7B RELIGION/tCte CtatUittt $ot Thursday, February 23, 2006 Advocacy group calls for response to church burnings THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ATLANTA —Several pas tors of burned Southern churches came tc^ther Fri day to call on President Bush to make the issue of church burning a national priority The recent fires that have damaged or destroyed 10 rural Alabama churches hi^- li^t a serious problem that is hardly new, said Rose John- son-Mackey program director for the National Coalition of Burned Churches and Com munity Empowerment. She noted there have been 59 church fires in Alabama in the last five years—an aver age of about one a month. “Until President Bush denounces the church burn ings in Alabama, it is not a national priority Then the resources will flow. The nation needs those resources to be brought to bear,” she said. The Charleston, S.C.-based coalition, ^^^hich claims 200 member churches, was estab lished in 1997 following a series of church arsons. “We knew churches would continue to bum across this country and somebody needed to be there to help them recov er,” said the Rev Tferrance G. Mackey Sr , president and ^ecutive director of the coali tion. It was at the ruins of Mack ey's charred church, Mount Zim A.M.E. in Greeleyville, S.C., in 1996 that former President Clinton condenmed church burnings and made their investigation and prose cution a priority Clinton established a church burning task force and pushed for fed eral legislation against church arsons. Race was found to be the motivation in a relatively small number of arson cases during a period in the mid- 1990s in which arson increased at both black and white churches. Southern Christian Leader ship Conference spokesman Dexter WTmbish said every American citizen should be allowed to worship without feai* or intimidation. He added that cliurch burnings should qualify as hate crimes. Five Alabama churches were bmiied on Feb. 3, and four more were burned on Feb. 7. Anotliei'was burned Feb. 11, Investigator have said they don’t know a motive, but there is no racial pattern, Five of the churches had white congr^ations and five black All were Baptist, tlie dominant faith in the region. The Rev, Glenn Hanis of Spiing Valley Baptist Chiuvh in Gainesville. Ala. one of the four biuiied Feb. 7 _ said those who biuncni his cluueh’s sanctuary have not discoiu-aged the congi'egation that has worliippetl then* since 1876. “You have failed in that effort," he said at a news con ference Friday. "We are detenuined to rebuild. We ai^e praying for tlie peipeti'atore. TV’s portrayal of Christians ADVERTISEMENT Canceled ‘Book’ prompts debate Continued from page 5B as wealthy snobs or, in one instance, racist. The black maid was a thief Priest and parishioners took the Lord’s name in vain. With ‘TDaniel,’’reactions of particular interest appeared on two Web sites: • www.blogofdaniel.com, operated by the liberal Wash ington, D.C., Episcopal dio cese. • www.titusonenine.classi- calanglican.net, a must-read blog for church insiders from conservative priest Kendall Harmon. (The title refers to biblical Titus 1:9, which says bishops must "hold firm” to “sound doctrine” and “confute those who contradict it.”) Episcopalians smirked about NBCs gaffes in attire, terminology and other church details. Apparently, television exerts little effort on religious accuracy More significant, there was a striking religious divide over the program’s device of having Jesus materialize reg ularly to chat with Daniel. Conservatives complained that NBCs Jesus was offen sive fiction, unrelated to the morally commanding figure in the four Gospels. Liberals tended to ei\joy Jesus’ boys- will-be-boys, noiyudgmental attitude. Some of the Daniel chatter firom titusonenine: ‘Tt was as if the character of Christ was there for comic relief It’s all a gospel of self-help,” Jesus " acts like a wacky Dr. Phil.” “Jesus is nothing but a reflection of (Daniel’s) own ego. “This is how people see us: The Episcopal Church—just trying to get by with a cool and groovy relevant’ Jesus.” “My wife and I think it por trays (the Episcopal Church and its) Jesus very truthfully and