Urban look is essential at shop/SA I 3 CIAA teams seek Division II title/IB Ernie Isley still turning out the hits/4B Cljarlotte VOLUME 22 NO. 25 THE VOICE OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY THE WEEK OF MARCH 6,1997 75 CENTS ALSO SERVING CABARRUS, CHESTER, ROWAN AND YORK COUNTIES Thompson settlement is ‘a business decision’ By John Minter THE CHABLOTTE POST The City of Charlotte has offered to pay $550,000 to the children of Windy Gail Thompson, a black woman shot and killed by a police ofBcer in 1993. The offer, in which the city admits no liability, was approved by the City Council Monday night as settlement for McCrory Mayor Pat McCrory said. a wrongful death lawsuit. “It basically was a busi ness and financial deci sion for the city of Charlotte and it may be the same for the family,” James Ferguson, attorney for the Thompson family, could not be reached to confirm an agree ment. The Thompson shooting has long been a sore spot in Charlotte race relations, spawn ing a wave of protests and vigils that were heightened following the shooting death last November of James Willie Cooper, an unarmed black man, by another Charlotte police offi- On Jan. 27, some 500 blacks, led by Ben Chavis, now a mem ber of the Nation of Islam, demonstrated at the Square downtown. City officials said they hoped the settlement would help rebuild race relations. “We all feel deep concern and compassion when a situation results in the death of a mem- See CITY on page 3A Windy Thompson, an unarmed motorist, was shot and killed in a 1993 confrontation with Charlotte police officer Mark Farmer. The city plans to offer Thompson’s fam ily $550,000 to settle a lawsuit and bring “closure to the case,” Mayor Pat McCrory said. Thompson McDonald’s future still unsettled By John Minter THE CHARLOTTE POST The future of McDonald’s Cafeteria appears to be moving toward resolution. The principals involved, which include McDonald family mem bers, refuse to confirm reports fiom somces across the commu nity. Eunice McDonald, widow of the cafeteria’s founder, John D. McDonald, refuses to talk about the proposed sale of the busi ness. “We don’t need any controver sy,” she said. “We need people to come up here and eat.” McDonald’s daughter, Brenda Poage, echoed that sentiment, saying the family just want community support for the westside landmark built by John McDonald, who died in 1995. The outline of the situation, . according to sources, is that the McDonald’s family entered into an agreement with Louis Pinto, ■ an East Indian, for a six-month management contract, which would end this spring with Pinto having an option of pur chasing the restaurant, hotel and adjacent Fun City park. In December, the mortgage for the facility - $3.6 million from NationsBank and $800,000 finm the City of Charlotte - was in danger of foreclosure. Pinto has been trying to secure financ ing for a purchase. In the meantime, the deal with Pinto went sour. On Friday, Pinto was escorted fi'om the premises. The McDonalds, with former manager John Jennings, were back in the See MCDONALD on page 3A Sista act PHOTO/PAUL WILLIAMS III Tina McDonald of Sista Productions performs “Sista’s House” during the organization’s first anniversary ceiebration at Spirit Square. The troupe performs reguiariy in Charlotte and the sur rounding area. Investigation may not finger King’s killer THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMPHIS, Term. - James Earl Ray wants new scientific tests on the rifle beheved to have kfiled Martin Luther King Jr., but authorities contend such a review would be of little value. Ray pleaded guilty to killing King in Memphis in 1968 but has been trying to take it back'ever since. As part of those efforts, he is seeking new tests on the .30-06 hunting rifle found, with his fingerprints on it, near the murder scene. The rifle was tested by the FBI and a congression al committee that decided in 1978 that Ray was the killer, though he may have had help before or after the minder. Six firearms specialists for the House committee said the iifie left inconsistent mai’ks on difierent bullets fired from it. King While unusual, that is not unheard of with high-powered rifles, they said. 'The examiners could not conclusively identify the rifle as the murder weapon, but the general characteristics of barrel markings on the death slug matched bullets fired by Ray’s gun. Ray’s lawyer wants to use a scanning electron microscope to com pare the death bullet with new test bullets fired from Ray’s rifle. Such microscopes are up to 1,000 times stronger than those original ly used in the tests on the King rifle. Blackness focus of debate in St. Louis mayor s primary By Ed Shafer THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ST. LOUIS - It’s not easy to make race the main issue in a mayoral contest in which both the major players are black. But the/ve done it in St. Louis. The cit/s first black mayor. Freeman Bosley Jr., is up for re- election in April and, as a Democrat, is almost certain of ■sdctory if he can get past the pri mary in March. It has been more than 50 years since the city elected a Republican mayor. Bosley’s only serious opponent in the primary is former Police Chief Clarence Harmon, who is See ST. LOUIS on page 6A Combative Waters carving niche in Congress By Darlene Superville THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rep. Maxine Waters, with a congressional aide, distributes leaflets to South Central Los Angeles residents after calling for an investigation into possible Central Intelligence Agency connections to the Introduction of crack into the U.S. Waters is chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. WASHINGTON - She jumped at the chance to serve as a go-between for school administrators and congressional inquisitors on the black English controversy. She told a Republican to “shut up!” during a Whitewater hearing. Meet Rep. Maxine Waters, the unrelenting, unapologetic firebrand who now heads the Congressional Black Caucus. When members of the Oakland, Calif., school board came to Congress to explain their new policy on black Enghsh, she rushed to defend them against skeptical Republicans. Always looking out for her own, the Democratic congresswoman from Los Angeles provided some moral sup port so the school officials would feel less intimidated by the Senate inter rogators. “I want to be part of setting the record straight,” Waters said, maintain ing that RepubHcans were too harshly attacking the black English edu cation policy. It is just that sort of outspokenness that is needed to rejuvenate the 38- member caucus - a minority within the Democratic minority in Congress — Waters’ supporters say. Said she: “If someone does not hke my style and they’re critical of it, that’s OK As long as I’m comfortable that I’ve done the right thing, I real ly don’t care what others think about me.” Waters’ fiery style contrasts sharply with the more laid-back manner of her immediate predecessors, Reps. Kweisi Mfiime, D-Md., and Donald Payne, D-N.J. See WATERS on page 2.A Inside Editorials 4A-5A Strictly Business 8A Lifestyles 10A Religion 12A Sports 1B A&E 4B Regional News 9B Classified 11B Auto Showcase 12B To subscribe, call (704) 376- 0496 or FAX (704) 342-2160. © 1996 The Charlotte Post Publishing Company. Comments? Our e-mail address is: charpost@clt.mindspring.com World Wide Web page address: http://www.thepost.mindspring.com UUUU1 UHii