Cl^arlotU $ot Published the 3rd Thursday of each month How to succeed in class If you are interested in learning more about Advanced Studies or other challenging CMS pro grams, please contact your school’s guidance counselor or call (980) 444-2795.. What can test scores tell us about a student? By Jade Bush MYERS PARK HIGH SCHOOL It can sometimes be hard to distinguish the best and brightest students from the excep tional, and those that may need help in certain areas. Educational institutions have become too dependent on test results to make such distinctions in students. Tests are ineffiecient in shoving the level of knowl edge that a student has, show ing what skills a student has, or predicting the future suc cess of students. AH of the factors that can skew the results of a test no matter how smart a student is such as nervousness, time Jade spent studying, getting enough sleep, having a good breakfast, etc. can make a student per form poorly on a test. When such problems are present to some students and not others those students are already at a disadvantage before they even take the test which automatically makes the test results invalid, which means that the future success of students can not be predicted by such methods. I have been recognized with several national awards such as National Society of High School Scholars, Who’s Who Among American High School Students, and Outstanding Students of America. Along with these awards I have maintained over a 4.0 grade point aver age dming my junior and senior year and plan to go to college in the fall of 2004. If I had to be picked as one of the smartest students in my graduating class based on some of my test scores I would be passed over becasue I do not do well tests sometimes. The Advance Placement (AP) exams are used in predicting how well students will do in col lege, but if you saw my AP scores you would think I planned on working at a fast food restaurant for the rest of my life instead of going to college and majoring in nursing. Even though I did well in my AP classes, I did not pass my exams even though I knew the mate rial fairly well. I am not the only student with such a wonderful high school resume that has done poorly on a test. You can not efficiently predict the success of students by looking at tests because there is so much more to students than a few tests scores. Furthermore there is a bigger problem with testing than being invalid. So many students feel that they will be judged by their test scores that they are going to the extreme of cheating to be able to do well on tests. These students are smart because they know that someone is going to look at the results of their test and try to label them and these stu dents know that they have a good chance of not being well represented by a test score. If students are going to go to this extreme to do well then it is defeating the purpose of the test because students realize that they are smart and have a high potential to do well in school but that their test scores are represent ing all of their hard work and they want it to be a valid representation. I know that there has to be some amount of testing to see how students are doing in class es but these extra tests that define students by test scores such as the SAT need to be ended. Too much emphasis is put on testing to the point that students have gone to cheating because they know that test results do not let people know anything about how smart and successful the student is. Beyond that I feel that it is unhealthy to label students by a nmnber because aU that does is make them feel that they are not good enough if they are ‘less than perfect” or do not have a 100. There has to be another way to get to know these students that would help more students to be successful aU throughout fife. Alter testing’s goal By Brandon Kearns NORTH MECKLENBURG HIGH The state uses tests to determine how well we as students have been taught based on the curriculmn. There are usually cumulative tests at the end of each school year some of which promo tion to the next grade level is contingent upon. These tests contain various facets of the mate rial that we are to be taught. The amount of testing throughout any given year is suffi cient, but not effective. Whether a student continues in his educational career should not be determined by a standardized test. When the results come back the state deter mines the student’s level of success based on his score, not his performance throughout the year. This is unfair to the student that has an understanding of the material but performs poorly on tests. Tfest anxiety is a major factor in determining how well one performs. There is so much pressure from teachers and the school district to do well on the test that when test day comes, the students become nervous. Students feel like they have to do well on this test so some students go to such extremes as to cheat in an effort not to let their school down. The tests should not be the determining factor of our success throughout school but rather a com plement to the work that we have done. However, getting used to taking tests now will help us in the future. The tests are good preparation for college where tests do deter mine one’s success. The state should alter its evaluation of a