Page2C - THE CHARLOTTE POST - Thursday, June 24,1993 From The School House To The Greenhouse By Cassandra Wynn The Business Monthly Jesse Campbell calls his nursery/green house business "DUworth's Little Secret." "People don't realize what's here untU they come past us. The real treasures are Inside the greenhouse," he saild. At the corner of McDonald Avenue and South Boulevard Is Campbell's Greenhouses and Nursery. Variety Is his strength, said Campbell. He has plants from all parts of the world. Included In his collection sire trees, shrubs, bedding plants, herbs and house plants Including orchids and bonsai. In his eight years In business, Campbell has worked to build his collection. He said his bragging rights are for his bonsai. "I buy from the masters who know what they're doing." Some of his larger ones are 40 years old. The miniature trees give his greenhouse an exotic look. Orchids are his strength, he said and he Is popular In the Dilworth area because of his orchid program that provides his customers a place to store their plants when they are not In bloom. "When the orchid finishes blooming, customers can bring It back and we keep It for six to eight months and they can come back In and pick it up." It Is that kind of effort that has kept people coming to his greenhouses. He builds relation ships with the people who come into his busi ness. A former teacher, Campbell uses the same knack he had for recalUng names of students to remember his customers. He taught biology and chemistry for 15 years. "People can come tn and tell us what they want. It may be a gift basket, and we can make It," Campbell said. His last stint at teaching was at Myers Park High School where he started the greenhouse ^ biology program. "I developed a curriculum and my students 5 were potting and growing plemts. We had plant ‘ sells - fti the spring geraniums, and polnsettlas for Christmas - and made good money," Campbell said. The program help raise funds for other school activity and It became so popular that he received plenty of attention and support from administration officials, he said. After 10 years of successfully managing the greenhouse program at Myers Park, Campbell decided to start his own business. But before he made the move he wtmted to get first-hand experience. Campbell moved to Atlanta and found jobs with some of the larger greenhouses. For ailmost three years, he worked tn any capacity that would give him experience. "I learned how to be resourceful," he said. He chose a site in Charlotte for his business that had formerly been a greenhouse, but had n't been tn use for almost 20 years. "The roof had caved In and rotted. It had to be rebuilt." In 1985 during a hot July, Campbell started his business with two greenhouses. "I grabbed the bear by the tall. It was the wrong time to go Into business, but I took the chance. We had the worst drought that year. I didn't make money," Campbell said. The first three years were lean ones. "I sacri ficed those years," Now he is reaping the bene fits of the sacrifice. On his two-acre site, he has 12 greenhouses and customers from all over Charlotte. Locating in the Dilworth area proved to be smart because he was able to get as customers people he had developed a rap port with while he was teaching at Myers Park. The fact that Campbell's Greenhouses and Nursery Is the closest business of Its kind to downtown Charlotte Is an advantage. "I sell to other retail stores, florists and the like." Campbell said competition doesn't bother him. "ft's the quality of the plant that makes the difference. A lot of plants In the stores don't have the kind of care that I give my plants here." We*re Curious About What You Have To Say! Call Us At 376-0496 With Your News...