensboro, From his perspective people were trying to cooperate but confusion was a serious handi cap. contributing to an accident In which two officers, a police man and a natinal guardsman were severely Injured. King appraised the situation posiiively. "Most people are try ing to do the right thing out here. The morning traffic was a little haliy, some tempers have flared, but by and large good sense has prevailed," he said. "People want to survive the re covery. I just feel hurt for the pe- olpe further south. It's just a heartache thinking about what It's like down there." have twice the rate of Infant mortality. The disparity Is smaller through age 24, fol lowed by a sharp rise In excess deaths through age 64. The excess death rates for black males and females are similar across age categories except that a greater percentage 6f males died between the ages of 25 to 44, but a greater per centage of females died between the ages of 45 and 69. Homicide was the major cause of excess deaths among blacks, accounting for 38 percent of the male deaths and 14 percent of females. Excess black deaths between the ages of 45 and 69 were due mainly to cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and clrrosls of the liver. Blacks, who make up about See WHITES On Page 2A Lffe Expectjemcy, II 1 3' Whites Blacks 1983 2 Years i Years lies Blacks aai^sssi^ Aryans In N.C.'s Backyard By AC. TURNER Post Staff Writer Guess who's coming to dinner. The Aryan Nations, a vocal ra cial hate group. Is moving Its headquarters from Hayden Lake, Idaho to the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan. The white racist group, com monly called skinheads. Is planning to settle In Pulaski. Tenn. Pulaski has been the site of several recent Klan marches. The Aryan Nations have ap plied for a permit to hold a march on Oct.7 to celebrate their arrival. Some Pulaski residents do not share the skinheads' festive atti tude and are taking steps to make sure Aryan Nation mem bers feel as unwelcome as possi ble. A local group called Giles Countlans United have asked the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) to assist In spearheading opposi tion to the Aryan march. NCCJ's national executive board endorsed the efforts the people of Pulaski are making to overcome rather than perpetu ate racism. Joan Maulsby, director of NCCJ In Charlotte, says Aryans were pressured by residents to leave the western area and the people of Pulaski are hoping to do the same. 'The most effective way to prevent this Is to raise aware ness about the destruction and hatred these people advocate," she said. 'They are tired of seeing their coun^ square used as a staging area for racists just because it has historical associations with the Confederacy and the early Klan," Wright said. The Nashville chapter of NCCJ said Aryan Nations and other hate groups encouraging racism, blgotiy, and violence by either physical or verbal methods. _ threaten the basic Ideals tha|- hold the U.S. together. -t' Maulsby said If the Aryans move to Tennessee, the st^e will look as If It Is condoning racial hatred. "We are eisklng people to write letters of protest saying they are not welcome In Tennessee," Maulsby said. NCCJ urges citizens Of the re gion to unite and send letters In support of the Giles County community's attempt to keep the Aryan Nations from promoting racial hate . "Many persons In Giles County feel as though they are being In vaded by such groups as the Klan and the Aryan Nations," Dr. El liott Wright, NCCJ senior vice president said. Police Misconduct Alledged WASHINGTON - The U.S. Com mission on Civil Rights con vened a public briefing Septem ber 15 to examine allegations of police misconduct against non violent demonstrators and the use of excessive force in making arrests. During the nearly three-hour session, participants presented Information to address thejegal repercussions of and posable solutions to police misconduct. Most of the presentations In cluded first -hand experience from representatives of law en forcement agencies and nonvio lent demonstrators. Linda K. Davis, chief of the De partment of Justice's criminal section of Its civil rights divi sion, opened the briefing. Some of the presenters were Chief Robert McCue of the West Hart ford. Connecticut police depart ment; Chief Melvin C. High, as sistant chief of police for the District of Columbia Metropoll- • tan Police's field operations: Dr. Lawrence Sherman, president of the Crime Control Institute and professor f criminology. Univer sity of Maryland; Don Jackson, former police sergeant In Haw thorne, California, among oth ers. During Its afternoon business meeting, the Commission voted 6-0 (two Commissioners were absent) to send the transcript of the morning's briefing to the De partment of Justice along with a recommendation to Investigate the allegations made concern ing police misconduct and use of excessive ^rce. Terry Sanford To Address J.C. Smith Students United States Senator Terry Sanford will be the first speaker for the 1989-90 JCSU Board of Visitors Distinguished Lecture Series Monday, October 2. Sena tor Sanford will speak at a noon luncheon In Grimes Lounge. Sanford (D-NC) was elected U.S. Senator In 1986. He serves on such committees and subcom mittees as Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs, Committee on Budget, Foreign Relations, Ter rorism, Narcotics and Interna tional Operations, as well as the Select Committee on Ethics. Sanford Is the author of three books and has received 25 hon orary degrees. He Is a member of the North Carolina Bar Associa tion, Council on Foreign Rela tions, The Academy of PoUtlCEd Science and Academy of Public m .rfS*' f.' ■■ Sanford Administrators, among others. Miller Benefit Has Tickets Many of N.C.'s most dlstln-; gulshed citizens will gather at McDonald's banquet facility Nov. 3 for an appreciation din ner honoring former East Meck lenburg High School principal Leroy "Pop" Miller. Tickets are now on salp for $35 and proceeds will benefit the Leroy "Pop" Miller Founda- ' tlon. . > For Information, call Eval^e Carrington or Eleanor Washing ton at 377-0242. 399-1672 or 535-1899. Insurance Co. Needs Record Of Property Damage Immediately Persons left with property damage In the wake of Hurri cane Hugo should act quickly and carefully in order to get their Insurance claims paid promptly. If your property was damaged, please take note of the following steps: • If you haven't already, report your claim to your insurance agent and give a brief descrip tion of the damage. Ask for In structions on what to do until the adjuster arrives. Follow the company's claims instructions carefully. • Protect your property from further damage. Reasonable ex penses In protecting your prop erty should be reimbursed by your Insurance company. Do not make permanent repairs until your property has been Inspect ed and you've made an agree ment on the cost of repairs. • If you have a homeowners' policy and your home Is dam aged to the extent that you can not live In it, your policy will pay additional living expenses while repairs are made. • Prepare an Inventory of per sonal property damaged or de stroyed and take pictures. If possible, of the damaged prop- See REPORT On Page 2A Inside This Week Editorials Pg. 4A Church News. 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