unfortunately” “Nothing about Jesus bear ing our pain, shame, sin.” “I was amazed at the lack of respect or reverence for the holy Son of (jod. He is por trayed as if he were an old col lege pal. ... Tb portray Jesus in this comedy as unable to heal, and tolerant to sin, is wrong.” Among the postings sent to the Washington diocese: ‘T, for one, want to believe in a Jesus to whom I can talk and relate — just like the Jesus on this superb TV show.” ‘Tor all we know (Jesus) Trinity Park Baptist Church “The Church where Prayer is Essential and Application is the Ke\.” We are doers of the Word and not hearers only. Revelation based on James 1:22 9115 Trinity Rd., Charlotte, NC 28216 704.393.0130 Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 11:00 AM Wednesday Bible Study. 7:(M) PM Rev. Eric R. Miller, Pastor Weeping Willow AME Zion Church “Moving FnHn Salxation To Disc^eship'' 2220 Mitai RA • Charfciltc. North Cwfliui 2S215 Mornb^ Worskip; iitSU .AM Sunday Sckotd; 9t.A0.AM Wed. PriHsc & Praver. 7:09 PM (704)532-9125 •THE CULKIII WATCHtES" it (greeniiille fRemorial 3.itl.€. Son Qurtl) “A Teaching Ministry Making Spiritual Disciples” Sunday Worship Savicc 10A.M. Sunday School 9A.M. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 P.M. & Wednesday 12 Noon Child Development Center 6116 Montieth Dr. Charlotte, NC 28213 (Ph) 704-5964742 (Fax) 794-597-8314 “A Word of Hope” Televisicm Ministry Wednesdays @ 8 p.m. Channell 21 (I^blic Access TV) Rev. Dr. Sheldon R. Shipman, .Senior Pastor Macedonia Baptist Church of CHARLOTTE, INC. "A Ministry of Love and Excellence" Dr. John H. Walker, Pastor dr Minister, Rosie Walker New Sunday 10am Worship Experience “Family First Worship” '*As For Me and My House We Shall Worship The Lord" SUNDAY * Physical Food - (serving breakfast.) 8 a.m. Spiritual Food - Christian Education School 9 am. ' Main Course - “Family First Worship" 10 a.m. WEDNESDAY . "Hour of Power" .Midday Worship 12 Noon W.O.W. - Word On Wednesday Bible Study. 6:30 p.m. TVand RADIO BROADCAST .MINISTRY: CMPAC 21 - 'ni*«l|Tn* • Rejoice Radio 1370am • Wed. 10:45a 704-392-8496 •\'SWi Hattcras Avc..* www.maccdoniaofchaHottc.org was the warm, loving, forgiv ing person portrayed in the show.” ‘T loved the C^hrist figure with his advice. I didn’t find him at all namby pamby” “Everything that Jesus said, I can imagine Jesus say ing.” “The portrayal of Christ was the best thing about the show. He is shown as a Friend, a Confidant, an Adviser.” “If Jesus were too perfect and untouchable tlie conver sations between him and Daniel wouldn’t work as well.” “Jesus is a perfect listener.” “Jesus did seem a little dull, but maybe that’s the point.” CTiristians are named for “a man whose single most important message was DO NOT JUDGE. Shame on you.” From an Episcopal priest: Jesus was "inclusive and lov ing,” which “will drive the Fundies crazy” But then there was this: “As a Muslim, I am offended by this movie’s depiction of our beloved Jesus CTirist, may (jfod’s peace be upon him.” On the Net: NBC “DanieT publicity: htTp://w\v\\’j\hc£oni/The_Bookj:}f _Daniel The Prophet's Column, Inc. 9626 Feldbank Drive Charlotte, NC 28216-2131 The Saddest Day In All The World J.M. Little, Teacher Part III And let me pause here to say that when we brought those studies on this subject back in the 70's, many were here that are no longer here. My wife and dad are no longer here with us. Many others in the family are no longer here. Many I worked with at the office are no longer here. They have gone out into eternity. And most of them are now in the presence of the God they never desired nor loved. Oh, the sadness of it all! Then, during those years, in the 70's and 80's, they were here just like you. But now they are gone to never return to this earth, unless they died in Christ. Will you die in Christ? Now, you may ask the question: "Brother teacher, why will the earth and heaven flee away?" My friend, do you not know that sin can't stand in the presence of God? This earth and the heaven immediately above it are defiled with sin, just like you if you are not redeemed by the Blood of Christ. Therefore, they have to be destroyed, Read II