pupil’s mastery of the knowledge. Implementing a program where the test is a certain percentage of the student’s promo tion along with his performance during the year would be a great idea. Why is academic integrity important? By Daisha Harris PIEDMONT OPEN MIDDLE First, what is academic integrity? It is when you’re honest about your work. It is important because if you aren’t honest, you have victims while you’re doing it. You’re probably wondering who. You have yourself, faculty, other stu dents and society. How? You don’t give yourself the opportunity to develop your own ideas within a learning structure. The faculty is responsible for your acade mic understanding and they are defraud ed. Other students’ honest work is com pared to plagiarized work. The bad things are the penalties. Some of them are...for mal warnings, a reduced grade on an assignment, a reduced grade on the whole course. Now here’s where it gets bad; suspen sion from the university maybe for years, expelled from.the university, or graduate assistants can lose their jobs. How does that happen? You are brought before a Integrity Board made up of the depart ment chair, a student representative, and a professor. They decide what will happen to you. You can appeal their decision, but do you really want to go through all that stuff just because you were being dishonest? Does the stress of tests cause students to cheat? By Kisha Oliphant JT WILUAMS MIDDLE SCHOOL I think that stress has nothing to do with kids cheating on tests. The reason is that they have the choice to study or not to study. If they choose not to study for that particular test, then my opinion is that they have made up their minds to flunk or cheat. Also, the teacher lets you know about a test before you have it. Some students begin to panic when they find out that they are going to have a test. They just don’t know what to do. My advice to you is not to panic. The best thing for you to do is to take aU the notes that you can so you can study. When you go home you should study for at least an hour. When you study make sure you are in a nice and quiet place. If not you can and -will be dis tracted by anything. If you are tiying to study while the radio or TV is on you need to cut it off You will be tempted to sing or watch TV otherwise. In school, sitting at your desk, your teacher will usually let you study for at least ten min utes. During that time you should not be talk ing or playing around you should be studying. Don’t assume that since you studied last night that you know everything. You could freeze up at the last minute! All of these hints could cause stress. However, I think that you should just study and hope for the best. If you are prepared to do well you will do well. Testing, Testing and more testing Just as sure as paying taxes; Students in schools are going to take standardized tests. Students have been involved in testing since their primary years through high school in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Now it is time to find out how students feel about the amount of testing they participate in and what effect it has on them. Compare bright to gifted students Bright Child Knows the answers. Is attentive. Works hard. 'Ibp group Learns with ease. Understands ideas. Grasps the meaning. Is receptive. Enjoys school. Technician. Enjoys straight for ward, sequential pre sentation Is pleased with own learning Is highly curious Has wild, silly ideas Discusses in detail, elaborates Already knows. Shows strong feel ings and opinions 1-2 repetitions for mastery Constructs abstrac tions. Is intense. Initiates projects Enjoys learning. Creates a new design Manipulates infor mation Good guesser Is keenly observant. Gifted Child Is interested. Has good ides. Answers the ques tions. Listens with inter est. 6-8 repetitions for mastery. Enjoys peers. Completes assign ments. Copies accurately. Absorbs information Good memorizer Is alert. Asks the questions Is mentally and physically involved. Plays around, yet tests well. Beyond the group. Already knows. Constructs abstrac tions. Draws inferences. Is intense. Enjoys learning. Inventor. Thrives on complexi ty- Is highly self-critical. Honesty: It’s still best policy By Ankur Sarma RANDOLPH MIDDLE SCHOOL You must be wondering what is honesty? Why is important m our eveiyday life? To maintain honesty is veiy important to a per son because yom- reputation in society depends on your honest character. Most people appreciate people who are honest and dependable. You must have heard the famous saying “honesty is the best policy.” On this veiy saying many people has achieved success. Honesty is one of the guidelines that lead a per son to a good and prosperous life. Honesty is like a glitter in the diamond that shows out even in the darkest place. A person that is honest to people is respected and is placed at a high status, that one who is a bar and cheats peo ple is looked upon and also is not invited to social activities, people don’t like to mix around a person with such qualities. These qualities of a honest person tells us that these kind of people Are not found easily today but are veiy much needed in this world. Money can be earned through cheating and deceiving people but one’s reputations can be earned through honest deeds only.