6C MLK/The Charlotte Post Thursday, January 11,1996 MLK Papers Project: Programs and resources Continued From 5C education seminars in South Africa. -Andre Namphy Oxford University Rhodes Scholar Working at the King Papers Project legitimized my interest in African-American history and cul ture as well as my belief in social justice. The staff and students provided crucial support and encour agement. The King Papers Project introduced me to other students, both undergraduate and gradu ate, who shared my interests. -Amy Whitcomb Elementary school teacher Long Beach, Calif. Although publication of an authoritative edition of King’s papers is the primary purpose of the King Papers Project, the Stanford office is a major research center with a multi-faceted mission. Funded by Stanford University, foundations, cor porations, and private donors (Associates of the King Papers Project), the King Project’s activities at Stanford including the following: The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. (14-vol- ume edition) Bibliographies and research guides Facsimile editions Scholarly and popular articles Student research and internship programs Nordson Corporation Foundation Surnmer Internship for Morehouse Students Independent research class with history depart ment academic credit Public education Public presentations by project personnel Historical exhibit and open houses at project offices Resources Online Access (links, search device) Onhne database stored on nationally-accessible Research Libraries Information Network Document-level records in computer-readable format on Stanford mainframe MLK bibliography available through Folio- Stanford online catalogue “We Must All Leant To Live Together As Brothers. Or We Will All Perish Together As Fools.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ALEXANDER’S VARIETY STORE 118 TOM HUNTER ROAD PROP. ROBERT ALEXANDER SR. “Stop The Killing”