Peter 3 to see the destruction of this earth and heaven. The vast majority of you live for this earth only. And that is true of every soul born of woman if you are not in Christ. You may be a preacher, teacher, deacon, bishop or just a member in the church pew. But if you are not in Christ, you live for this world only. But the born-again believer says: *I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." (Gal. 2:20) My cousin said to me sometime back: "You are putting your name in the Bible as if this is real to you." Yes, Christ is real to me. That is why I can put my name here. Ana if you are ever saved, you'll be able to put your name here also. The trouble is you don't want Christ. But you are going to come to Christ here in your life and be broken at His Feet in repentance, or come before Him at the Great White Throne to be judged by Him. Now, which is it going to be? Now you answer that question. You'll come to Christ here or there! JfirsJt ilt. Bon Cljurcl) 1515 Remount Rd, (Tel.)332-8335 (Fax)372-7548 28208 Sunday Morning Worship Services... 8:30 - 9:30 -11:00am Sunday School 9:45 - 10:45am Singles Ministries (Mon.) 6:30 - 7:30pm Senior Citizens (Mon.) 10:30-4:00pm Dr. C.V. Oweas Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00am - 4:00pm You are cordially invited to worship with us! Greater Gethsemane A.M.E. Zion Church ‘The ChmiiwitiiiiieCommuriity at Heart' 531 Campus Street • Ouulotbe, NC 28216 Om)375-39O0 ■ Fax 372-0614 Worship Service I1:00AM Sunday School: 9:30AM Bible Study: Wed. 10:30AM £r 7PM Daycare & Afterschool Available E-mail: gamez531@beHsoutii.net The Reverend CaMn L Miller ■ Pastor Reverend Karen Roberts Miller - Spouse I 4 SIMPSON-GILLESPIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Open Hearts, Open Minds. Open Doors" -Join l)s For Service - Sunday School, 9'.30am • Sunday Worship, llani Wednesday: Bible Study, 7pni Isi & 3rd Saturday: "Contemporary Vt'orship.” 6pm..,"Jeans Allowed' Rev. Walter Pegues, Pastor 3545 Beatties Fd Rd, Char., .NC 28216 ' 704-399-2717 • VanMinistry “We Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Us"^ Mayfield Memorial Baptist Church "A Church Putting Love Into Action" 700 SUGAR CREEK ROAD, WEST Charlotte, north Carolina 28213 Sunday Church School 9:30a.m. Warship Service 11:00a.m. and 6:00p.m. Baptist Training Union 5:(X)p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study Wedneilays 7:30pm Office (704)596-7935 • Fax (704)596-1204 Residence (704)597-1249 Greater Myers Chapel PENTECOSTAL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIKS - You’re Invited to Worship With Vs ■ Interces.sory Prayer. 8:30am Victory in The Word 9:1 Sam Worship 10;30am Sunday Evening Total Praise 7:00pm Hour of Powerfliitorial avail.Wed....7:00pm Visit our WebSite: www.greatermyerschapel.org 6(M) Jordan Place, C:harlotte,'NC 28205 “WAR Fellowship Ministry Covenant Partner” For Van .Ministry 704-377-1799 Ills la.st 'err commandmrtit IS oiir first viiww skukBmbcorg aSSIglllllCnt. Missionlary Baptist Church Svnday Wortliip Serrice*.... 8«aiid*]r flehoel WnAtyowdmy, • lltOOuB • 8e30pn Xmq Day Waraliip 9Urily>19iCW Evaoiing Worthtp Rev. Clifford Mailheum, Paetor • 97S-9650 1600 Norn* Ava. • OipHoHa, NC 28206 • FAX: 376-8367 PARKWOOD INSTITUTIONAL Chri.slian Methodist Episcopal Church 802 Tom Hunter Road • Charlotte, NC 28213 704-9214915 (Ph) • 704-9214917 (Fax) Wedsite: www,parkwoodcine,coni Sunday Worship 8:00 & 11:(K) AM Sunday .Schrxil 9:30 A.M Bible Study Wednesday 12 Nrxm Thursday 6:30 P.M TRANSPORTATION A VAt TABLE Roderick D. Lewis. Sr. Pasitjr To advertise your church, call 704 376 0496 - St. Paul Baptist Church Our Purpose: “To convince the unconvinced to be convinced and make disciples” Sunday Worship at 7:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Breakfast 8:45 A.M. Sunday Schott at 9:25 A.M. - 10:25 A.M. Radio Broadest Sunday 11:00 A.M. (1370 A.M. Dial) Bible Study Wed. 12 Noon - 6:45 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Youth Oiuith 2nd & 3rd Sunday 10:30 A.M. 1401 North Allen Street, CJiarloltc. NC 28205 Office: 704-334-5309 Gregory K. Moss Jk. Pastor

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